Low cost and effective masks for problem skin. We do at home.


Let's forget about royal manners, and with them - masks for problem skin from caviar, champagne or dew, collected early in the morning with muscular virgins at the foot of the rocks on which Meteora monasteries are located.

Indeed, why these delights, when you can do with simple and inexpensive ingredients, having prepared wonderful masks for rescuing problematic skin.

The following masks are true proof that inexpensive homemade products can be effective. Such homemade products are often superior in efficiency expensive purchased cream, toner and serum.

Mask for problem skin: yeast and safe

For owners of oily skin covered with pimples, a yeast mask will become a favorite home remedy that can solve their cosmetic defects in a short time. The mask of yeast does not harm the skin at all, it is easy to prepare, it is just as easy to apply and wash off, and the cost of buying ingredients for the product is just scanty.

Yeast products are designed to gently remove excess sebum, gently cleanse the face of other types of dirt, and dry the pimples. Another mask partially removes black dots. Still, the yeast remedy more effectively deals with acne. It can be used by both teenagers and mature people.

To prepare products for problem skin, you need a piece of fresh yeast and boiled water. Mix the ingredients in such proportions that the mixture was not too thick sour cream. Properly prepared mask should not be spread. Apply the mask to the skin with your fingers. It is spread in one layer. Its thickness should be such that the skin does not shine through the mask.

If you talk, the dense layer can crack and begin to crumble before the time comes to remove the product. So try to relax and keep quiet. You can read a book or watch a movie, but only not very funny, so that pieces of masks do not fall off before the expiration of 20 minutes. In extreme cases, keep your face over the plate - so you do not have to collect parts of the fallen off funds from the sofa or floor.

Attention: yeast remedy should not be applied under the eyes and on the skin near the lips.

The sensations during the aging are quite interesting. The mask as if steaming the skin. If you put too thick a layer that did not completely harden on your face after 20 minutes, you can wait a little longer. Yeast mask is better to take off when, when you run your hand over your face, you do not stick it to the surface. You do not need to immediately flush the tool with water - stand in front of the mirror and try to remove the mask piece by hand, throwing them into some container. After that, wash with warm water. Plus 10 to success, if you rinse your face with a yarrow decoction.

When you take off the mask and wash your skin, the skin turns slightly red and becomes a little "burning". However, it will not hurt. The feeling after removing the yeast mask is similar to the one you are experiencing when entering a warm room with frost: the face tingles pleasantly, it becomes ruddy, and with time it becomes hot.

Important: Yeast masks should be made once every three days until skin problems disappear.

Gelatin Problem Skin Masks

But the gelatin mask, unlike the previous yeast remedy, perfectly removes acne, and it also perfectly tightens the pores. The mask is prepared as easily and does not require large cash investments. You can cook it from food gelatin and plain water.

But if you want to not only get rid of acne, but also get rid of dry skin, moisturizing it, then water should be replaced with homemade milk. For making awesome gelatin mask you need three components. The first two have already been mentioned - it is gelatin and milk, the third ingredient is activated charcoal. He perfectly pulls out all the filth from the pores.

Important: Gelatin masks should not be used by people with rosacea.

So, how to prepare a gelatin mask? First, crush the charcoal tablet and mix it with a tablespoon of gelatin, as well as with warm milk (one and a half tablespoons). When our mash is infused for about three minutes, you need to put it in the microwave for about 10 seconds. During this time, the mask does not boil (which can not be tolerated in any way), but is sufficiently heated, due to which the gelatin is completely dissolved. It is not necessary to delay for a long time with the application of the gelatinous agent, otherwise it will harden. But you shouldn't drive a strongly hot mask into the pores either.

Important rule: The mask is “driven in” into the skin, and not just smeared on the face. This should be done with a brush.

After 15-20 minutes, the gelatinous film is stripped from the face - there are still sensations. If you want to reduce discomfort, then apply the tool only on problem areas. Wash - water. Masks need to be done for a month, once or twice a week. Then you need to take a break in a few months.

For dry skin suffering from acne, you can prepare a mask of gelatin, olive oil, milk. Each ingredient you need to take a teaspoon. If the skin is wrinkled or loose, then prepare a mask from a large spoon of gelatin, two - milk and one beaten egg. By adding cucumber juice to these ingredients, you will get an anti-acne treatment for sagging skin that tones, refreshes and improves complexion.

Mask from soap for problem skin

A mask of tar soap will save you from various skin diseases. She easily cracks down on acne, acne. The soap remedy also fights eczema, psoriasis, heals wounds. Such products remove the ugly greasy.

Preparing a mask is elementary. You need to wet tar soap with water and lather it a little. This foam is applied to the parts of the skin affected by various troubles. If you want to get rid of pimples only, and you don’t bother with problems like increased greasiness of the skin, then apply a dot mask on the sore bump. Soap film should completely cover the pimple. Exposure time - about an hour. Wash - warm water.

Oatmeal mask for problem skin

Women love homemade universal masks. It's so cool - to smear a homemade mixture on the face, and if necessary, it will moisturize the skin, or vice versa - it will dry and cleanse, relieve acne and blackheads, wrinkles, flabbiness and flaking, oily sheen. Well, great. So, women say that such an almighty mask really exists, and it is made from oatmeal.

The simplest oatmeal mask for problem skin is made from two tbsp. spoons of grated flakes or oatmeal. The selected component is poured boiling water and infused for about 10 minutes. Done!

To improve the effect of the mask or to direct the main part of its strength to the solution of several major problems, you can add auxiliary components to oatmeal products. For example, by mixing a tablespoon of flakes with whipped protein and a pinch of fine sea salt, you will prepare an excellent mask-scrub for acne, blackheads. With this tool, you need to massage the skin for about a quarter of an hour, and then - wash it off with slightly warm water and rub your face with a tonic.

Kefir mask for problematic post-acne skin

Kefir masks reduce postacne severity, lighten skin, cleanse the face, remove fat and dead skin cells from it, smooth shallow wrinkles. This mask for problem skin is prepared from a single kefir, which is distributed in a thin layer using a disk. This mask is aged for about 15 minutes.

Many girls simply wash off dried kefir with warm water, but the best thing is to roll it up with your fingers before washing. So you much better save the face from the accumulation of dead cells and acne. The frequency of execution - once / week.


To take care of the beauty of the face, making masks for problem skin is commendable. But, before using homemade products, be sure to visit a dermatologist, a nutritionist, because sometimes you can remove cosmetic defects only with the help of specialists.

Tip: even if you have oily problem skin, do not wash more than twice a day. By doing otherwise, you only provoke an increased production of fat.


Watch the video: 11 Home Face Masks You Can Make In a Minute (June 2024).