Scientists: recent discovery will be able to destroy cancer


Texas scientists, together with colleagues from research centers in other states, created a molecule capable of causing cancer cells to self-destruct. During the action of this molecule, which is a synthetic carrier, the cancer cell changes the mechanism of transfer of sodium and chloride ions in the membrane, which leads to minimizing the possibility of cell death.

About 20 years ago, scientists discovered prodigiosin, a natural anticancer compound that acts as an ion carrier. This discovery led specialists to create a synthetic carrier that attaches to chloride ions and allows them to dissolve in the membrane. Sodium ions stretch for chloride.

Studies have shown that the carrier killed cancer cells. True, at the moment the compound obtained together in the tumor cells also destroys healthy ones. Scientists have yet to develop a mechanism for selecting the cells necessary for the destruction. Testing discovery in animals will begin soon.


Watch the video: Cancer-killing virus discovered by Chinese scientists (July 2024).