Anti-aging facial massage yourself: reality and myths. You can return the years with a regular rejuvenating facial massage!


In the modern world it has become fashionable to look younger than its years.

Fitness centers are filled with people who want to improve their figures, but they remember about the face when the network of wrinkles, bags under the eyes catastrophically reveal age.

The sooner a woman starts to do a rejuvenating facial massage, the longer she will look the same age as her adult children without braces and Botox.

Who is shown anti-aging facial massage

Do you know that the aging of the whole body begins after 25 years? A quarter of a century a person grows, and then grows old. At the age of 50, the young face changes the oval, its skin becomes flabby, covered with wrinkles, folds and sagging. You can “blame” everything on genetics, give up, or it is possible, at 25, or at 50, 60, 70 years, deal with the causes and try to regain a couple - three years.

No one can stop natural aging, but you can change your lifestyle and not provoke bad habits in the skin.

- Pay attention to the smoking woman, inhaling, she unwittingly blinked, puts her lips to a straw. Here you have the wrinkles around the eyes and lips. In this case we will not talk about the effect of nicotine on the pores and blood composition.

- Alcohol, strong coffee and tea contribute to the retention of water in the body, impaired kidney function, hence the bags under the eyes.

- Lovers to sleep on the stomach sometimes do not allow the skin to breathe during the night, and bed mites fall on it and cause irritation.

- The inability to "hold" the back contributes not only to the appearance of a drooping abdomen, but puffiness on the face.

- In 18 - 20 years, many young women already have wrinkles on the forehead, bird legs around the eyes because of their uncontrollable facial habits.

Why does skin fade so quickly

Here are the five main causes of facial aging.

1. Water.

We are 60% water, and its absence will affect, first of all, on the face, which over time will look like cracked, waterless land. 1.5 - 2.0 liters of water per day is the law to preserve the youth of the skin of the face.

2. Toxic substances and lack of vitamins.

The body suffers from all kinds of tonic drinks, fast foods, smoking and unbalanced nutrition.

The complex of vitamins A and E is called the youth complex. Drink these vitamins in courses and see a stunning result.

3. The sun.

Tanning lovers, regular visitors to tanning beds risk aging their skin much earlier than natural aging. After all, when exposed to sunlight, the skin dries out, becomes less elastic and more coarse.

4. Stress.

The nervous system instantly reacts to trouble, at the same time the blood flow is interrupted, the vessels narrow, on the face these changes are displayed first. If you can not get away from an unpleasant situation, then protect yourself soothing.

5. Power and charging

Daily care must include a whole complex of morning and evening face care, which includes lotions, creams, masks and rejuvenating facial massage. It can be done both in professional offices and independently.

What is the secret of anti-aging facial massage?

Often, a rejuvenating facial massage is called a plastic without a knife, as a result of which the skin becomes soft, smooth, smooth and matte.

What happens inside our skin with intense exposure to it?

• Increases muscle tone, responsible for the oval and face tightening.

• Improves blood circulation, which contributes to the disappearance of wrinkles.

• Lymph outflow accelerates, resulting in puffiness, bags under the eyes disappear.

• Massage restores fat metabolism in the skin of the face, reduces traces of scars and acne.

What you need for a rejuvenating facial massage at home

Every woman can help her face change, you just need to be patient and love yourself very much.

- Before starting any procedures on the face, it should be cleaned of cosmetics.

- For massage, you need a cream or oil that is guaranteed not to cause allergies. The miracles of transformation creates amaranth oil on the face.

- Comfortable place in front of the mirror.

- Carefully study the lines on which you will perform manipulations.

• On the forehead, all the lines go from the point between the eyebrows by the rays to the hair roots: up, sideways and along the eyebrows.

• Adjust the eyes from the inner corner along the eyebrows to the outer edge and back.

• Massage the cheeks from the center to the periphery.

• We work the nose, sliding from the middle to the cheeks.

directions of movement

- Good mood and free time for a period of rejuvenating facial massage.

- For better relaxation, turn on the music for meditation and enjoy the process of rejuvenation.

Each type of massage is performed 10 - 15 times, every day or every other day with a repetition in six months.

Anti-Aging Face Massage: Classic

The classic anti-aging facial massage has been known since the days of Avicenna, its techniques consist of stroking and rubbing, during which the skin warms up, kneading and vibration. Upon completion of the course of manipulation, the skin of the face will acquire a tone, become elastic and taut, and the sagging will disappear.

1. Accept a comfortable, relaxing posture, begin to massage the forehead. Use your index and middle fingers to stroke the skin with straight, zigzag and circular movements 3 to 5 times along each line. Simulating shading, rub the frontal surface from the center to the periphery 3 times.

We do kneading with middle and ring fingers, press down once or twice, as if putting a full stop and releasing. We work forehead 2 - 3 times.

We fix the manipulations on the forehead by gently tapping with the pads of the fingers.

2. Go to eye massage. With unnamed fingers we perform gentle circular strokes 3-5 times. Pressing in the eye area is done with vibration, not patting 2 - 3 times along the main lines.

3. We begin to massage the nose from the hump to the tip in one direction, and to the eyebrows - in the other, repeating all the tricks performed on the forehead 3 times.

4. Cheeks are working on several lines:

• middle of the nose - whiskey;

• nose wings - trestles ears;

• edges of the lips - ear lobes;

• the middle of the chin - ears.

All movements are performed with the index, middle and ring fingers. Stroking - straight, circular, rubbing - bar-like, circular.

Kneading is performed in circular motions, 3 to 1, when the thumb serves as a support for the other three.

Slap the cushions of all the fingers, as if playing the piano.

We finish the classic rejuvenating face massage with gentle, circular stroking of the neck, from the neckline to the chin in the middle of the throat, returning along the outer edge of the neck. Perform 4 - 5 laps.

Rejuvenating face massage: Japan comes to the rescue

Bulging cheeks, saggy face, bags under the eyes can be reduced with Asahi corrective massage. At the heart of the amazing results of Japanese massage is lymph drainage, from which swelling goes.

Exercises are performed at a slow pace, sometimes speeding up, preferably with relaxing music.

We perform all the tricks 3 times, at the end of each stop on the one-two count, before the new exercise we pause for 3 seconds.

When performing certain techniques, a painful sensation may occur, this is normal. Do not allow acute, unpleasant pain, correcting them with the power of pressure.

1. We put our fingers at the level of the corners of the eyes, hugging our face with the whole palm, “sliding off” to the clavicles.

2. Place three fingers of each hand in the middle of the forehead perpendicular to the eyebrows. Quickly pushing his hands to the temples and go to the collarbone.

3. We begin to perform this technique with the index and middle fingers from the outer corners of the eyes, slowly stroke the skin of the eyelids along the lower edge, towards the inner corners. Accelerate movement along the eyebrows, returning to the starting point. Then, lightly pressing, we stroke to the inner corner and go back, stopping, sliding to the clavicles with the whole palm.

4. The mouth area allows you to lift the cheeks. Put your fingers on your chin so that they meet in the hole under the lips, and, pressing, move around the mouth to the point between the nose and lips.

5. Use your index fingers to rub the nose wings up to 3 times, then lift the nasal folds 3 times with three fingers, push your hands to the ear trestles, and then to the clavicle.

6. Place three fingers of each hand in the center of the chin, pressing down hard, draw around the mouth, then move along the nose, stop at the level of the nostrils, lifting the skin, and down again.

7. We put the palm of one hand under the chin, take the position, as if thinking. With three fingers of the other hand, we quickly rub from the cheekbones to the wings of the nose, along which it rises to the inner corner of the eye, rub the area under the lower eyelid to the temple and slide down.

8. Two fingers of each hand do the rubbing from the wings of the nose to its base, lifting the nasal folds.

9. The next method is performed with the back of the hands, which we rub around the mouth, along the nose to the cheekbones.

10. Wrap your face with your palms tilted down, your chin rests tightly on the edge of your hands. Slowly, with pressing we hold the back of the hand from the lips to the cheekbones, lift the face, move to the trestles of the ears and down.

11. We form an oval face, first with one hand, then the other. Put the chin on the palm, the back of which is carried out on the bottom of the face to the ear lobe.

12. Starting position - hands fold the "mouthpiece". Thumbs fit snugly to the chin, index fingers meet on the nose, while there is no gap between the hands and face. Slowly open the arms, while holding the inside of the palm along the face to the temples, holding your thumbs in the starting position. We go down to the clavicle.

13. Four fingers of one hand are set perpendicular to the eyebrows and rubbed with shading from one temple to the other.

14. Repeat reception number 1.

Before the start of self-massage Asahi, it is advisable to get acquainted with the video instruction

Rejuvenating facial massage: the secrets of the French

Improvement of oily, porous, damaged by acne skin has always presented certain difficulties, but not for the rejuvenating facial massage Jacquet.

The secret of the French healing technique lies in the use of pinch therapy, which provides a good rush of blood to damaged skin.

For a rejuvenating massage, the skin should be lightly covered with talcum powder to ensure better gliding.

1. Stroking is performed 2 times for each massage line.

2. Pinching when rubbing the cheeks perform 8 times with pressing at the end, twice passing each line:

• Chin - earlobes.

• Corners of the mouth - ear trestles.

• The wings of the nose are the tip of the ear.

After this, we make tweaks along the line, imitating the whorls of the cochlea, 16 tweaks around the cheeks from the chin to the ears, then to the nose, down to the chin and go through the second inner circle.

Nose massaging from the edge to the middle, 4 tweaks - to the tip of the nose, 4 - to the eyebrow point.

We pinch the forehead along four lines, from the bottom up, starting from the nose bridge, then the beginning of the eyebrows, their middle and tips. Make 4 tweaks for each line.

3. Kneading is done with tweaks with vibration, repeating all the rubbing techniques. Vibration is missing on the forehead.

4. We stroke the face with the open palms from the bottom up, from the periphery to the center, finish with the forehead and go down along the front edge.

Attention! There are certain contraindications for rejuvenating facial massage. These are inflammatory processes, purulent formations, tumors and neoplasms and others.

A rejuvenating face massage will remain a myth for you if you do not try to complete its full course at least once.


Watch the video: Facial Massage Routine for Glowing Skin and a Slimmer Face (July 2024).