Jealousy is one of the causes of dementia in women


According to experts, women who are prone to jealousy, often subject to a change of mood, anxious states. But most importantly, jealous sufferers very often suffer from neurodegenerative problems.

Shvetsky scientists conducted an experiment, which was attended by 800 women aged 46 years. The study lasted for 38 years. Volunteers completed the tests, the task of which was to study their personality. Tests should have told scientists about the degree of neuroticism of women, their memory, the level of extraversion and introversion. Women also asked questions about whether they often experience stress, irritation, nervousness, and sleep problems. The score had to be put on a scale of 0 to 5.

It turned out that neurotic women are twice as likely to develop dementia than their calmer tribeswoman. In particular, it was about Alzheimer's disease.


Watch the video: The Symptoms of an ill Mind - Sadhguru talks in a Darshan at Isha Yoga Center, 2014 (June 2024).