10 most common mistakes in nutrition


Obesity, diabetes, disorders in the digestive system - this is a consequence of dietary errors, so they should be avoided not only for slimming figure, but for their own health. The following are the main mistakes that cause problems to our body.

Fluid restriction

The so-called "drying" - a serious blow to the body. This is fraught with dehydration, premature aging, thickening of the blood. In this way, athletes drive weight (expel water) before a competition, but this is completely unacceptable for an ordinary person. To lose weight and stay healthy you need to drink more water and do it right. Every morning should start with a glass of water. You need to drink half an hour before and 40 minutes after eating. Do not sing food, but fill each fluid loss. In hot weather or intense workouts should drink more than usual.

Calorie drinks

Some women complain that they eat little, but gain weight. When reading their diet, it turns out that they do not take into account the caloric content of drinks, for example, juices, nectars, alcohol, sweet coffee. For those who like to drink, we remind that a beer mug contains about 160 kcal. And the benefits of fruit juices from the pack are greatly exaggerated. Besides the fact that fruits contain glucose, artificial sweeteners are added to the juice. Abuse of such juice leads not only to obesity, but also to diabetes. It is better to quench your thirst with pure water or unsweetened tea, and you need to eat calories, not drink.

Fruit Misconceptions

It is believed that you can eat fruit at any time and as much as you want. This is not true. Carbohydrates that they contain are converted into glucose. It is not scary if a person is physically active and does not consume sweets besides fruits, then the metabolism of carbohydrates is normal. With a sedentary lifestyle, glucose turns into fat.

People with diabetes generally banned fruits with a high glycemic index (we are talking about grapes, persimmons, dates). This does not mean that they are banned for losing weight, just some of them are better eaten as a separate dish or snack. Bananas, pears, grapes, melons, dried fruits are preferably consumed in the morning. Apples, grapefruits, oranges, plums can be for tea and dinner.

And before bedtime, it is better not to eat any fruit at all, since they can cause gas formation in the intestines.

Delusion about pineapple

The opinion that pineapple helps burn fat is wrong. Girls who believe that you can lie on the couch, eat pineapples while losing weight will be disappointed. Pineapple is a sweet fruit and the enzyme bromelain, which it contains does not burn fats, but only contributes to good digestion. At the same time, there is one more thing ... Due to the very high content of organic acids, pineapple is generally not recommended for people who have kidney problems, as well as for any inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Misconception about breakfast

It is believed that for breakfast you can "come off". It is believed that during breakfast you can and should load the body with proteins and carbohydrates. And some understand it so that if you want fried potatoes or meat, then it is better to eat it in the morning, because during the day the calories will be spent anyway. However, breakfast gives the installation to the body for the whole day.

If you eat fried potatoes in the morning, what then do you want for lunch? Morning food intake is only 30-35% of the daily ration, i.e. Turn it into lunch is not worth it. Those. You should not eat fried, fatty and any heavy food for breakfast at all. A good start to the day is milk wholegrain porridge with fruit, cottage cheese casserole, a sandwich with boiled meat and greens, cottage cheese with berries. One of these dishes to choose from will give a feeling of saturation, a source of necessary energy.

Refusal to eat after 18-00

A common mistake among women who want to lose weight is not to eat after 18-00. There can and should be 3-4 hours before bedtime, otherwise the body will begin to save fat in store. You can eat and closer to sleep, but it should not be fried food, bread, meat, and, as mentioned above - fruit. Raw vegetables, eaten in the evening, load the pancreas, but stews can be consumed 3 hours before sleep.

Also perfectly suited to fish with green salad, kefir, natural yogurt, ryazhenka (your choice). The main rule, the closer to sleep, the smaller the portion. An hour before bedtime it is better to limit yourself to a glass of kefir.

Long breaks between meals

Strange, but they do not contribute to a slim figure, but only provoke a strong, sometimes uncontrollable appetite. In order not to pounce on food during lunch and dinner, make two snacks a day, in addition to the three main meals. The main thing is to remember that it is an inadequate meal, and a sandwich with a sausage can not be a snack. Baked apple, a handful of nuts (no more than 30 gr.), Kefir, cottage cheese, any fruit, cocoa - any of these products to choose from is an excellent way to kill a little appetite.

Hard cheese misconceptions

In limited portions - yes. Those people are mistaken who watch the weight, are on a diet and literally absorb the cheese. After all, cheese contains a lot of fat and calories. The daily intake of fat for an adult averages 80 grams (for each is calculated individually). In the modern world, a person consumes fat twice as much as the body needs. Hence the risk of cardiovascular diseases. There is a nation secret, which is not solved by scientists. The French with a high-calorie diet and high fat intake have relatively low rates of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. This phenomenon is called the French Paradox.

Semi-finished products from supermarkets

This is a blow to the figure and vessels. You will never know what her calorie and fat content. The freshness of frying oil and the quality of salad dressings is a topic that is scary to raise. With semi-finished products easier, we cook them or fry them at home. But the quality of the products for blanks, as a rule, is low and accordingly low price.

Misconceptions about protein foods

Limiting protein foods is a mistake that leads to muscle depletion. Such experiments are especially dangerous in adolescence and during pregnancy. Protein must be obtained from both animal products and vegetable (beans, peas, soybeans, nuts). The other extreme is the protein diet. The body can not cope with large amounts of protein without the help of fiber. The liver, kidneys, pancreas suffer. So proteins like everything else should be in moderation. At a rate of 1 gram of protein per kilogram of your weight - and stick to it.

Universal diets do not exist, but there are general principles of proper nutrition, allowing us to stay slim and healthy. It is easy to understand what mistakes lead us to health problems and excess weight - all the answers you need to look for in your diet.


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