Itching in the anus in men: why can it occur? Methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of itching in the anus in men


When a person experiences any discomfort, symptoms of the disease, he, most often, can complain about it to others.

But an itch in the anus does not apply to such cases: few people decide to discuss this rather intimate problem with strangers. But this does not mean at all that this "uncomfortable" symptom should be ignored, because it not only causes discomfort, but can also indicate quite serious pathologies requiring appropriate treatment.

Male itching in the anus: signs and associated symptoms

Sverzhbezh and burning can occur not only in the anus, but also around it, as well as in the entire perineum. Moreover, it can be both short-term and long-term, annoying sensations that are difficult to endure and not scratch. Itching in the anus in men can be complemented by such symptoms:

• Redness of the skin in the perianal region and local tissue swelling;

• Excessive humidity (so-called wetness);

• Bleeding;

• Exfoliation of skin or their seal;

• Rash, blistering, or other skin manifestations.

If there are such manifestations, the only correct solution and a way out of this situation will be a visit to the proctologist.

Male itching in the anus: causes

Itching in the anus in men can occur for no apparent reason, then this condition is considered an independent disease, and is called idiopathic (primary) anal itching.

The main and most common causes secondary itching (arising as a result of a disease) are considered as such:

1. Pathology of the anal canal (rectum). This is the most basic problem that causes itching in the perianal space. These include warts and genital warts, anal fissures, polyps and other benign rectal formations, anorectal fistula, hemorrhoids (internal, external). In addition, itching may be one of the symptoms of a sufficiently serious disease, such as chronic proctosigmoiditis, colon cancer, etc.

2. Dermatological diseases. Itching in the anus can indicate such pathologies as pediculosis, lichen planus, psoriasis, various dermatitis (allergic, contact, etc.), eczema, scabies, mycotic (fungal) lesion of the skin, etc. It must be said that itching in the anus is the main symptom of these diseases. In addition, discomfort can occur in the absence of proper hygiene. The use of toilet paper, injuring delicate skin or wearing synthetic underwear, also provokes irritation of the epidermis in the anus area. In this case, microcracks may occur in the perineal region, which become the entrance gate for the infection.

3. Worm infestations. Another common cause of burning and itching may be infection with intestinal parasites. Most often, the body is affected by pinworms, roundworms, Giardia and other types of worms. Discomfort occurs in this case, after emptying the rectum, in the evening. You can also suspect the presence of worms in the body if the patient has rapidly lost weight recently, and intestinal upset happens at least once every 2-3 days.

4. Some diseases transmitted by venereal (sexual) by, diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition to the already mentioned candidiasis (thrush) and pediculosis (pubic lice), itching in the anus in men can be triggered by chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas, ureaplasmas, taeniosis and other sexually transmitted infections. Prostatitis and urethritis can also cause the inflammatory process in the rectum in men, and, consequently, itching.

5. Diseases of the internal organs. First of all, it can be attributed pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: ulcerative processes, colitis, gastritis, dyskinesia, insufficiency of certain enzymes, dysbacteriosis. In one row with them put and diseases of the pancreas and the largest gland of our body - the liver, diabetes, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, thyroid, pituitary. Intoxication (poisoning) of the body is another factor that can lead to itching in the anus in men. It is also not uncommon that this unpleasant symptom occurs after taking antibiotics, especially erythromycin and tetracycline drugs.

6. Obesity. In overweight people, there is increased production of sweat, which means the appearance of diaper rash in the folds of the skin, including in the crotch area. Hence the itching in and around the anus.

7. Eating unhealthy - spicy and salty foods; in large quantities - spices, citrus, beer, wine, carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee, etc. These products irritate the walls of the rectum, thereby causing itching in the anus.

8. Some mental illness, taking opiates and alcohol. In alcoholism and drug addiction, the skin receptors of the mucous membranes of the body become too sensitive, which is reflected in the form of burning and itching. Some mental disorders have a similar effect - depression, neurosis, pathology, psychosis, dermatological absurdity, etc.

In some cases, a person may obsessively strive for permanent cleanliness, which forces him to thoroughly flush the anus with soap more than three times a day. However, such actions do not lead to anything good, except for drying out and degreasing the skin around the anus, which just causes itching.

Itching in the anus: diagnosis

The key to successful and proper treatment of any pathology is adequate diagnosis and identification of the cause of the disease. Difficulties in making a diagnosis, usually, do not arise, but to determine the type, form (wet itching or dry) is a task only for a specialist. To do this, contact the proctologist. It may be necessary to consult a dermatologist, venereologist, gastroenterologist and other narrow specialists.

To determine the root cause, most often you need to go through such analyzes and studies:

• Complete blood and stool;

• Blood test for sugar level;

• Analysis of feces for the presence of worms eggs and dysbiosis;

• Colonoscopy (anoscopy).

In addition, the doctor collects a patient history.

To do this, a man must answer the following questions:

• Is the itching in the anus associated with a problem stool? This may be due to weakness of the sphincter of the rectum (most often it occurs with hemorrhoids, with postoperative conditions, with prolapse of the rectum or with anal sex).

• Did the patient’s relatives have any genetic diseases? These include pathologies of the endocrine system, dyspepsia, diabetes, etc.

• Do domestic animals live in the patient's home that has become a helminth distributor?

• Is the patient eating well and not drinking alcohol?

• Was the patient susceptible to the harmful effects of radiation, chemicals, heavy metals, or other toxins? For people working in hazardous production, with a high content of dust in the air, chemical vapors, gases and other adverse factors, itching in the anus is a fairly common occurrence.

Male itching in the anus: treatment

When the reason for this rather unpleasant feature has not yet been established, the following steps should be followed to help relieve itching:

• Stop wearing uncomfortable clothing that restricts movement or is too close to the affected area, annoying her with rough seams;

• Refuse to wear clothes made of artificial synthetic materials;

• Regularly carry out all necessary hygiene procedures. After each visit to the toilet “for big business” use special antibacterial wet wipes or wash the crotch area with a special tool. Attention should be paid to the soap does not contain chemical components that irritate the skin;

• If possible, wash the perianal area with cool water;

• Do not take hot baths.

Specific targeted treatment of itching in the anus in men depends on the cause that provoked it. If such discomfort is provoked by diseases of the internal organs, treatment, first of all, will be aimed at their elimination. In case of diseases of a dermatological nature, specialists prescribe local preparations (creams, ointments, gels, etc.) that have a drying, anesthetic and sedative effect: zinc, hydrocortisone, salicylic ointment. Means containing novocaine, lidocaine, menthol, anesthesin can also be used to eliminate the burning sensation and the annoying itching, pain.

Particularly careful approach requires a situation where itching in the anus in a man caused by such a pathology as hemorrhoids. In this case, therapy may consist of the use of various ointments, suppositories:

• Relief (ointment, candles). Shark liver oil-based agent with antipruritic, healing and regenerating effect;

• Proktozan. Ointment, effective for advanced stages of hemorrhoids, relieves itching in the anus in men and women;

• Hepatrombin G (rectal suppositories or ointment). An anti-inflammatory agent, relieving itching and healing anal fissures;

• Aurobin. Ointment, which includes, among other components, lidocaine, which eliminates pain, burning and itching at the first application.

Proctologists also prescribe such ointments as Detralex, Bezornil, Ultraprokt, etc., which have similar anesthetic and antipruritic, healing effects.

Such drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician. Only a specialist can decide what kind of tool is suitable for the patient in each case. In proctology now physiotherapy is widely used, as well as methods of traditional medicine. But hemorrhoids may not respond to treatment with ointments or other local means, and require, for example, surgical intervention.

In the case when itching in the anus in men is provoked by helminthiasis, it is necessary to take all necessary measures to destroy the intraintestinal parasites. To do this, firstly, the following drugs can be prescribed for the treatment of enterobiosis: Albendazole, Wormil, Vermox, Dekaris, Nemozol, Metronidazole, Pyrantel, etc. The funds listed will help get rid of adult worms, as well as parasite eggs. However, it must be remembered that such drugs should be taken with caution, since they are not drugs, but, in essence, are poison for certain types of helminths. Therefore, before proceeding to expelling worms, you should read the instructions for this drug or consult a specialist (gastroenterologist). Secondly, in addition to receiving the described remedies, the treatment of helminthiasis also consists in careful personal hygiene (for example, washing the anus after each defecation with a solution of household or children's soap, and processing the perianal area with glycerin). It is recommended to wash underwear in hot water, and after drying, carefully iron it with the iron on the wrong and front side.

And, of course, treatment of itching in the anus in men is to eliminate the causesthat provoked this unpleasant symptom:

• With obesity - you need to lose weight;

• In the presence of sexually transmitted diseases - to destroy their pathogens;

• In the presence of mental disorders - contact a psychiatrist or psychologist;

• When eating foods that can adversely affect the rectum (its mucous membrane) - limit them in your diet.

Male itching in the anus: prevention and prognosis

Prevention of itching in the anus and perineum are quite simple and available events:

• Healthy lifestyle;

• Regular hygiene;

• Restriction in the diet of spicy, salty, alcohol, chocolate;

• Timely examination of the body by narrow specialists and treatment of chronic diseases;

• Washing hands before eating;

• Limiting promiscuous sex.

In the presence of the described symptom, projections in 95% of cases are favorable. An unpleasant and annoying itch will disappear very soon if a person is responsible for his health, and in time he applies for qualified medical assistance.

Many people mistakenly believe that this problem does not promise anything serious and will soon be resolved by itself. But, unfortunately, often neglected pathology can lead to the development of even more serious and serious diseases: eczema, ulcerative process, bleeding and infection. Similar problems interfere with normal life activity: a person cannot sleep, work, perform daily tasks.

To avoid a similar, not very happy future, contact the proctologist in time, which will help eliminate the cause of this unpleasant symptom.

Do not let the itching in the anus degrade the quality of your life!


Watch the video: Hemorrhoid or Fissure? (June 2024).