A diet without vegetables: in this food system more harm or benefit? Is it possible to quickly lose weight on a fashionable diet without vegetables


Modern nutritionists are considering all the options for diets for people with different needs and preferences in food.

A new-fashioned habit is to refuse to use even vegetable dishes, temporarily replacing vegetables with a large amount of protein.

Famous nutritionist Pierre Ducane invites everyone to build on their own methods by alternating meat and vegetable days, and begin the process of losing weight with a period of "attack", which lasts from several days to a week. Such an approach, according to Dr. Ducan, triggers the metabolic processes in humans, causing internal fat reserves to be consumed.

British doctor Zoe Harkomb - The author of the acclaimed best-selling "Epidemic of Obesity" - I am sure that the diet of a slimming person should include as much red meat, eggs, fish and butter as possible, but vegetables, especially those containing starch (among them common roots in our country are potatoes, beets and carrots) you need to significantly reduce during weight loss, and even better to completely eliminate.

Known in Russia Kremlin diet is also based on strict scoring, preference in the diet is given to dishes of meat and fish, but the number of vegetables is significantly reduced.

What unites all three popular theories? Temporary abandonment of vegetables and the transition to protein foods. It is believed that our body spends more energy on the digestion of proteins, which means that it will quickly part with extra pounds. Another plus: with this approach, muscle mass does not suffer, and there is every reason to believe that the burning process occurs precisely because of the adipose tissue, and not the human muscle mass, which is so valuable for the full functioning of the body.

Basic rules of a diet without vegetables

A diet without vegetables has its own rules, which must be followed so as not to harm the body with severe restrictions.

Do not forget that you are on a diet, and therefore try to observe at least general principles of calorie contentwithout being carried away, for example, by nuts and dried fruits.

There are best from 5 to 7 times a day in small portions. Animal protein, whether it is the most useful and dietary, should not eat more than 150 - 200 grams at a time. This is done to ensure that the stomach is reduced in size.

On a diet without vegetables, more important than ever drink as much pure water as possible: optimal dosage two liters per day. Water helps the intestines to work without a glitch, and in general it is very useful on diets.

And remember: keeping a diet without vegetables for more than a week is still undesirable. A diet without vegetables is quite an extreme load on the body: fiber is necessary for the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines. At its end, it is better to lean on vegetables: cook low-fat vegetable stews, bake pumpkins, make vinaigrettes and fresh salads, seasoning them with lemon juice or quality vegetable oils.

What foods are important to exclude from the diet while losing weight on a diet without vegetables?

First thing to do completely exclude potatoes, carrots, beets, both containing a lot of starch. The rest of the vegetables shine to a minimum.

Not allowed There is butter pastry: pizza, buns, pastries, cookies, sweets or cakes.

Don't get carried away fatty and smoked meat, sausages and delicacies, lean on lard or all kinds of layers. It is better not to eat fried meatballs or grilled chicken, to exclude crucian fried in sour cream, pollock in batter and so on.

Very possible little should be canned foods, even the most innocuous at first glance, like green peas, corn, olives or tuna in their own juice. The fact is that industrial products contain a lot of salt, sugars and preservatives that interfere with weight loss.

Generally, if possible, you need a diet without vegetables limit salt intake and even more so, sugar. As the unforgettable Raisa Zakharovna from the film "Love and Pigeons" said: salt is white poison, and sugar is white death, and these tips are very relevant for the duration of the diet.

And what foods can be consumed on a diet without vegetables?

Diet basis must make porridge: buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, oatmeal. Just choose products that are not steamed, but as natural as possible, preferably long boiling. Fiber contained in cereals will temporarily replace products of plant origin, without which the full-fledged work of the gastrointestinal tract is unthinkable.

Must eat squirrels: eggs, low-fat fish, such as pollock, haddock, cod, pink salmon or chum. Boiled squid and shrimp are welcome as sources of high-quality protein. Fish can be steamed, baked in foil, pouring lemon juice. It is not only tasty, but very useful.

Cook skinless breast, low-fat veal. During the diet period broths, aspic, light soups with greens are very good.

Interesting to experiment, making original sauces based on natural low-fat yogurt or yoghurt. Low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk or sour cream may well contribute to weight loss on this diet without vegetables.

You can eat once a week a dish of pasta cooked to the state of "aldente". You can pour pasta with a teaspoon of olive oil and eat as a side dish for fish or seafood.

A couple of times on a diet allowed to eat butter, but the layer should be almost transparent.

A diet without vegetables does not mean that you need to completely abandon plant foods. Let berries, dried fruits, nuts come to help you. Fresh or dry and, of course, in prudent doses. Add them to soups or cereals, make cocktails and light soups based on them, and then the diet will be tolerated not only much easier, but it will delight you with its variety.

Buy black bread or bran bread. They will give a feeling of satiety and not satiate healthy carbohydrates.

We make the menu for five days for a diet without vegetables


On Monday, make porridge for breakfast in skim milk or on water. Add a handful of figs or prunes to it. Drink a glass of green tea with honey and lemon.

As a snack, low-fat fermented baked milk without sugar, a glass of frozen or fresh berries are suitable.

For lunch, prepare a broth with lean veal or cilantro, bake a couple of large apples, drink a glass of coffee without sugar.

An afternoon snack may consist of apples baked with nuts and low-fat cottage cheese.

And dinner will end a delicious day with scrambled eggs on squirrels and mineral water with spice hops-suneli. You can eat a dish of eggs with two pieces of Borodino bread.


On Tuesday, eat buckwheat porridge with a slice of butter for breakfast. Complete the meal with a glass of fresh or frozen compote.

Lunch can consist of a glass of kefir and several bread rolls. As a second option, you can eat a handful of cashew nuts and drink a glass of herbal tea.

For lunch, prepare a large portion of squid under lemon juice, eat from, washed down with compote or green tea.

An afternoon snack can be simple, easy, tasty and consist, for example, of homemade chicken liver pate and a pair of black bread.

Dinner can consist of baked pollock, sprinkled with vegetable oil, and as a salad you can cook a small portion of pearl barley or buckwheat steamed with boiling water.

Before bedtime, drink a glass of kefir and then you will be full until the next morning.


You can start the third day - a kind of equator of the diet - with scrambled eggs and large grapefruit. As a supplement, drink a glass of coffee with milk, but without sugar.

Lunch can consist of a glass of fresh cream based on low-fat cottage cheese, garlic and herbs.

For lunch, eat aspic from zander with horseradish sauce, eat it a couple of pieces of Borodino bread. For dessert, bake a large apple with honey.

As another snack in the afternoon - afternoon tea - you can eat silent natural yoghurt with bread and a glass of organic coffee.

And we recommend to end the day with chicken tobacco baked in a griddle under the yoke without oil, salt and skin.


Start the fourth day with cottage cheese casserole baked with dried fruit. Pamper yourself with a spoon of low-fat sour cream and a glass of coffee with milk, but without sugar.

Lunch is a great occasion to make soufflé from frozen berries, with the addition of a drop of honey.

For lunch, you can cook cereal soup, based on lean slices of chicken. Add a large handful of greens to the broth and eat lunch without adding bread.

An afternoon snack can consist of one egg, beaten and baked in a dry skillet. An egg pancake will be a tasty and satisfying, but still very useful snack. You can eat pancake with a portion of bread.

At dinner, bake fish with cranberry or blackcurrant sauce. For example, the combination of mackerel stuffed with red or black currant berries with Provencal herbs is very tasty. You can drink fish with kefir, katyk or natural yogurt.


The fifth day is the day when you see the first tangible results. Please yourself with bran pancakes with a spoon of honey and a large portion of coffee with milk and cinnamon. Sprinkle pancakes with coconut - this is delicious and unusual.

For lunch, prepare small canapes of bread with cottage cheese and herbs.

Lunch let you please a large portion of fish (for example, pink salmon), but you can please yourself with aspic from chicken fillet and grapefruit.

Beat a cup of yogurt with berries by the afternoon snack, add vanillin there. Such a cocktail will bring satiety and enrich the body with trace elements.

For dinner, eat boiled pearl barley with steamed dried porcini mushrooms.

Five days of diet, but sustained according to all the canons, will take up to 5 kilograms of excess weight and will be a great start for further work on yourself. However, in order to continue the diet successfully, nutritionists recommend returning vegetables to the diet.

Features of the diet without vegetables and out of it

Experts say: even five days spent on a diet without vegetables perfectly "rebuild" the body to a new lifestyle.

They allow for a long time to reconsider eating habits, abandoning chemistry and semi-finished products in favor of natural products.

Immediately after completing the diet, start adding stewed vegetables to the diet: for example, cauliflower, zucchini on water, vegetable stew with cabbage, carrots, and optionally a small amount of fresh mushrooms.

Try to continue to adhere to a diet without salt, but lean on spices, experimenting with tastes. Lemon juice, apple vinegar, a mixture of soy sauce with olive oil and garlic will saturate your diet with unique flavors, bringing a lot of joy to taste buds, will allow you to get gastronomic pleasures and without harmful products.

Benefits of a diet without vegetables:

• she is nourishing;

• easy to carry;

• allows you to burn fat, but not affect muscle mass;

• suitable for winter when vegetables are tasteless and expensive;

• due to the almost complete abandonment of salt, a quick cleansing of the body occurs when it is freed from excess water.

• allows the body to quickly rebuild by turning on the mechanism of burning fat.

An important point: if you have health problems, it is better to give up a diet without vegetables and choose another, milder diet.

Be healthy, happy, enjoy the colors of life with a new figure!


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