Ex-boyfriend Ksenia Borodina called her new lover "cattle"


The ex-boyfriend of Ksenia Borodina, Mikhail Terekhin, gave a frank interview to the portal Super.ru, in which he spoke about the details of his relationship with a TV presenter.

According to Mikhail, Ksenia is a very complex and jealous person who stalled his self-development and most of all was afraid of his career success. Without telling Terekhin, he admitted that he was trying to develop his career with the help of Borodina, but she was incredibly afraid that he would become more popular than she blocked all man’s desires.

Terekhin did not hesitate to say that he was counting on Xenia’s money, because he lived with her for 3.5 years, hiding his disgust, was forced to accompany her and his daughter on trips abroad. As a result, Mikhail, Borodina declared on the material claims: everything that she earns is only her and Marousi and has nothing to do with her lover. This angered Terekhin, who was convinced that everything in their "family" was common.

Mikhail spoke out about the new young man of his former girlfriend. Terekhin called him "cattle", which is necessary for the TV presenter only in order to arouse the jealousy of his ex-lover and bring him back.


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