Homemade masks for colored hair


People tend to change. Women especially prefer dramatic changes in appearance. Change of style, make-up, haircut and hair color peculiar to the fair sex.

Unfortunately, regular dyeing, sharp brightening or chemical perm leads to the destruction of the strand structure, which affect the appearance. You can restore damaged strands at home. Thanks to the beneficial properties of extracts, oils and fresh products, faded strands can be transformed in just a few months.

Colored hair problems

To answer the question why hair deteriorates when dyeing, you need to understand how the reaction occurs.

Every natural hair color is covered protective filmwhich protects it from external factors, gives shine and healthy appearance. This layer consists of horny scales. In the process of dyeing, the aggressive components of the dye raise the scales and wash away the natural pigment from the hair, leaving the artificial.

After coloring, the curls "scales" remain in the open state. With this state of curls, strands lose their luster and worse carry nutrients from the root to the tips. That is, when stunned hair can not resist the effects of adverse environmental conditions. That is why there are problems with hair.

With constant dyeing, the hostess gets weak, unruly, often over-dried hair that needs careful care.

In combination with the chemical effects on the hair, unhealthy diet and lifestyle appear following problems:

  • Dryness and breakage of the strands;
  • Dandruff and skin irritation, allergies;
  • Split ends;
  • Hair loss

To reduce the harmful effects and restore dyed hair, you need to give them the right care and try to reduce the use of products with ammonia.

Care for dyed hair

To reduce the harmful effects of paint and keep your hair healthy, you need to provide the right care.

If you can not do without hair dye, then you should follow following rules:

  • Do not carry out complex staining yourself. It is better to trust a specialist. The wrong ratio of pigment and oxidant can lead not only to ugly color, but also to the fact that you badly ruin your hair. Especially it is worth being careful when lightening;
  • It is better to give preference to paints without ammonia. This is one of the most important harmful substances that the strand scales injure;
  • Be sure to use hair balm. It is necessary to use not only the conditioner that is included in the dyeing kit, but also with each shampoo after washing the head;
  • Perform full hair coloring (from root to tip no more than 2 times a year). When using a contrasting shade from natural, the coloring should be alternated through time: full coloring and only roots;
  • When coloring hair, follow the instructions.

In order for the acquired hair color to be persistent and not wash off after a couple of weeks, you should not wash your hair for the first two days after the procedure. At this time there is a fixation of the pigment on the curls, so when washing the head shampoo will reduce most of the paint to nothing.

Not recommended comb wet hair, as a sharp mechanical impact damages the structure of the strands. Perfect to comb wet hair.

As a means for the care of dyed hair, you can use store cosmetics, procedures in a beauty parlor and homemade recipes.

In the store you can often find the following tools:

  • Shampoos and balms for colored hair. You can also find products that support a light or dark shade of hair;
  • Serum;
  • Sprays

Dyed hair is affected not only by chemical exposure, but also by thermal exposure. Therefore, the use of hair dryers and other styling devices should be reduced.

There are a number of products on the market that are designed to protect hair from high temperatures. Sprays, mousses, creams will help protect the hair from the harmful effects of high temperatures and facilitate the process of laying the hair.

At home, you can make a large number of masks from natural ingredients that will restore damaged hair and compensate for the lack of necessary components.

Features homemade masks for dyed hair

Dyed hair needs additional nutrition and hydration. Masks that contain essential oils, fruits, dairy products and alcoholic tinctures have the greatest effect.

Masks for colored hair have a number featuresthat you need to remember before using them, for example:

  • If the hair suffers from dryness, then recipes with alcohol content should be used with caution. You can not keep the mask longer than the specified time;
  • After the mask, rinse the hair should not hot, but warm water. Increased water temperature also spoils the structure of the curl;
  • During the procedure, make a light massage to the head. This is especially convenient to do when you distribute the mask in the root zone;
  • Every time make a new mixture. Components of masks for dyed hair quickly deteriorate and lose most of the vitamins after 24 hours.
  • To restore strands, only masks will not help. During therapy, try to drink plenty of water, preferably 1.5 - 2 liters per day, as well as consume more vitamins.

Depending on the composition of the mask, one procedure takes from 20 minutes to an hour. If there are no aggressive ingredients in the mixture, such as pepper or mustard, then masks can be made 2-3 times a week. Otherwise, in order not to over dry the head and not cause irritation, the procedures are performed 1 (sometimes 2) times a week. The duration of the course depends on each recipe separately.

Masks to maintain color brightness

It is easiest to wash off a bright hair color, for example, red, red or chestnut. In order for the color to remain saturated longer and not have to once again dye your hair, you can prepare a mask based on eggs.

For mixture will be required following ingredients:

  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 3 tbsp. l fresh lemon juice;
  • 3 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar.

To make a mask, it is enough to mix all the ingredients until smooth and apply on the curls. The composition should be distributed in the hair, starting from the roots, going down to the tips.

The mask can be applied 2-3 times a week after dyeing. If you use the ingredients in the right quantity, then you will be able to dye your hair less frequently, about 1.5 times.

Masks for dry and brittle hair

If you want to get rid of dryness and brittle hair, then you need to provide good nutrition, which will allow the strands to restore their structure and fluid supply. Sour milk products are excellent helpers in this. Recipes with kefir, yogurt or cream are simple to prepare and do not require much time.

The easiest way to liven up dry strands is pure kefir mask. Kefir has protein, calcium, vitamin B and E, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body and, in particular, the hair and skin.

To apply kefir as a mask, heat it up a little 400-500 ml liquid and apply to the hair along the entire length. The procedure is carried out for 20-30 minutes and the kefir is washed off. Such masks can be done 2-3 times a week.

To enhance the effect of useful components and to speed up the appearance of the result, it is recommended to add other components to kefir. Ideal egg yolk and olive oil.

Mask for bleached hair with a banana

Lightening does maximum damage to the strands. To revitalize them, you need to monitor hair care and take comprehensive measures. First of all, you need to use balms for bleached hair, as well as protect the hair from ultraviolet radiation. Masks with the content of oils, banana or yolk will help.

The simplest masks consist of one or two components, for example,banana and eggs.

To make a mask, you need to grind in a blender and mash 1 banana with a fork, mix it with 1 yolk until a homogeneous mass. The mask should be applied to wet hair, distributing from the root to the tips. Keep the composition on the head for 30-40 minutes.

This mask can be used often, as it does not contain aggressive biological substances (2-3 times a week). Wash off the mask in warm water, using hair shampoo if necessary.

Mask to restore weak hair

Blond hair suffers from a lack of vitamins B and E. The mask from avocado can be called miraculous, as it allows you to restore the curls that were weakened after lightening B vitamins stimulate the growth of colored hair, giving them shine and healthy appearance. Vitamin E in the composition moisturizes and nourishes the strands, and also preserves the hair pigment.

AT composition masks include the following components:

  • Pulp 1 avocado;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable or olive oil;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l vinegar.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture on your head on 30-40 minutes. In order for the mixture to carry a more effective effect, you need to wrap your head in polyethylene and a towel. Mask data can be made 1-2 times a week a course of 1.5-2 months.

Yellow hair masks for blondes

Pretty hard to get rid of yellow hair freshly painted blondes. One of the few products that can help fair-haired beauties is honey. This ingredient nourishes and restores hair, removing excess pigment.

For cooking you will need only a few tablespoons of honey. The liquid must be heated to a liquid state and distributed in strands. While the mask is on the head, slightly elevated fluid temperature should be maintained. To do this, the head should be wrapped in a bath hat and a towel.

The procedure is carried out a long amount of time - 3-4 hours. Apply a mask can not more than Once a week.

Rinse must be very careful, because honey has a sticky structure that is difficult to remove. When rinsing the head, use shampoo for dry dyed hair.

Hair Loss Mask with Protein

In order for colored hair to stop falling out, care should be taken to strengthen the hair follicles. It is necessary to provide hair with magnesium, potassium, calcium and other microelements that are most needed for bones, skin and hair after dyeing.

Strengthen the roots and accelerate the growth of dyed hair will help popular recipe using egg white and yeast. Protein in the composition of any hair mask plays the role of a building material for tissues and cells, therefore, if there is a shortage of this substance, the skin and hair suffer: hair loss and loss of hair shine begin.

Especially protein is necessary for dyed hair, as the useful components cannot reach from the roots to the tips of the hair due to the breaking of the hair coat.

The mask contains:

  • 10 gr. yeast;
  • 1 chicken protein.

To prepare the mixture, you need to pre-prepare the yeast. It is necessary to soak the yeast in a small amount of warm water or milk. Yeast is infused for 40-60 minutes depending on water temperature and the form of yeast release.

Ready-made yeast should be mixed with protein until smooth. Then apply the mask on the hair with massaging movements. The procedure lasts up to an hour, depending on the degree of dryness of the damaged hair.

Wash off the mask should be warm water using shampoo. This mask is recommended to use 1-2 times a week to achieve the desired result.

Mask for moisturizing hair with tea

Everyone knows that tea has beneficial properties for the body. It is equally important for hair.

In tea contained a large number of:

  • Minerals: fluorine, copper, potassium, manganese, calcium, etc .;
  • Tanning agents that serve to strengthen hair and eliminate dandruff;
  • Amino acids that actively nourish dyed hair;
  • Alkaloids that improve blood circulation.

Tea is an indispensable plant that has a complex effect on the hair and scalp.

For tea mask will need:

  • 1 tsp. tea Blondes should use green tea, and brunettes black;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 2 tbsp. l gelatin;
  • 4-5 drops of orange essential oil.

To prepare a moisturizing mask you will need brew tea in a glass hot water. Then the liquid should be cooled and pour into it colorless gelatin. When the product swells, the mask must be melted in a water bath.

Then the liquid is cooled again to room temperature and a few drops of orange or grape oil are added. The mixture should be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the hair and leave for 30-40 minutes. It is recommended to wear a shower cap and wrap your head in a towel. The procedure can be applied no more than 2 times a week during the month.

If you follow all the rules when performing the recommended procedures, as well as reduce the amount of staining and heat exposure, then hair can be restored in 4-6 months.


Watch the video: DIY Hair Mask for Dry, Damaged, Colored Hair (July 2024).