Orange essential oil - its beneficial properties and methods of use. How to apply sweet orange oil for beauty and health.


I think that many oranges cause associations related to the holiday, fun, high spirits, and, in general, with something pleasant and good. Many centuries ago, this fruit came to us from the countries of the far East. It was too expensive and not every average person could afford to try an orange at least once. Now, the situation has changed to the root. Orange is considered one of the most affordable, tasty and healthy fruits that can only be found on the shelves.

The juice of this bright fruit is often used in the treatment of any diseases and to enhance immunity. Essential oil is also made from oranges, which is endowed with indescribable healing properties and, at the same time, it is practically the cheapest among all the essential oils known today.

How to get essential oil of orange

Once upon a time, when special equipment still did not exist, it was possible to extract the orange essential oil from its fleshy skins by hand-pressing them. Imagine how many people had to work long and hard to squeeze out so much oil so that you could put it on sale in the local market. Pure present and high-quality essential oil from oranges has a green-yellow color. Now the oil of this color is nowhere to be found. And all because now it is produced using the cold-pressed method and filtered several times before being poured into containers and prepared for sale. This oil will have a dark brownish color and a sweet, pronounced, fruity aroma.

If you have purchased orange essential oil, then do not think that it was obtained from the peel of the fruit, as it should be, in principle. Now it is made from the leaves of the orange tree, and from its flowers. This oil differs in quality from that obtained from peel, but, nevertheless, it also has some valuable properties that can be used to improve health.

This essential oil can even be made by oneself; it is not at all necessary to buy it if you are in doubt about the composition of store oils. Orange oil, which is made at home, is good because you can add to it what you want and you can make it not only from the peel, but also from the peel of the fruit.

Useful properties of orange essential oil

This oil has the ability to positively affect the skin cells, it increases their ability to heal itself and, thus, helps to heal small wounds. The great advantage of orange oil is that absolutely anyone can use it, regardless of its skin type. If you are tired of the discomfort and discomfort associated with excessive dryness of the skin, the oil will moisturize it remarkably, giving it a delicate citrus scent. Do you have oily skin? Orange oil can also cope with this problem better than any other, even the most expensive, remedy.

Useful vitamins that are filled with orange oil will help the skin to gain elasticity and elasticity, as well as make it smooth and pleasant to the touch. This oil is used by women who actively struggle with wrinkles on the skin and dream of getting rid of them, even partially.

Using orange essential oil regularly, you will see first hand how it whitens the skin, evens out its tone and makes the pigment spots less noticeable.

Orange oil can also be used during massages. Its unique composition allows you to influence the muscles, thereby relaxing them. Therefore, massage with essential oil from orange will be a wonderful completion of your hard working day. It will help relieve stress and tune in to rest. Gentle fruit aroma of oil will create a festive atmosphere and give a good mood.

Oil significantly enhances blood circulation and helps the skin to find an attractive appearance, making it elastic. It is used in the fight against such a female problem as cellulite. Yes, to get rid of it completely, alas, will not work, but, while doing sometimes anti-cellulite massage using orange oil, you will soon notice positive changes.

Many have learned from their own experience how difficult it is to get rid of small scars that remain on the face after acne and acne. But it’s so important for a woman to have a beautiful and well-groomed face. No need to immediately despair and resort to the most expensive ways to combat the shortcomings. Just try to make masks based on orange essential oil and, very soon there won't be any flaws on the face at all.

Oil is so universal that it is hard not to be surprised. In addition to everything that was said earlier, it will also help to forget about toothache, to remove the discomfort caused by inflammation of the gums, and fights periodontal disease and stomatitis. It is often used for prophylactic purposes, because it kills germs in the oral cavity and positively affects the gums and tooth enamel.

Orange oil is often found in various cosmetic products. It is especially useful for the skin on the lips, because it is the most tender. In the winter, when the lips are so often cracked, there will be no better and more effective means than orange oil. It will moisturize the skin and heal small cracks on the lips, which cause only discomfort and pain.

Oil will be an indispensable tool in the first-aid kit of every woman. Many unsuccessfully try to get rid of pain and terrible discomfort during menstruation. Yes, and the period before menstruation is also difficult to call pleasant. Of course, some of us do not even suspect how difficult the premenstrual period can be, and for many years they suffer and cannot find a suitable effective medicine to remove, at least a bit, the terrible symptoms that prevent us from living a full life. Not every woman is able to afford the luxury of just lying down during menstruation, when everything is very sore. Most need to work or continuously do household chores. Then come to the aid of essential oil from orange. It promotes relaxation, alleviates pain during menstruation, and eases the premenstrual period.

Oil can be used to improve immunity. It consists of a huge variety of useful vitamins and other components that promote health and enhance immunity. If you are often sick, especially in the autumn and winter periods, when viruses are most active and spread at an incredible speed, then try using orange essential oil. It is also perfect as a prophylactic, and not just for treating colds.

A better solution than orange oil is not to find if you suffer from diseases of the stomach, intestines or any other internal organs. With it, it will not be difficult to remove toxins from the body and rid it of various harmful substances that go there along with bad food, including fast foods. Oil can increase appetite. That is why it is better not to use it for those who try to eat less or are on a diet.

In small quantities, the oil should be taken during constipation and poisoning. It promotes the speedy cleansing of the stomach and intestines. The oil will give a feeling of lightness and completely relieve from unpleasant nausea and painful sensations caused by stomach cramps. It will also be a great tool for preventing the formation of gallstones.

Contraindications and possible harm of orange essential oil

• You should not use orange oil if you are allergic to citrus fruits, because, accordingly, you will also have an allergic reaction to the oil;

• do not apply oil to the skin when it is sunny outside. There is a risk of burns;

• orange oil significantly increases the appetite, so you should not take it inside to those people who are trying to lose weight.

Orange essential oil - indications and methods of use

Orange oil is often used to calm nerves. There is probably no such person who would live a life without a single stress. They are waiting for us at work, at home, among friends. If time does not calm down, then there is a risk of nervous breakdowns, which in the future may develop into various heart and mental diseases. So that the tool is always at hand and you can use it at any time, then get an aromatic pendant and drip there literally a couple of drops of orange oil. At the moment when you are very nervous and no longer manage to control yourself, then take out the pendant with oil and inhale its delicate aroma. You will immediately feel incredible relaxation, and with your thoughts you will be transported to some pleasant place where you would like to go, and when you calm down a bit, you will see that your seemingly bad day is not as terrible as you thought.

If you have been suffering from insomnia for a long time, and expensive drugs do not give the desired result, then do not despair. Just use orange essential oil to have a good sleep. Get an aroma lamp, if you don’t already have one, and put five drops of this oil there. Put an orange oil aroma lamp in your room before you go to bed and enjoy the delicate fruity scent. You yourself will not notice how you will fall asleep, and when you wake up in the morning, you will feel just fine.

It is necessary to take the oil inside by adding it to the juice or tea, two drops per day. It is very important to calculate the dosage correctly so that allergies and nausea do not appear. Do not think that the more oil you drink, the better effect it will have.

If you want to get rid of acne or make your skin more beautiful and tender, then just add a little oil to your cosmetics and use them daily.

Orange oil has the best effect not only on human health, but also on its mood, so inhale its delicate aroma and get a positive charge for the whole day. Life is too beautiful to spend on negative emotions.


Watch the video: 10 UNIQUE WAYS TO USE ESSENTIAL OILS. Manifesting, Visualizing, Aromatherapy. Renee Amberg (June 2024).