How to reduce cholesterol folk remedies: nutrition, herbs, juices? How to reduce cholesterol folk remedies and not harm your health


Cholesterol - a chemical compound that performs an extremely important role in the human body: it is used to synthesize steroid hormones and other substances necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

But with an excess of it, cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which can provoke their blockage, thrombosis and other unpleasant consequences.

How at home to make it so that cholesterol levels go down, which traditional medicines are the most effective, and which ones are better to be discarded - later in our material.

How to lower cholesterol folk remedies: eat properly

In order for "harmful" cholesterol not to enter the body, it is not enough just to give up fried and fatty. It is necessary to use those products that include monounsaturated fats and omega-fatty acids, from which "useful" cholesterol is synthesized. These include:

• Sea fatty fish varieties - tuna, herring, mackerel, flounder, etc. The required amount of this product is up to 400 grams per week. Eat boiled stew.

• Nuts - pistachios, walnuts and Brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, almonds, etc. These include sunflower, flax and sesame seeds.

• Vegetable oils - the most beneficial is olive, sesame, maize (corn), linseed. They need to fill salads or drink a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

In addition, to clear the body of harmful cholesterol, it is necessary to use fiber with food. These include vegetables, bran, fresh fruits, cereals.

How to lower cholesterol folk remedies: juice therapy

With elevated cholesterol, you can once a month cleanse the body with juices. To do this, you only need to drink juice for five days in the morning according to the following principle:

1. Day one. Drink 60 grams of carrot and 30 grams celery juice.

2. Day two. Mix 60 grams carrot, 50 grams beetroot and 20 grams cucumber juices. In this case, beet juice before use is better to hold in the refrigerator for two hours.

3. Day three. Drink a mixture of carrot (60 grams), apple (50 grams) and celery juice (50 grams).

4. Day four. Prepare and drink a mixture of carrot juice (60 grams) and cabbage juice (40 grams).

5. Day five. Drink 30 grams orange "fresh".

Juices should always be freshly prepared.

In addition, cholesterol in the blood lowers such fresh juices: pear, squash, grape, watermelon, pineapple, grapefruit, pumpkin, potato, rowan, tomato, redcurrant juice.

How to lower cholesterol by one-component folk remedies

Rosehip tincture. Take dry rosehips enough to fill a 0.5 liter bottle in half, crush them and fill the tank with vodka. Insist for 14 days, shaking daily a couple of times. After cooking, take the tincture, dripping 20 drops of sugar.

Hawthorn remedy. A pound of ripe fruit to knead and add to this gruel half a glass of boiled water. Heat the mixture to a temperature of 40 degrees, and squeeze the liquid (you can use a juicer). To accept means on one spoon (table.) Before food, three times a day.

Tincture of garlic. Chop the peeled garlic cloves (for example, in a meat grinder) and pour 200 grams of alcohol or vodka. Insist in a dark place for 10 days. This tincture taken three times a day, about 20 drops, before meals. Moreover, the tool must be diluted in milk.

Linden blossom. Take this plant material (in dried form), grind - the best in a coffee grinder. Take during the day in small portions, or add to food as a seasoning. You can also brew tea from lime flowers.

Dandelion. For this tool are used only roots (dried) of this plant. They also need to grind and eat 5g (about one teaspoon) before each meal. This recipe is good because it has no contraindications.

Propolis tincture. Propolis pour vodka (25 g of propolis to 0.5 liters of vodka). Insist in a cool dark place for at least a week. Take the finished product diluted in water - for 30ml of water 7-10 drops, before meals. The treatment is long - from three to four months.

Infusion golden mustache. You need to take the leaves of this houseplant (its scientific name is Kalliziya fragrant) with a length of at least 20 cm, chop into small pieces and pour boiling water on it. It is best to place the infusion in a thermos and leave it for a day. It is necessary to drink means on one spoon (dining room), three times a day, before food. The course of therapy is at least three months. Store the infusion should be in the refrigerator. Folk healers claim that with this tool also reduces blood sugar levels. If you have doubts about whether to drink gold whisker or not, it is better to consult with your physician or your doctor.

Blackberry leaf infusion. Take the dried plant material (about 10g), chop it and pour one glass (200ml) of boiling water. Infusion stand for about an hour, then strain and drink this amount of fluid obtained during the day, before meals.

Multicomponent recipes for lowering cholesterol in the blood

Infusion of garlic and lemon. Take one head (not a clove) of garlic, 1 medium sized lemon and grind them into a meat grinder. Add approximately 700ml of water (cold) to this slurry and leave for one week, shaking daily. Take the filtered means of 30 grams 30 minutes before meals, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This recipe can also be “modified”: mix 2 lemons, 5 heads of garlic and honey to your taste. Take the mixture to one tablespoon every morning on an empty stomach.

Infusion of a mixture of herbs №1. To prepare, take two parts of buckthorn bark, hips, immortelle flowers, as well as one part of hawthorn flowers and “kidney tea” herbs. Two tablespoons of this mixture pour half a liter of boiling water and boil for another half hour in a water bath. Cool and strain the agent, then drink a third of a glass, three times a day, after a meal. The drug will work if you drink it for at least two to three months.

Infusion of a mixture of herbs №2. In equal quantities, mix the dried fruits of chokeberry, yarrow grass, wheatgrass and dandelion roots, horsetail, and birch leaves. A means of this mixture is prepared and accepted according to the same recipe as the previous one.

Collection: walnut leaves (10 grams), wheatgrass root (20 grams), steel root (20 grams), juniper berries (25 grams), centaury grass (20 grams). All ingredients chop, mix. One tablespoon of the mixture insist in one glass of water (pour boiling water) for half an hour. Take for breakfast and dinner for one glass of warm infusion.

Collection: Lubish root (10 grams), stalnik root (10 grams), buckthorn bark (10 grams). Preparing the infusion in the same way as in the previous recipe, with the only difference that you need to take it, not two, but three times a day, for the 1st cup.

Tincture of seeds of flax and milk thistle. Grind the seeds of these plants (preferably using a coffee grinder), taken in equal quantities and 2-3 tables. spoon mixture pour half a liter of vodka. Soak in a dark place for less than one week, take the drug in 20 drops (can be diluted in a small amount of water), three times a day, before meals. A mixture of ground seeds of flax and milk thistle can also be added to food, as a seasoning.

Folk remedies to reduce cholesterol: good or bad?

As a conclusion, it is necessary to say that traditional methods for reducing “harmful” cholesterol are not suitable for all patients.

Any of their components can provoke allergies or even be deadly for a certain category of people (for example, for hypertensive patients or patients with chronic diseases).

Cleansing blood vessels of cholesterol plaques is also an unsafe process because those same plaques or blood clots can come off and clog the vessels of the brain or heart, causing a stroke or heart attack.

Turning to traditional medicine, be sure to consult with your doctor from the official medicine, so as not to harm your health.


Watch the video: Lowering Cholesterol - Mayo Clinic (July 2024).