Garlic and broccoli - a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer


Skin cancer (melanoma), prostate and some forms of blood cancer, weakening the body, makes immunity very active. Danish scientists were able to establish that selenium, which is abundant in broccoli and garlic, is capable of slowing down such activity of the immune system.

It is no secret that many types of cancer are simply invisible to immunity. At the same time, cancer cells produce a large number of molecules, which stimulate it harmfully. However, selenium compounds are capable of blocking stimulating molecules.

Scientists have focused their attention on the molecules NGK2D, previously used exclusively as a marker of cancer.

These molecules are dissolved in the blood and are located on the cell surface. It has been found that chemical compounds of selenium neutralize special variants of NGK2, both in liquid and in surface form.


Watch the video: The Cancer, Dies When You Eat These 10 Foods (June 2024).