With the help of cocoa you can fight age-related memory changes.


The results of recent studies by American scientists have shown: flavanol, which is the main constituent of cocoa, can provide real assistance to older people in the matter of restoring memory.

According to doctors, age-related memory loss is not senile insanity or a manifestation of the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Changes in memory are observed in 40% over 65 years. Over the years, this disease only progresses. Gradually, people begin to forget the details of the conversation, the names of friends, important dates of life. In the case of dementia, people forget recent conversations or even the names of loved ones.

According to doctors, age-related memory impairments are caused by damage to the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for storing short-term memories. It was found that it is flavanol that can restore these functions.

In addition to cocoa, this substance is part of some fruits and vegetables. A lot of it in green tea.

However, you need to know that cocoa loses a significant amount of flavanol contained in it during processing.

Studies of people who took a sufficient amount of this substance, gave shocking results: volunteers who consumed a sufficient amount of flavanol, restored the memory to the level of 30-40-year-old man, while before the study, it corresponded to 60 years of age.

Scientists specify: chocolate cannot be used as a means of memory recovery, since the content of flavanol in it is insignificant.


Ismailov Renat Shafufovich (Omsk) 10/28/2016
and how did I get here


Watch the video: Dietary Flavanols Reverse Age-Related Memory Decline (June 2024).