Recipes of folk remedies for headaches: infusions, decoctions, aromatherapy. Distracting folk remedies for headaches: help with frequent migraines


One of the most common symptoms of various diseases is headache.

It is always necessary to treat the cause of this phenomenon, but traditional medicine will help to relieve an acute attack.

The main thing - to choose the one that suits you and apply it in extreme cases.

Distracting folk remedies for headaches

It is possible to get rid of pain in the head by means of so-called "distracting" means. In this case, take any "medication" is not necessary, but only to do the following manipulations:

Soft wool dressing. Take the matter, fold it several times to get a strip about 8 cm thick. Such a "bandage" to wrap the head rather tightly so that it covers the front of the eyebrow, and behind it passes just below the occiput.

Bandage with cabbage leaf. Take fresh sheets of cabbage, slightly mash them (to show juice) and attach to temples, and wrap them with a bandage or a handkerchief on top. Similar effects are also applied to the forehead and temples of peppermint leaves or coltsfoot.

Broth wormwood and bitter cucumber roots from migraine. Boil 10 grams of a mixture of vegetable ingredients in olive oil (about 100 grams) until they are boiled soft. Dampen the opposite side of the head with the decoction, which hurts, and use the sediment for the drug dressing.

Putting to the back of the head fresh grass knotweed. With headaches, this method acts as a mustard plaster.

Acetic oil compress. Mix in equal parts of vinegar and olive oil, moisten the wool in this mixture and apply to the forehead. In the absence of oil, you can make a compress simply from vinegar slightly diluted with water.

Lemon Peel Application. Take a fresh lemon crust, clean it from the inner white "raid" and attach (firmly pinned) to the temples. After a few minutes, a red spot appears on the skin, and the headache subsides.

Mustard plasters. A diverting tool is also applied to the back of the head, between the shoulder blades, the heel or on the mustard pes.

Cold compresses. Moisten a towel in ice water, wring it out and apply it to the forehead. Such a remedy may be unsafe in the heat, as the dilated vessels of the head sharply narrow under the action of cold, which can cause a stroke.

Attaching the forehead to the window glass. Such an action can remove the electrostatic charge from the head, because of which there is not rarely a headache.

Hot foot bath. If your head hurts because of high blood pressure, hot baths for your feet or hands can help. At the same time, the blood drains from the head and flows to the extremities. It is strictly not recommended in this way to treat headaches for people suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure).

Celandine, vinegar and rose oil. With strong attacks of pain, mix the specified ingredients in equal amounts and lubricate the whiskey with the resulting composition. You must first wash your head with warm water with the addition of sea salt.

Folk remedies for headache: aromatherapy

One of the alternative ways to eliminate headaches is inhalation of various essential oils. Here are some recipes:

• Prepare a mixture of oils for the freshener: pine, mint and lemon (two droplets).

• Breathing in fragrance lemon, mint or lavender, the person will feel that the headache is dull or goes away completely.

• Rub in whiskey drop by drop mint or lavender oils.

Whiskey rubbing blends: oil of pine, geranium and lemon (3: 2: 1), rosemary, eucalyptus and mint (2: 3: 2), ylang-ylang and geranium (1: 1).

Bath with essential oils. Prepare a mixture of oils of mint, geranium and orange (4: 4: 2), or lavender, ylang-ylang and nutmeg (2: 4: 4). Take a bath with water at about 40 ° C.

Folk remedies for headaches based on medicinal plants and fees

There are also a number of means - infusions, decoctions, etc., helping to eliminate pain in the temples, back of the head, frontal part of the head:

Infusion Hypericum. Cook in the usual way one tablespoon of Hypericum ordinary (dry grass) in 200 ml of water. Drink in small portions throughout the day.

Broth chamomile odorous. This herb is also called chamomile tongueless. To prepare the daily rate of such a means, take a table-spoon of dry raw material, pour boiling water in the volume of one glass and boil for a few more minutes, until the broth turns yellow. Insist about a quarter of an hour and drink in the filtered form small sips all day.

Broth hawthorn fruit. Prepare a decoction of 20 grams of berries (boil them in 200ml of water for 10 minutes). Cool and drink on an empty stomach.

Broth valerian. Take about 20 grams of rhizomes of this plant, pour a glass of vara and warm for about 15 minutes in a water bath. Let the broth stand for 45 minutes, then strain it and bring it to 200 ml with boiled water. Take this tool before meals, three times a day. For migraines, the treatment course is a week. After that, take a break for a couple of days and again take the drug for 7 days.

Ginger tea. Throw in the boiling water of the grated root of this plant (approximately one tea spoon.). Boil the raw material for a few minutes and let it brew. This broth or tea taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, with the addition of lemon, mint or apple slices, use honey as a sweetener.

Herbal collection of pain in the head. Take one tablespoon of hawthorn fruit, herb motherwort, chamomile drug, calendula and knotweed. In the evening, pour this mixture into a thermos and pour one liter of boiling water. In the morning in the filtered and cooled infusion add half a liter of vodka and insist another day. In the finished tool, you can add another 30 grams of ginger root. The collection take 30 milliliters in the morning, on an empty stomach, and two more times - before lunch and dinner. The course of treatment lasts until the whole "portion" of the remedy is over.

Recipes of folk remedies for clay-based headache

Here are some clay-based recipes that can relieve a headache:

1. Take a small lump of clay soak it in warm water, to obtain a consistency similar to a thick ointment. Add a small amount of vinegar. Apply the obtained product on the feet, wrap with plastic and put warm socks on top. The procedure lasts one hour.

2. Take clay (black or blue) - about 150 grams, about 100 ml of water and gauze cut. Mix the water with the clay and put the paste into a half-centimeter layer on the gauze folded in several layers. "Compress" impose on the forehead and temples. This procedure should be done every evening, for a month, if you are worried about frequent headaches or migraines.

3. Take clay (100 grams), 100 ml of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of peppermint infusion. All ingredients mix and apply on cheesecloth. Remove the bandage in a quarter of an hour, the course of treatment is 7 days.

4. Dilute 150 grams of clay with a quarter cup of warm water and add 5 drops of menthol oil. Stir, apply on thick cloth or cloth and in the usual way apply a bandage on the frontal and temporal areas for five minutes. The course of treatment lasts one week.

Self-massage for headaches and migraines

To good methods of alternative medicine to relieve an acute attack of headache can be attributed to massage, which can be carried out by itself. The following tricks are necessary:

1. Put the palms folded one on top of the other on the forehead and make 50 movements from side to side;

2. Put palms on both sides of the head so that the thumb is under the earlobe. To make 50 movements down-up;

3. Massage the edges of the palms of the head in the direction from the bottom up to activate blood flow to the head;

4. Press on the temples for one minute (synchronous), while the eyes must be closed;

5. Approximately 20 seconds with two fingers to press quite strongly on the area between the eyebrows;

6. Palms squeeze the head on both sides, approximately 30 seconds.

If you are not helped by the treatments prescribed by your doctor, you can use alternative medicine. But remember that each of these recipes or techniques may have contraindications.

If you are hypersensitive to certain components, allergies or a specific reaction, try to find another treatment method.

Be healthy!


Watch the video: Is ginger tea good for headaches ? Better Health Channel (July 2024).