What is the police dream


Dream books say that if a person dreams of police / militia employees, then in real life he needs help or protection, that is, the person is not able to cope with the problems on his own and desperately needs someone’s support.

But this is only one side. We propose to understand the issue more thoroughly and consider different situations: flight (escape from prison, for example), arrest, pursuit, etc.

Dreamed of the police what does this mean?

Modern dream Ivanova assures the reader that the police dream of real problems in real life: this is the trouble at the hands of ill-wishers, and the activation of enemies, and gossip. A person will have to seek help from colleagues and urgently solve their problems.

Dream Vanga gives a different interpretation: if the police officers dream (or just people in uniform), it means that the dreamer himself gave trouble to someone and a decent punishment awaits him.

However, if the dreamer's conscience is clear and he has nothing to repent of, then the policeman dreams only as a sign of good changes.

Dream Miller claims that the police in a dream is nothing more than a reminder of accumulated or possibly abandoned cases that require urgent decisions and proceedings. According to the creator of the dream book, this is a call to order.

Freud's opinion is a different matter. - in his dream book he attributes such a phenomenon as hidden fears and even the seclusion of the dreamer in the intimate sphere. A person should forget about the Puritan upbringing and trust the beloved half.

All data is only a generalized opinion of the compilers of dream books, each of which opens up a look at his field of activity. But what if you delve into such dreams, as it can be interpreted in detail: if you run away or hide, if you dreamed that people in uniform are chasing you, etc., or am I working in this area?

Running away from the police why dream

According to the interpretation of most dream books, if dream about escaping from the police - this is a bad omen. The dreamer can get problems and anxieties that will flow to him in an incredible stream.

This can affect any area of ​​life, including parting with your loved one.

Hiding from the police in a dream

If a person dreamed of a situation in which he needed hiding from law enforcement (the police are diligently searching for the dreamer and at home, and at work, and he needs to hide), then in reality he started a dubious enterprise: is he going to lie to someone, or fraudulently misappropriate someone else, or commit another crime.

If you had a different picture in which hiding someone else, sleep can foretell that in real life people are trying to get involved in such frauds. Such a dream says that he should pay close attention to his surroundings and avoid dubious people.

Another question if dreaming jailbreak (the outcome will depend on the situation in the dream):

  • successful escape with the chase - exemption from everything superfluous, Miller’s dream book indicates new acquaintances, profitable enterprises and improvement of the quality of life in general;
  • an escape in which the police chase after him and then catch him - says about the destruction of hope, you need to be courageous and admit their unseemly deeds.

Detention by the police

If you summarize the data from many dream books, you can select the main thing - if you had a situation with detention or arrest (no matter if someone is chasing him or not), it means that in reality a financial collapse or large losses are awaited. But in a dream, as in life, the detention may be different:

  • if you had a legitimate capture (retention with or without a chase) - such a dream means big troubles, perhaps an illness of loved ones or separation from a loved one;
  • if the police dream that she was detained without any reason - the dreamer will be able to bypass all the envious and slanderers, he will be able to turn the situation in his direction, it is possible to entice the opponent to his side.

If in a dream the police are chasing

If the police are dreaming - the dreamer made a gross mistake in reality and trusted the wrong person, perhaps told a secret entrusted to him. This act will soon be revealed, and the dreamer will be tormented by remorse of conscience.

In fact a dream in which the chase dreamed in which a person is provoked to flee this warning, an indication of a perfect mistake. If a person fails to correct the situation - he may lose friends.

What dreams arrest

If the police dream arrest and other troubles are the symbol of future changes. Pleasant or not, depends on the situation:

  • if a dreamed of a situation in which the dreamer was taken away on the street or at work (in any public place) - a dream may be related to career growth (for men) or a successful marriage (for girls), in general, such a dream speaks of good news;
  • if a taken away from the house and the people around them supported people in the form - the dreamer can count on the support of relatives and friends;
  • if a I had a dream about resisting arrest - the planned affairs come to the end with success, perhaps assistance of the power in the solution of some questions;
  • if a a woman dreamed of a story in which her husband would be arrested (whether he is going to run away, whether he is being chased or not is not important) - she should wait for trouble, perhaps her suspicions are justified and she really has a rival.

Many dream books associate arrest with liberation from their fears and gaining some freedom in actions.

Dream Vanga assures, if arresting is dreaming - it means that in reality you will be entrusted with another's secret and this cargo will put pressure on the dreamer.


Watch the video: What does police dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).