Prostatitis. How to help your man?


Such a disease as prostatitis is very insidious. It does not allow a man to enjoy life in its entirety, and also significantly reduces the likelihood of having a long-awaited heir. The disease often develops into a chronic form precisely because its first symptoms go unnoticed. Ordinary cold, unexpected hypothermia can turn into a real nightmare and, as a result, will cost a lot. Attention to their health, high immunity - the best helpers in the prevention of prostatitis. But what to do if it is too late and the moment is missed?

Official statistics report that 30-60% of men over 25 suffer from prostatitis in its acute and chronic forms. And 40-60% of men in reproductive age need special treatment, experts at the pharmaceutical factory "Cytomed" say. Prostatitis is divided into three forms according to the nature of the course of the disease: acute prostatitis caused by bacterial flora and chronic bacterial prostatitis. Separately distinguish the chronic form, which is not caused by infections and has other causes. Of course, each of the forms is characterized by its first symptomatic signs, but we will try to highlight the main common features.

The first prominent symptom of the disease is difficulty urinating, namely: discomfort and pain, burning, accompanying a trip to the toilet. Accompanying symptom here - increased urge to urinate, especially at night. This usually accompanies the chronic form of the disease, which is caused by bacteria living in the urethra (urethra). Already this feature is enough to suspect prostatitis and consult a doctor. In the initial stages, the man experiences severe discomfort, but later the body adapts and the pain subsides. For removing the first "acute" pains, rectal suppositories have proven themselves well. Prostatilen, the effect of administration is achieved on the second or third day. This drug is based on animal raw materials, and due to it, the treatment does not harm the body from excessive chemistry.

However, the disease can occur in different men with their own individual characteristics. There is often a situation in which prostatitis is asymptomatic, and this is even more dangerous. A man himself may not notice how the disease becomes chronic, because he does not feel any discomfort. And in this case, one of the most significant symptoms is a violation of potency. Sometimes a man may feel that his desire for intimacy gradually fades away until it disappears altogether. Sex and intimacy almost cease to interest him. Thus, a decrease in libido and potency, erection problems may occur. Here, of course, it is worthwhile to be wary of not only the man, but also his woman.

One of the signs of the so-called "acute" form of prostatitis is chills, fever, muscle pain that occurs when the prostate gland inflammation products enter the body. The inflammation itself causes a very strong feeling of discomfort that is hard not to notice. There is swelling, which feels like pain, an unusual heaviness in the groin, in the lower abdomen, in the groin, scrotum, in the sacrum. Sometimes it can give in the lower back. When urinating pain increases. The cause of the "acute" attack can be hypothermia or infection that preceded the first symptoms.

Pain can be either barely noticeable or pronounced. They can also weaken or, on the contrary, intensify with sexual abstinence. The pain caused by prostatitis may even interfere with sleep.

These are the first "common" symptoms of prostatitis, which in no case can not be ignored, because the disease affects not only the physical condition, but also the emotional state of your husband, which can manifest irritability, fatigue, fear of impotence. At such moments, a man needs real support from his second half. And do not forget that a timely visit to the doctor can solve the problem and even forever rule out cases of relapse.


Watch the video: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia BPH (June 2024).