8 effective ways to "restart" the brain


Sometimes we start, as they say, “slow down”: we forget the right words, we cannot concentrate on seemingly simple things. And then the question arises: how to focus? How to update the thought process? It is no secret that a lot of oxygen is needed to complete the work of the brain. But we can not always walk when full of work, and at home - worries! Are there any other ways to "reload" the head and take up the cause with new forces?


Scientists argue: the brain needs to be "fed." However, in the dosed feeding, able only to provide it with the necessary energy.

Eat a little, but often - 4-6 times a day. Hunger can cause inattention and dizziness (this is especially dangerous for those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel). Eat on schedule. Keep a small bar of chocolate or a bag of nuts with you. They are a magic wand, especially in cases when it is not possible to have a bite, but it is necessary.


Vegetables and chicken breast - a classic food for those who care about their health. However, the brain does not perceive them as food, it needs glucose supplied by carbohydrates. And where are they kept? Of course, in bread and sweets. A person who is engaged in intellectual work, in any case will not fit a carbohydrate-free diet. Therefore, if you cannot pass by indifferently pastries of fragrant baking, then you should know that the brain requires it. Feed it, because it is very important.

Diversify your diet

Fats are important no less than carbohydrates. The balance of iodine is necessary for the body, because without it comes the weakening of mental activity, memory and attention. If you can not eat a lot of fish, consume vitamins. And do not deprive yourself of something new, diversify your table.


Lack of water leads to loss of physical strength. But for the brain, it is simply necessary. It is dehydration that often causes drowsiness, fatigue, and fainting. But remember: you need to drink water. Do not soda, coffee or juice. Namely, water and not less than a liter and a half per day.


Do you know that without oxygen the brain can live no more than 10 minutes? In winter, when the central heating "fries" with all its might, the air becomes dry, bacteria multiply and ... Well, you understand. Therefore, walk, walk and walk! Can't afford it? Then air the room more often.

In motion - life

Active sports improve blood circulation. The blood moves more energetically, enriching and saturating the brain with oxygen. Therefore, when you run, not only the body "rejoices," but the brain, which once in gratitude will give you a couple of brilliant ideas.

Can not afford to run and ski? Then do a little warm-up: bends, squats, ups and down stairs.

Do not neglect the massage

Manual therapists say: on our body there are several points, massage which can activate the brain. These are: the back of the hand, the earlobes, the tip of the nose. In addition, experts recommend periodically yawning, to "throw" a new portion of oxygen to the brain.


The brain is a muscle. And so he needs a load. Otherwise, it relaxes and ceases to fully function. Train your brain, solve puzzles, solve crossword puzzles, learn languages, acquire skills. "Move your brains!" And then they will never let you down.


Watch the video: 8 Effective Ways to Remove Plaque in Five Minutes (July 2024).