Nude make up - the most correct summer trend


Nude (natural, bare) makeup - a make-up with the effect of a non-painted face, has not gone out of fashion for many years. After all, what could be more beautiful than the natural female beauty! However, in this seemingly unambiguous style, its own chips and fashion trends appear. How to make the right nude makeup this summer? How to prepare a face to really look? What tools to use for the effect of nude makeup? All this will tell the experts of the fashionable beauty center Noble Manor.

So, if we talk about nude makeup this summer, then the face should look absolutely not made up, unlike previous seasons, when makeup was allowed in a natural color scheme. Forget for a while about the mascara and lipstick, leave the arrows for the evening exit and, even, do not try to arrange the eyebrow line. It would seem that it could be simpler! ... But, you must admit that this "naturalness" will go far from everyone.

In order not to look like a “white moth”, focus on tanning, as it is in fashion again. In this natural tan can be enhanced by special makeup. To do this, use tones for the day with a light texture, a matting effect and a mandatory SPF factor. Next, choose: either bronzing powder without sparkles, or a rouge of natural tone. Apply them with a large brush with light movements on the most prominent parts of the face and neck: cheekbones, nose, clavicle. The face will immediately acquire a fresh "beach" look.

Such a face is perfectly combined with both natural hair shades and super bright blond hairs that are very fashionable this season.

This summer afternoon, your lips should be dull and look a little lighter than skin tone. In this case, they seem to be more plump, and their face is more tanned. Many girls resort to the procedure of lip modeling, and immediately there is no need for contour pencils and a complex selection of lip gloss and lipstick for visually enlarging the lips. It is not by chance that couturiers prefer for the nude makeup exactly the plump models.

Eyebrows - a very important dominant female face. This year in a fashion the natural form of eyebrows. Push off of her. And in order to give the face expressiveness, arrange the eyebrow vector using light stroking lines. Pencil for the effect of naturalness should choose 2 - 3 tones lighter than hair color. In this case, the eyebrows will not seem heavy.

Most difficult for many women to abandon eye makeup. For a long time, mascara and brown eyeshadow were considered the norm even with nude makeup. However, this summer, if you are applying for a fashionable, natural look, they will also have to be abandoned. If you are a blonde, you should not even paint your eyelashes chemically black, only brown is acceptable.

If you are accustomed to the "open" look and expressive eyes, then use the latest technology eyelash extensions. In the afternoon, your eyes will be flawlessly without any makeup, and in the evening, the extended eyelashes will be an excellent additional basis for mascara. If the procedure of coulice extensions is performed correctly, then three weeks without any problems are provided to you, and then only a small correction will be required.

No matter how long the summer days are, time is still not enough, and a light natural makeup, an excellent option for the beach or office, becomes an excellent base for evening makeup. Take a lipstick of fashionable neon tones, mascara and eyeliner, or bright shadows - a pencil. You don’t even have to wash anything away and apply it again: a few bright strokes will be enough - and the complete transformation is ready ...


Watch the video: Full Face Tutorial FAVORITE Historical Makeup Trends + Interesting Facts! (July 2024).