Angina during pregnancy: all you need to know about this disease for expectant mothers. How to cure a sore throat during pregnancy, antibiotics are required?


During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother becomes the least protected from the effects of negative factors, since when the baby is born, the immunity is significantly reduced. Therefore, during all nine months of pregnancy, a woman should be very attentive to her health and, at the first sign of ailments, immediately consult a specialist.

What is dangerous sore throat during pregnancy

A sore throat during pregnancy can cause significant harm to your baby, as this disease is accompanied by symptoms such as high fever and intoxication. These symptoms can cause fetal hypoxia. At the first signs of a sore throat, you should consult a doctor, while it is better to visit an otolaryngologist or infectious disease specialist, and not a general practitioner, to make the most accurate diagnosis. Since a disease such as sore throat is not common among pregnant women, malaise may indicate that a woman fell ill with a common SARS. But since respiratory infections can cause complications during the weakening of immunity, it is necessary to start competent treatment during the supervision of a specialist.

Method for transmitting angina - airborne and contact, so infection is only possible when communicating with a sick person. Sources of infection that contribute to the development of tonsillitis can be ordinary caries, as well as pustular diseases of the paranasal sinuses and nose.

Diagnosis of angina in pregnant women

Symptoms of angina are manifested acutely at the onset of the disease: the temperature can rise to 40 0C, the general weakness of the body will be observed, appetite will disappear. The characteristic symptoms of angina are inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes - they increase in size and become painful, sharp pain and redness of the throat, pain when swallowing. It can also be observed nasal voices.

Also, the doctor, for a complete picture of the diagnosis, may order a general blood test to determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. It is possible to assign an X-ray examination (if there are suspicions of damage to the joints) and echocardiograms (if there are suspicions of complications that affect the cardiovascular system). Bacteriological analysis will identify pathogenic microflora, and a swab from the nasal cavity - to exclude diphtheria.

Treatment of sore throat during pregnancy

The main way to treat a sore throat is antibiotic therapy and the use of topical drugs. But during pregnancy, the use of certain antibiotics is unacceptable, they should be taken only after the appointment of a doctor. The doctor will select antibiotics that have the least teratogenic effect - a negative effect on the fetus. In modern medicine, there are more and more of these antibiotics that are safe for pregnant women, which in no way affect the course of pregnancy, especially in the later stages.

Topical drugs, which are used directly in the focus of inflammation, it is also worth choosing with caution. Many drugs in the form of sprays and rinses can be safely used starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. The doctor may also prescribe a rinse with chamomile or sage - rinsing with the decoctions of these herbs is usually alternated with antiseptic solutions, such as chlorhexidine or miramistin. You can also use a weak saline solution to rinse, it must be warm. Such rinsing can be repeated quite often, for example, at the first signs of the appearance of painful sensations in the throat.

To general recommendations during sore throat is a copious warm drink. It is important not to eat or drink foods that have an acidic environment during illness, as it will negatively affect the throat, constantly irritating it and bringing even more discomfort. Therefore, it is better to choose warm milk for drinking, but it is important that it is not hot. Also, despite the lack of appetite, it is necessary to eat, as the body during the illness is more weakened, and the energy is necessary for the future mother and child. Eat easily digestible foods, such as porridge or broth, for food. Care must be taken to ensure that food is not hot. Do not eat spicy foods.

Folk remedies for tonsillitis during pregnancy

As a warm drink you can use herbal decoctions. For example, a decoction of sage leaves: take 1 tbsp. l leaves and pour cups of boiling water, then this mixture is infused for one hour, previously wrapped. Before use, the broth must be filtered. Take as a drink half a glass three times a day, before meals. This broth can also gargle.

Can be used for cooking broth chamomile pharmacy. One Art. l flowers pour a glass of boiling water, then allow to infuse for 30 minutes, wrapped. This broth is taken by adding honey and lemon several times a day.

There is an effective recipe for broth with meadow cornflower. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of a mixture of flowers and cornflower herbs, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist at least two hours. Drink one glass three times a day, before eating, adding a small amount of honey or sugar.

With an increase in body temperature, it can be shot down medicamentally, using medications prescribed by a doctor. But there are also well-known, time-tested methods. For example, such as the use of linden broth, cool baths and others. But the temperature increase should be treated with great caution, and if the temperature cannot be reduced with improvised means, medications should be taken and a doctor should be called.

If the body temperature is normal, then you can do inhalation with essential oils. For this purpose, chamomile, eucalyptus, rosehip and thyme oils are suitable. It is necessary to heat the water and add two to three drops of any oil to it, then cover with a towel and breathe over the steam for several minutes. After the procedure, you must immediately go to bed and hide. With extreme caution, you should approach this method of treatment for those who do not know how well tolerates the oil of a particular plant. It is necessary to listen to the reaction of the body and at the first signs of malaise, for example, dizziness or nausea, stop the procedure.

Also used for inhalation potatoes. It must be thoroughly washed and boiled until the tubers are fully cooked; you can even “boil” them. Then you need, just as with inhalation with essential oils, cover yourself with a towel and carefully inhale the vapor with your mouth or nose, the procedure should last 10 - 15 minutes. Then immediately wrap yourself in a blanket and lie down. After inhalation, it is desirable to take a warm drink almost immediately, to enhance the positive effect. It is important to prevent hypothermia after the procedure, otherwise it will do more harm than good.

With angina, you can use various compresses. One of the compress options: it is necessary to put gauze or bandage in several layers, soak in a weak alcohol solution (approximately 1: 3 ratio) and tie it around the neck. The next layer will be a compress oilcloth or paper, then a warm scarf or scarf. The second version of the compress: mix honey, aloe juice and vodka in a ratio of 2: 1: 3, respectively. Then the scheme is the same as for the previous compress. You can apply this heating method by leaving the compress overnight, or use it several times during the day, for 2-3 hours. A particularly positive effect of the use of compresses is felt if the lymph nodes are painful and enlarged.

Great care should be taken to hot foot baths. In the first trimester of pregnancy, foot baths can be fraught with spontaneous miscarriage. In later pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is reduced, but if a woman has high blood pressure or varicose veins, then the baths are also contraindicated.

Possible consequences of sore throat during pregnancy

Possible consequences of angina, especially in early pregnancy, can be:

  • severe toxicosis;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • hyperthermia, due to which placental abruption can begin; fetal abnormalities;
  • fetal freezing.

All these negative factors arise due to the fact that a bacterial infection penetrates directly into the bloodstream and can provoke septic poisoning. But the later stages of pregnancy, the sore throat is dangerous because the body of the future mother has already exhausted the main reserve of his strength, and this can be fraught with myocarditis, laryngeal abscess, meningitis and septic intoxication. Heart failure, pyelonephritis, infectious polyarthritis and glomerulonephritis may also occur.

At the same time, the negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman is mainly influenced not by the pathogenic bacteria themselves - the causative agents, but the symptom associated with the disease - high fever, as well as general intoxication of the body.

It is important to remember that the risk of negative effects of medications on the fetus is much less than the risk of complications that may occur if the sore throat is not treated. That is why it is so important to start treatment at the first signs of a disease.

Angina during pregnancy: preventive measures

One of the best ways to prevent angina during pregnancy - do not contact with sick people. If, nevertheless, one of the family members fell ill with a sore throat and contact with him is inevitable, then the future mother should be protected from infection as much as possible. She needs to wear medical mask, not to use dishes and other household items with a sick person, disinfect all surfaces in the apartment several times a day as well ventilate the room.

Another effective way to prevent the onset of the disease is to scheduled inspection at the doctors. It is especially important to visit the otolaryngologist and dentist during the second trimester of pregnancy so that they can eliminate negative factors, such as caries and upper respiratory tract inflammation, which can contribute to the development of angina.

Also, during seasonal epidemics, a pregnant woman should wear a medical mask when visiting public places. And, of course, the main recommendation for the prevention of not only sore throats, but also other infectious diseases is strengthening immunity. You need to consume a large amount of fruits and vegetables, take regular walks in the fresh air and take complex vitamins designed specifically for pregnant women.

Caring for yourself and your baby is the main goal of the expectant mother during pregnancy. Therefore, it is best to entrust the treatment of such a disease as a sore throat to a doctor.

Do not self-medicate, as you can harm yourself and your baby. When choosing medicines - medical or traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.


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