Hair masks with mayonnaise: the best recipes


Few people know that mayonnaise can be used not only in cooking, but also in non-traditional cosmetology for the treatment of hair. The most popular among lovers of home masks earned personally prepared mayonnaise, which contains a lot of substances useful to the scalp.

The benefits of mayonnaise for hair

Mayonnaise is not only an excellent addition to various culinary delights, it is also extremely useful for the scalp and hair. Its benefit is determined by the composition in which there are:

  • Vegetable oil, which helps to strengthen and nourish the bulbs;
  • Volume yolk;
  • Mustard, stimulating hair growth;
  • Vinegar, eliminating dandruff;
  • Lemon juice, which increases blood flow in the epidermis of the head.

Mayonnaise is ideal for masks designed for dry, thin, fragile and weak hair. It makes locks soft and silky, gives shine and returns natural elasticity.

How to make homemade mayonnaise?

Choosing between purchased and homemade mayonnaise, preference should certainly be given to the second. In homemade mayonnaise there are no dyes and preservatives that can weaken the effect of the mask, and sometimes even do more harm than good.

For the manufacture of homemade mayonnaise is better to use fresh natural ingredients, and squeeze the juice from lemon just before adding to the mass.

You can make homemade mayonnaise according to the recipe:

  1. In the pot, break two fresh chicken eggs, add a teaspoon of salt and half a spoonful of sugar, add one or two teaspoons of mustard powder and a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  2. Beat the ingredients with a blender or whisk until smooth;
  3. Pour 250 ml of vegetable or olive oil in a thin stream, continuing to beat the mixture;
  4. If the mass is too thick, you can dilute it with a small amount of warm boiled water.

Store homemade mayonnaise should be in the refrigerator, but before applying it on the hair must be brought to room temperature. Also, do not forget that its shelf life is shorter than that of the purchased one, therefore, mayonnaise should be prepared before the procedure.

Recipes hair masks with mayonnaise

Despite the usefulness of the use of homemade mayonnaise, not all housewives have enough time to prepare it, then in the course goes the store analogue. Choosing a purchase of mayonnaise, you need to pay attention to two decisive factors:

  • First of all, the percentage of fat content is important. The higher the fat content, the better for the hair:
  • In second place - the composition, it should be as little as possible preservatives, dyes, stabilizers and flavors.

Regardless of whether the product is purchased or cooked independently, there are a number of products that will perfectly complement mayonnaise when making a hair mask. In the case that a homemade product is used, many ingredients are added directly during its preparation.

Most often in conjunction with mayonnaise used:

  • Avocado;
  • Kefir;
  • Honey;
  • Burdock and castor oil;
  • Yeast;
  • Egg yolks.

The components are selected according to the type of hair, scalp and the desired effect. It is important to consider the presence of allergic reactions and diseases of the epidermis.

A hair mask based on mayonnaise is not recommended to be used more than once a week, for severely damaged curls - no more than two.

The easiest way to use mayonnaise is to apply it in its pure form onto moisturized hair, wrap it with a towel and hold it for an hour and a half, and then wash it off using shampoo and balsam.

From falling out

Hair mask with egg and mayonnaise helps to strengthen the hair follicles and prevents hair loss. It is considered one of the most effective options for a mayonnaise mask, which in a short time helps to cope with the problem of hair loss.

Preparation of a mask with mayonnaise is carried out according to the recipe:

  1. Cooking homemade mayonnaise, bringing to room temperature, beforehand we get three fresh chicken eggs from the refrigerator;
  2. 150 grams of mayonnaise mixed with whipped yolks separately, achieving homogeneous mass;
  3. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, spreading along the entire length up to the tips;
  4. We wrap the head with a towel and leave for twenty minutes;
  5. We wash the head with barely warm water, without using shampoo.

To get rid of the specific smell of a mayonnaise mask with an egg, you can add a few drops of lavender or rosemary essential oil to the water.

Another option for hair loss masks is based on oil. To prepare the mixture will need to mix mayonnaise with burdock oil in a ratio of three to one. The mass is applied to the hair for forty minutes and washed off with a shampoo, using then and conditioner.

For rapid growth

Mayonnaise mask for the rapid growth of hair is prepared with the addition of mustard, stimulating the rush of blood to the hair follicles. Despite the benefits of this mixture, it is important to take into account the personal intolerance of the ingredients.

Mustard in the mayonnaise mask provokes a burning sensation in the skin. With strong discomfort, it should be immediately washed off.

The following recipe is suitable for fast hair growth:

  1. Mix two tablespoons of homemade mayonnaise with a teaspoon of mustard powder;
  2. Mix until smooth and apply to the roots of unwashed hair;
  3. Massage the scalp a little, without rubbing the mixture;
  4. We warm the hair with a towel and leave for twenty - twenty five minutes;
  5. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Use a mask recommended course with a break of one month.

To strengthen and density

To strengthen the hair follicles and the density of the strands, a homemade mask based on mayonnaise and yeast, feeding the roots with essential trace elements and minerals, is ideal.

The recipe for a mask to strengthen hair:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of yeast with two spoons of kefir and rub until completely dissolved. Leave for thirty minutes in a warm place;
  2. Add a tablespoon of mayonnaise, one yolk, a teaspoon of butter and four to six drops of essential oil of ylang-ylang or rosemary;
  3. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied in a circular motion from the roots over the entire length of the strands;
  4. Put on a cap or wrap a head with polyethylene, leaving the mixture for an hour;
  5. Rinse with cool water and shampoo, apply balm.

In the absence of allergies in the mixture is allowed to add a teaspoon of mustard powder. In cases where there will be a strong burning sensation, the mask should be washed off before the prescribed time.

Against brittleness and dryness

For dry and brittle hair, a moisturizing mask of mayonnaise, eggs, avocados and various oils will become a real salvation. This mask is recommended to use once or twice a week, especially during cold seasons.

Prepare a mask for moisturizing and hair restoration according to the recipe:

  1. Cut one ripe avocado in half and take out the pulp;
  2. Mix two tablespoons of avocado pulp with one spoon of mayonnaise;
  3. Add one yolk and two teaspoons of burdock or castor oil; olive oil can also be used;
  4. Ingredients stir until smooth and rub into the scalp, massaging, then distribute throughout the length of the strands;
  5. Wash off the mask in forty to sixty minutes with warm water and shampoo.

To achieve a greater effect, after the mask you must apply a nourishing balm or serum on the hair.

To add shine to dyed hair

Mask with mayonnaise and lemon juice will help to make dyed hair shine and silkiness. A mandatory condition for the preparation of the mixture - fresh ingredients.

It is important to remember that lemon has a lightening effect, so it is recommended to use a mask for fair-haired girls.

Making a homemade mask to give hair shine carries on the recipe:

  1. Two tablespoons of homemade mayonnaise are heated in a water bath;
  2. Add an equal amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  3. Stir, remove from heat and cool to room temperature;
  4. Apply the mixture on the hair, leaving for an hour and a half;
  5. Wash off the mask with shampoo designed for deep cleaning.

The procedure is recommended once every three to four days for effectiveness, but not more than four procedures per month.

For greasy hair

Mayonnaise masks are not recommended for frequent use by owners of oily hair type. The ideal combination of ingredients is mayonnaise and brandy, as they are interchangeable: alcohol helps to remove excess fat, while mayonnaise nourishes strands.

To prepare the mask you need:

  1. Four tablespoons of mayonnaise is heated in a water bath;
  2. Add an equal amount of natural yogurt;
  3. Whisk up one egg white with a whisk and mix in the mixture;
  4. Pour two tablespoons of brandy, mix thoroughly;
  5. Remove the mixture from the heat, cool and apply on clean damp hair, receding five centimeters from the roots of the hair;
  6. Wash off the mask from the hair after thirty minutes with a cool herbal decoction based on chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula.

Do not add brandy to the mask for personal intolerance, the presence of open wounds on the head or eczema, as well as dandruff. In this case, it is better to replace it with flax oil and mustard powder.

Mask for lightening hair with mayonnaise

Effectively lighten the hair will help mayonnaise mask with the addition of lemon juice. This method of highlighting is the most secure. However, do not wait for dramatic changes, it helps only with systematic use.

Blondes will be able to get rid of the yellowness and make the hair more lively and voluminous, and brunettes will not only brighten the strands by a couple of tones, but also give them extra shine.

To achieve the desired effect, the mask should be prepared strictly according to the rules:

  1. Two tablespoons of mayonnaise are heated in a water bath;
  2. Add an equal amount of natural honey and stir until dissolved;
  3. Remove from the heat, stir a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  4. Apply the mixture on dry hair, wrap in a towel and leave for an hour and a half;
  5. We wash off the mask with chamomile decoction.

It is better to apply a mask along the strands to avoid lightening stains. It is made of necessity, but not more than two times a week. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, lemon juice is recommended to be replaced with a tablespoon of cinnamon, which is also an excellent natural brightener.

Contraindications to the use of masks from mayonnaise

In many ways, the effect of masks depends on the type of hair and skin. Despite the naturalness of the ingredients, it is extremely important to select the right ingredients that are not capable of harming more.

Main contraindications for use of mayonnaise masks:

  • Allergy to mask components;
  • Hypersensitivity of the epidermis;
  • The presence of skin diseases.

In addition to these prohibitions, there are several rules that will help avoid negative reactions in the form of burns or excessive lightening of hair.

Among restrictions The following recommendations appear:

  • Do not leave the mask of mayonnaise on all night;
  • The frequency of application of the mask for oily hair should not exceed once a week;
  • Keep homemade mayonnaise is only in the refrigerator and no longer than seven days;
  • Vinegar in the composition of the masks is recommended to use slightly concentrated or dilute it in advance with water in a ratio of one to one.

Before you start applying the masks on the hair and scalp, be sure to check the mixture for the manifestation of an allergic reaction.


Watch the video: BEST HAIR MASK DIY (July 2024).