How to remove unpleasant odors in the apartment from everywhere


Unpleasant smells ... We constantly encounter such a phenomenon in our apartment! In addition to the fact that such nasty aromas poison the air, they also indescribably spoil the mood, not only the owner of the apartment, but also guests who suddenly descend.

Of course, you and I have different ideas about how it should smell in an apartment or in a house: some prefer neutral floral undertones of aroma, while others simply fan out the warm smell of baked cinnamon.

One way or another, but no one wants to share their square footage with unpleasant odors! To fill the house with the smell of purity - try out the effective tips published below, and your friends and acquaintances will not bypass your house.

General cleaning

As a rule, general cleaning starts from the top, so that you don’t reach for a vacuum cleaner and a floor cloth a hundred times. Look at the top shelves, shake off dust and wipe it with fragrant means: in 0.5 l of water pour 10-15 ml of vinegar and drip a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

Citrus aromas are best suited for freshness - they spread a pleasant, cool, sweet aroma around the apartment.

If you have an air conditioner installed in your home, put one or two drops of essential oil on its opening panel. Thus, when you turn on the air flow will be mixed with the aroma of essential oil and your home will be filled with an indescribable fragrance.

Continuing cleaning and reaching the middle of the apartment from the top, you can continue to wipe the surface with a diluted product, and at the same time come up with a deodorant for the room. If you like the scent of lavender or pine, then add a few drops of this oil in a bottle of water and spray it with a spray with the air in the room. Do this carefully if you have light furniture or carpets, as the oil will eventually turn yellow and stains may remain.

By the way, using lavender to purify the air in the room, you get rid of insects that do not tolerate such a floral scent in this way. At the same time, you exclude all toxic drugs that could harm your health and the health of your loved ones, and switch to natural remedies!

The last stage of cleaning is the floor! Everyone knows that our most important floor cleaning assistant is that the vacuum cleaner is in fact the ideal peddler for unpleasant odors and dust, especially if it has a container or dust collector.

In order not to sneeze and cough every time you clean - look through the filling of the container, and also shake it out in time and wash it, if it is intended by the instruction. Not all of us know that a dustbag can even be machine washed if it is made of cloth.

It is during rinsing that you can add a floral conditioner to the capacity of the washing machine and it will saturate the walls of the bag with the scent that it will later bring to your home during cleaning. If this method is unacceptable for you, then just dampen a piece of cotton with your favorite essential oil and suck it in with a vacuum cleaner. During cleaning, the fragrance will be distributed through the rear blowing surface on the machine, filling the entire apartment. The only minus of such an experiment is that it only lasts for one cleaning!

Remove odors from cabinets

After finishing with the room, let's go through the cabinets! It is in them that sometimes the most unpleasant odors that may be present in the house are detected. Cabinets and linen in them are choking and this makes the air heavy "stuffy" in the apartment as a whole. Yes, and wear long-hanging clothes in the closet becomes unpleasant. It has to be re-washed. To prevent this from happening, you can put sachets in lavender, mint, ylang-ylang, etc. in wardrobes with bedding or clothing.

These fragrances are not at all in favor of a frequent inhabitant of wardrobes - moths, so you not only give your things a light hint of summer field smell, but also ask “on the way out” voracious insects. And what a pleasure to fall asleep on fresh bed linen, caressed by lavender scent!

Remove odors from the toilet

The toilet, due to annoying advertising, is considered to be a dirty room in an apartment where hordes of cunning bacteria and microorganisms gather. Without a doubt, there is some truth in this, but if you equip the toilet with an effective means of plaque which is suspended under the bezel, then purity will increase. But the problem is that almost all of them have a very unpleasant chemical smell.

Therefore, in order to make the toilet more pleasant to enter, it is necessary to put cotton wadded sponges soaked with droplets of aromatic oils on the upper shelves (choose the aroma according to your taste). It is very cheap and very effective. Well, if the budget allows, get a special flavoring for the rooms.

And your toilet will be a place of purity and freshness!

Remove odors from the kitchen

Finished with a bathroom, move to the kitchen: a refrigerator, microwave, sink, kettle, pots - all this can become an object for the occurrence of an unpleasant smell.

But first and foremost, of course, this is a trash can! Purchase a lockable trash can or bucket with a lid so that unpleasant amber does not float out into the room or kitchen when opening the cabinet door. And even better - before putting the garbage bag in the bucket, wash it, dry it and put a few drops of lavender or pine on cotton wool or cotton wool, dropping it to the bottom of the bucket.

Our mothers and grandmothers got rid of it with the help of ordinary 9% vinegar, because then in the USSR there was not a single bottle of “Mr. Proper”, “Fairy” or “Toilet Duckling”! It was vinegar that washed not only baths and sinks, but also practically all pots, kettles, and even cast iron pans.

With a touch of vinegar, and still cracking down on the "cheers" - just pour water into the kettle, half diluted with vinegar and boil it several times. Not a trace remains from the raid! Then this boiling water should be poured on the coating in the bath or on the sink and lightly rub it with a stiff sponge. In the end, both the bath and the sink will shine with sheer brilliance.

Lightly cooled vinegar broth wipe the inside of the refrigerator or microwave - an unpleasant smell will evaporate in the blink of an eye. The only minus of such cleaning is that you will have to air the room from the vinegar aroma! Those who are against the use of vinegar in everyday life, will help the essential oil, which has already been covered in previous tips.

A few drops of lemon or orange oil, dripped onto the liquid in the container, will help to refresh the internal aroma of the microwave, if you slightly heat it up within 1-2 minutes. The inside of the refrigerator will be refreshed in much the same way - a couple of drops of essential oil selected according to your taste will help you to avoid the occurrence of an unpleasant aroma.

You only need to drop them on a cotton sponge and leave on the door of the refrigerator. Each time the equipment is opened and closed, the fragrance will spread both inside the refrigerator and outside.

Observing these simple tips you will forget about unpleasant odors forever, and new pleasant aromas will create a special atmosphere of coziness and comfort in your home.


Watch the video: Pristine Solutions Apartment Treatment Instructions (July 2024).