Women fear the death of their loved ones more than their own


Perhaps the concept of death is one of the most frightening and at the same time mesmerizing to humans. No one knows what awaits him beyond the line from which there is no return to our world. What happens to a person after death? Are our souls really immortal, or when we die we just disappear, remaining only in the memory of those people for whom during life they had some significance? No one knows the answers to these questions reliably.

The Women's Opinion portal conducted a survey among women to find out if they are afraid of death and how much they would like to live.

Women's answers to these difficult questions showed that 57 percent of respondents are philosophical about death and are not afraid to die. However, many of these women are very afraid of the death of their loved ones - more than their own.

From some of the answers of those who are not afraid of death, it is clear that this is due to their disappointment in life. For example, one of the women interviewed said of death: “No, I'm not afraid. I’m rather waiting. ”

There are more original explanations for the lack of fear of death: “I am not afraid of death. To some extent it even attracts me - I like to walk around cemeteries, read Gothic novels, watch programs about ghosts and the afterlife, etc. ”

At the same time, 41 percent of Russians fear death. However, the reasons for this fear are different for everyone: the uncertainty of what happens to a person after he dies; suddenness of death; pain and suffering with which it may be associated; the inevitability of the answer before God for sins committed in life; the need for parting with loved ones.

Interestingly, 2 percent of those surveyed do not have a clear opinion about their attitude to death; from their answers one can understand that they are in the process of comprehending this question.

As for the desired life expectancy, 69 percent of the respondents said that they are comfortable with the current life expectancy of a person, and they would not want to live longer.

Only 12 percent of the survey participants said they were not comfortable with life expectancy. How many years do our compatriots want to live? - “200 years just right” - so one girl answered. Who knows, maybe her wish will come true.

In relation to eternal life, 51 percent of respondents spoke negatively. Most of them consider eternal life boring and meaningless. The general opinion of these women can be illustrated by the following statement: “I think to live forever is very boring. So I'm not for the number of years, but for their quality. I want to die after I accomplish something important for people, and after I’m sure that my relatives will be fine. ”

Only 7 percent of the survey participants would like to live forever, but subject to eternal youth. The remaining 42 percent of respondents did not express a clear opinion on this issue, which essentially leaves it open.


Watch the video: How Do I Overcome My Fear of Death? Ask Pastor John (July 2024).