Cranberry mousse - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook cranberry mousse.


Cranberry Mousse - General Cooking Principles

The French word "mousse" translates as "foam". It is easy to guess that the names of dishes with such a prefix has an airy, creamy and incredibly delicate structure. To do this, most often in the mousses add a special substance to give the desired consistency. It can be jelly or egg whites. Prepare cranberry mousse, a simple recipe and technology, a delicious French dessert. It can be made light and almost dietary (on the basis of eggs) or more nutritious if you take the cream.

Cranberry mousse - preparation of products and dishes

Since the basis of the dish is sour berry, you must first wash it. Can I take frozen cranberries? Of course, you just need to defrost it beforehand. We do not need cranberries in the whole form, we need to wipe it and squeeze the juice. Cranberry juice is also not needed for mousse.

What other components need to be prepared in advance? It depends on what you make the mousse on. If you want to make dessert thicker, then take semolina and jelly. Cranberry mousse will become easier if you use egg whites. You can make a very satisfying dessert, if you use cream as a basis (you only need to use fat content of at least 15%).

Cranberry Mousse Recipes:

Recipe 1: Cranberry Mousse

Incredibly gentle mousse, which will turn out exactly this, if you are not too lazy to beat him. Finished delicacy can be served with coffee and tea, and even better with a glass of milk. The basis of this recipe is semolina.

Ingredients Required:

  • Semolina 3 tbsp.
  • Cranberries 240 grams
  • Mineral water 2 cups
  • Sugar 240 grams

Cooking method:

  1. Wash berries and strain through a sieve. Juice set aside, it is not useful for mousse, but squeeze pour two cups. Put the saucepan on the fire and cook for about 15 minutes.
  2. The resulting decoction must be filtered, the thick part removed, and in the liquid, add sugar, bring to a boil.
  3. Three to four minutes after the broth boiled, add a semolina in a thin stream. Cook the cereal, stirring constantly for about twelve or fourteen minutes.
  4. As soon as the cereal is boiled, remove the porridge from the heat and cool, and then beat with a mixer. Beat at least six to eight minutes. An indicator that the mousse is ready - the mass will become almost white and airy.

Pour the prepared mousse into molds and place in a cold place for several hours.

Recipe 2: Cranberry Mousse

Some kids do not like semolina so much that they recognize it even in the most disguised form. Prepare the cranberry mousse without semolina, on the basis of gelatin - this substance will create the light structure necessary for the dish.

Ingredients Required:

  • Cranberry Berries 150 grams
  • Sugar 120 grams
  • Iced sugar 120 grams
  • Water 1 cup
  • Gelatin 1 pack

Cooking method:

  1. Berry frayed, separating the juice from the berry mass.
  2. Gelatin needs to be filled in with water and left to swell.
  3. Squeezes pour water and set on fire, bringing to a boil. Enter the sugar and cook for eight or twelve minutes. Add the swollen gelatin, mix and remove from heat.
  4. In a mixture, pour a thin stream of icing sugar and whisk until the mass structure becomes airy. Pour the mixture into forms and put in a cold place.

Recipe 3: Cranberry mousse protein

How to prepare a mousse? Most often this dish is cooled, but sometimes baked, because the main thing is to create the lightest consistency. Prepare the cranberry mousse of egg proteins.

Ingredients Required:

  • Egg 4 pieces
  • Iced sugar 120 grams
  • Cranberries 130 grams
  • Citric acid ½ tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Let's separate the whites from the yolks, for the dish we need exactly the whites. Beat them to a thick foam for about six minutes.
  2. Continuing to whip the protein, add to it icing sugar and sprig.
  3. Prepare the cranberries - grind them, separate the juice and gradually add the marc to the froth. Continue to beat the mixture for about seven minutes.
  4. Heat the oven to 100 degrees for ten minutes.
  5. Pour cranberry mousse into molds, and bake it for about 15 minutes, but no more. The finished dessert should be dry on top, but remain light and airy inside.

Recipe 4: Creamy Cranberry Mousse

Another option for making dessert is to make it based on cream. Of course, it will turn out cranberry mousse more fat, but also more tasty and nourishing.

Ingredients Required:

  • Gelatin 1 pack
  • Icing sugar 200 grams
  • Cranberry 3 cup
  • Cream 15% 500 ml
  • Vanilla

Cooking method:

  1. Gelatin needs to be filled in with water, to stir it and to leave to swell.
  2. Swollen gelatin pour cream, add cranberry squeeze, sugar powder and mix.
  3. Beat the mass with a mixer until a thick foamy mass is obtained. Pour the resulting mass into forms and put in the refrigerator.

Cranberry Mousse - secrets and tips from the best chefs

  1. Is it possible to cook cranberry mousse at home as they do in restaurants? Yes, but only if you beat it up. In catering establishments there are special combines that can bring the mass to the desired consistency. If you don’t have one, then you’ll have to make yourself up - keeping a working mixer or blender for about fifteen minutes is quite difficult, but only this way you can make a perfect mousse.
  2. If you are preparing a mousse based on gelatin, then whipping it is best not just like that, but in the cold. To do this, pour ice into a deep container, place a smaller container with mousse paste on top and beat it.
  3. Cranberry mousse can be made not only from sour berries, but also add raspberries, currants, strawberries.
  4. To make the dessert better beaten, it is better to use a mixture of sugar and powdered sugar. First, add sugar - at the stage when you cook cranberry squeeze, and while beating it up, add powder. By the way, in French restaurants only brown sugar is used, as the crude product is more useful.


Watch the video: Cranberry Jello Salad Recipe - Easy! (July 2024).