Facial cleansing at home - cleansing the skin by the method of Hollywood stars


What woman does not dream of a clean and healthy skin? Alas, the era of technological progress and poor ecology leaves traces on our faces.

Hate black dots are familiar to almost every one of us. They especially like to appear on the eve of important events, dates and parties.

It is not always possible to find time and money for a visit to the cosmetology office. Therefore, every woman should have recipes for deep cleansing of the skin in her arsenal.

Why do you need to regularly do face cleaning at home

Comedones, or, as we used to call them, eels, are found on the skin of 80% of the inhabitants of large cities. Ecology, lifestyle and health condition affect their appearance. The sebaceous glands perform an important mission - protect the skin from drying out and the harmful effects of the environment. They release an oil-like substance that mixes with coarse scales on our skin.

In normal condition, the skin of the face should be cleaned by itself. But stresses, chronic diseases, sleep passages, hormonal disruptions cause the glands to produce an abnormally large amount of sebum. Cells begin to update much slower.

Sebaceous glands become inflamed, increase and accumulated dirt turns into disgusting black dots. Comedones appear inside the skin, so as if advertising a new miraculous cream did not sing, from comedones it is simply useless. Only deep cleansing can get rid of black spots.

It is possible to clean the face, get rid of black spots, make the skin soft and silky and at home. Properly performed face cleansing at home will not yield to salon procedures in terms of efficiency.

Important rules for deep cleansing of the face at home

Facial cleansing at home is an absolutely simple procedure available to every girl. But in order to get the desired result from the procedure, follow these simple rules:

1. You can touch the face only with perfectly cleaned hands. Deep cleansing will open the skin pores, so it will be much easier for bacteria to get inside. If you do not want inflammations and rashes on your face, be sure to wash your hands with soap and then wipe them with medical alcohol.

2. Before the procedure, the skin of the face must be cleansed beforehand. You can use a scrub, and then rinse your face with warm water.

3. Do not deep-clean the inflamed skin with wounds, scratches or immature rashes. Then the desire to make the skin beautiful will result in an even greater disaster. Facial cleansing at home is a simple and delicate procedure. But if you have sores or acne on your skin that are inflamed, it’s better to wait for them to heal. In the meantime, you can wipe the skin with a cotton pad moistened with herbal tonic.

Chamomile tonic is ideal for this - it will relieve inflammation and help wounds to heal faster. Acne can not squeeze out, it is better to dry them with tea tree oil. When the inflammation subsides, you can get rid of them with deep cleansing.

Mechanical facial cleansing at home

For the procedure we need:

- a large terry towel;

- pan with hot water;

- composition for herbal decoction;

- tea tree oil;

- hydrogen peroxide;

- bandage;

- alcohol tonic for the face;

- moisturizing cream.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

- the procedure is long;

- redness may remain after it, but they will pass in a few days;

- The skin may flake off a bit (especially for dry skin), but a moisturizer perfectly cope with this problem.

Advantages of the procedure:

- no black dots;

- no dead cells;

- If you apply the cream after the procedure, it will penetrate deep into the skin and have a more effective effect.

Step one: hand hygiene

Wash your hands with soap and wipe them with alcohol to prevent infection.

Step Two: pre-cleansing

It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub or peeling, then rinse off with warm water.

Step Three: steam skin and the expansion of pores.

It is possible to get rid of black points only by opening the pores. To do this, prepare herbal decoction for a water bath. Yarrow and wormwood are ideal for dry skin, and horsetail for oily skin. There is a universal remedy that will suit the owner of any skin type - chamomile.

Just add dry grass to a pot of boiling water - for one liter you will need two tablespoons of herbs. A few minutes to boil the broth and put the saucepan on the table. Add to the broth a few drops of tea tree oil - in the fight against comedo and acne it has no equal. Let the broth cool a little, then you can proceed to the procedure. Bend over the pan with the broth and cover your head with a towel.

Try not to tilt your head too hard, so as not to scald your skin. A towel is needed for the effect of a steam bath so that cold air does not get inside. If you are the owner of dry skin - five to eight minutes of a steam sauna will be enough.

For problem and oily skin you need a little time - from ten to fifteen minutes. Cleaning the face at home is not inferior to manual cleaning in the cabin. The skin is steamed, the pores are open - your skin is completely ready for the next step.

Step Four: remove black dots

Now your skin is ready to fight with black dots. Treat your hands again with alcohol. The index fingers of both hands wrap with a bandage and wet with peroxide. On the steamed skin, the black spots are removed very easily and painlessly. Push the black point with your index fingers from two sides - you will see dirt come out of the skin pore.

Never do it with your nails - then ugly scars will remain on your face. If you did everything right, and the skin is steamed out well enough - the black dots will be removed without problems. The places from which you removed the black dots, handle hydrogen peroxide.

Step five: narrowing of pores

When your face got rid of black spots, dirt and dead cells, it's time to narrow your pores. To do this, thoroughly wipe the skin with any alcohol-based tonic.

Step Six: moisturizing the skin

After the tonic has dried, pamper your face with a moisturizer. The cleaning procedure strongly dries the skin, so moisturizer is now vital. If you have dry skin, apply another layer of moisturizer.

The owners of oily and prone to acne skin rash, it is desirable to carry out deep cleansing twice a month. Dry skin is enough for one session of cleansing per month.

Hollywood method of cleaning the face at home

Suitable for all skin types except dry.

If the procedure of cooking potions from herbs and the process of the steam sauna, to put it mildly, do not attract you - do not worry. We have reserved for you another, equally effective way of deep cleansing of the skin. It is also called "Hollywood" cleaning. Because the effect of this procedure is comparable to the cleaning effect that Hollywood stars do in the most fashionable beauty salons.

So, what will give you a "Hollywood" face cleaning at home:

- A worthy alternative to premium class cosmetics;

- clean face without black dots, peeling and greasy shine;

- visible result after the first session.

If this is exactly the effect you need, for one procedure we will need:

- Ampoule of calcium chloride five percent (sold in any pharmacy and costs a penny);

- baby soap (solid);

- several cotton pads;

- any soothing mask;

- moisturizing cream.

As in the previous procedure, the skin should be well cleaned. Wash off the remnants of cosmetics and creams, make an easy peeling and rinse with warm water. Wash hands thoroughly and rub with alcohol.

To make Hollywood face cleansing at home safely and without the risk of skin infection, you can use sterile medical gloves. Give your face a few minutes to dry, it must be dry. Now you can proceed to the procedure.

Put on gloves and gently open the calcium chloride ampoule. If you are afraid to cut your fingers, ask the pharmacy for a plastic ampoule. Wet with a cotton pad and apply a swabbing motion onto the face. Let your skin dry. Then repeat your actions again. Apply the product on the face and let it dry. Repeat until you use the entire ampoule. It is strictly forbidden to touch the area around the eyes, it is too delicate!

After the product dries on the skin, take a cotton pad and lightly soak the soap. Massage your face with soaped cotton pad. It is advisable to do this along the massage lines. First, a skin is formed on the skin. Re-soap the cotton pad and massage the skin again.

In a few minutes you will see flakes on your skin. Do not be scared: this occurs when the interaction of calcium chloride and sodium acid contained in soap. When mixed, they give the effect of a very deep peeling, rolling into "pellets", peeling captures dead cells and black dots.

After a thorough massage of the skin, wash away the "flakes" with warm water. To give the skin a rest after such a deep cleansing, pamper it with any soothing mask (for example, a mask with chamomile decoction and rolled oats). Wash off the mask and apply a thick layer of moisturizer on your face.

It is better not to carry out a deep peeling more often than once a month. It is useful to combine it with other methods of purification. During the procedure, the skin may redden slightly, slight tingling is possible - this is completely normal. But if you feel a strong burning sensation, immediately wash the solution with warm water and soap. In this case, the procedure is not suitable for your skin.

Summing up

Facial cleansing is simple and accessible to any woman. It does not require financial costs and a lot of time, if you do it not in the beauty salon, but at home. The main thing is to do it correctly - following all the recommendations outlined above and home cleaning will make the skin soft, even and make you forget about the black dots.


Watch the video: Secrets of a Celebrity Facialist - How to do the perfect cleanse for glowing skin (June 2024).