January 26: what are the holidays today. Events, birthdays and birthdays January 26th.


Holidays January 26

International Customs Day

In 1952, an agreement on the establishment of the Customs Cooperation Council entered into force. On January 26, 1953, the first meeting of the Customs Cooperation Council was held in Brussels. In 1994, the organization received its present name - the World Customs Organization. At the meeting were representatives of seventeen European countries. In 1982, the day of January 26 was chosen as the day of the celebration of the day of the customs officer. The idea of ​​an interstate customs union, received a great response from many countries around the world, with the result that the customs council became a powerful and powerful international organization from a small and modest organization. Nowadays, the world customs community unites almost all countries of the world under its auspices. The day of the customs officer is not only a reason to sit at festive tables, but the reason for expressing mutual solidarity in the matter of customs control. After all, the customs service is on guard of the socio-economic interests of the state and society. Worldwide, there are about one million customs officers and departments.

Australia Day

Europeans, on this day mastered the Green Island. This event took place in 1788, after Captain Arthur Philip landed in a local bay. Then the British flag was raised and the first colony was organized, which was named New South Wales. These historical events occurred 18 years after the continent was discovered by James Cook. This new settlement was called "Sydney" in memory of Thomas Townshend, he was the first Viscount of Sydney and secretary of the British Empire. It was he who ordered to send a fleet, which consisted of two warships, called Sirius and Sepplay, and another 9 units of cargo ships. In accordance with the records made on the sides of these ships, 190 women prisoners, 560 men, approximately 500 sailors, and various support personnel with their families were transported. Two hundred years ago this holiday was called the Day of Founding. Thirty years later, on the anniversary of this continent, the governor gave the command to organize a salute, he was given three guns. All public servants on this day were given a day off. After that, this tradition was borrowed by banks and some public organizations. The centenary was celebrated by all the capitals except Adelaide. For a long time, the first day of the week was an official holiday. The final date was approved in 1994. Australian residents love this holiday. During the celebration, the whole country becomes a theater arena, where the first landing of the fleet is recreated. On this day, there are numerous regattas and parades. At the end of the day, the whole sky is consecrated with numerous colorful fireworks. In the city of Perth, which ranks third in size, the largest light shows are held. A music festival is held in Sydney, and a cricket match is held in Adelaide. Live music plays at a concert in Canberra, and various honorary awards are presented, among them the competition for the title of Honorary Australian of the Year. This award is considered the most honorable. According to tradition, the Prime Minister addresses the people. On this day, every resident of Australia with pride, if there is a desire can, not hesitating to walk around his native city, holding in his hands the flag of the continent. Australians decorate their homes on this day with balloons and flags, thanks to this decoration the houses look very festive.

Republic Day in India

The first time this national holiday was celebrated in 1950, since those times it is celebrated annually. Different groups of the population take part in organizing the celebration. A characteristic feature of the character of the holiday is a series of different processions held in Delhi and in some capitals of different states. In Delhi, this takes place on the central avenue of Raj Path. The festive procession begins at the Presidential Palace, and ends at the Gateway of India. The demonstration includes many brightly decorated platforms, a great many people are going to watch them. The visitors are on two sides of the avenue. Schoolchildren, scouts, folk dancers and orchestras take part in the festival. Before the start of this festive holiday, the President of the country comes to the capital together with a military parade consisting of the troops of the garrison of the capital. Those who came to this event, have the opportunity to look at the different weapons, and the squadron of aircraft. On this day, festivals of folk dance and various musical works. Viewers admire the numerous theatrical performances. For several days at the National Stadium a festival of folk dances is held, visiting people from different states take part in it. On this day, spend an interesting ceremony, which is called "last post". Guardsmen from the personal guard of the president take part in it. They dress in picturesque uniforms, such as worn in Napoleonic times. This event takes place one day after the end of the events on Vijay-Chowk. To see this large-scale spectacle, all government leaders from different structures and members of the diplomatic corps come. When this intense and eventful day ends, in the evening the army spiritual orchestra plays various bravura marches, and a special role was given to lyrical works. Such a ceremony was carried out in the Middle Ages, when evening came, all the troops were completing military operations, after that they bleached the air. With the last rays, the music was stopped to perform, and colorful fireworks appeared in the sky.

Day of the employee of the control and auditing service of Ukraine

The holiday was established on January 26, 1993, on the basis of the Law of Ukraine "On the State Control and Auditing Service". Since January 26, employees of this state service celebrate their special holiday. The control and auditing service is included in the system of executive authorities of the Ukrainian state. The main functions of the service are to exercise control over the distribution and movement of state and budget funds. The control and auditing service has the right to conduct audits and inspections in government, departmental organizations, institutions and funds. The main responsibility of the service, above all, is to monitor the financial activities of state institutions, the safety of public funds and material values. The audit service has the authority to carry out inspections in institutions of different status levels, from kindergarten to the presidential administration. All organizations dealing with government money and currency reserves are necessarily controlled by this government service. Service motto: "Collect and save state money"!

January 26 in the national calendar

Ermilov day

The people called this day in honor of the church date, which was established in memory of the holy martyrs Ermil and Stratonika of Belgrade. They lived in the fourth century. It was customary to spend this day at home, because it was usually very cold outside. On Yeremu peasants watched the behavior of the cat that lived in the house. We know that the behavior of this pet can predict the weather for the coming days. We know if our cat curls up and hides its muzzle, which means there will be a frost soon. However, our ancestors gave more varied forecasts. The peasants noticed when the cat rolls along the genital paths, it means that the house is already knocking heat, and if the wall begins to tear, you need to wait for bad weather at the gate. Our ancestors also asked the cat to cure various diseases. Those who knew the old people advised, if it is not clear exactly where the disease is, you need to watch where the cat will most often go to bed, then you need to stand on this positively charged place and stand on it for as long as possible. Cats are very respected. In ancient times it was believed that if any of the people killed this animal, then he would not be happy for seven years. Still, there were more common signs. If on this day the month was in a foggy circle, people knew that there would be a blizzard.

Historical events January 26

January 26, 1924 Petrograd renamed Leningrad

"The second capital of Russia" - St. Petersburg, is recognized by the whole world as one of the most beautiful cities on Earth. Currently, the city has a special status - it is a city of military glory, a city of federal subordination, as well as the largest scientific, cultural and industrial center of Russia, the most important seaport. In 1703, during the Northern War, Emperor Peter I founded the Russian fortress St. Peter-Burh on Hare Island. The city actually began to be built with the construction of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul, after which, it became very quickly upset. Petersburg was built on a strictly approved architectural project. Outstanding architects and engineers were involved in the construction of the city. Most of the architectural structures of the city, in our time have become famous for the whole world monuments and museums. In pre-revolutionary times, St. Petersburg was the capital of the Russian Empire. When Great Russia entered World War I, Emperor Nicholas II, for reasons not entirely clear, issued a decree on renaming St. Petersburg to Petrograd. In 1917, two revolutions opposite in ideology took place in the city: bourgeois-democratic, and later socialist. In the end, the Bolshevik coup finally defeated, and so-called Soviet power came to the city. After Lenin's death, the city was renamed Leningrad, in honor of the leader of the Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin. The true historical name of the city was returned to him in 1991.

January 26, 1905 South Africa's largest diamond mined

On January 26, 1905, at one of the mines in South Africa, the largest diamond in the history of the Earth was produced, weighing more than 3000 carats, which is equivalent to 600 grams. The circumstances of this find are unusual. The head of the mine, Premier, Frederick Wells carried out his usual evening round of the mine’s workplaces, as a brilliant object in the quarry wall suddenly noticed, nine meters below the top ridge of the quarry. When the workers managed to extract the diamond from the ore rocks, they were stunned by its size, the workers immediately realized that this diamond was a natural masterpiece. The nugget was named "Cullinan", in honor of the owner of the mining company, Thomas Cullinan. Diamond amazed specialists not only with size, but with crystal clarity. In the nugget there were no various mineral inclusions bubbles and cracks. The cost of the diamond was so high that there was no buyer for it for a long time. Then he put in one of the banks of Johannesburg, for public viewing. Thousands of people were able to see the miracle of nature. There were proposals to leave the stone in the museum as a symbol of the people of the South African Republic, but the government of the Transvaal Republic opposed this undertaking. Parliament decided to sell the unique nugget to King Edward VII of England, at a symbolic price of 150,000 pounds, while the real price of the nugget was at least 8,000,000 pounds, which is equivalent to almost one hundred tons of gold. The government of South Africa flirted with the English Crown and was counting on certain preferences from England. In 1908, the British authorities decided to break the stone apart and cut it in order to decorate the symbols of royal power with diamonds, which was done.

January 26, 1788 base of sydney

The city received its name by the name of the English Minister of the Interior, Lord of Sydney. It was the Minister of Sydney who first proposed to send to exile in Australia convicts. The first shipment of prisoners occurred in 1787, from Plymouth. Persons who were not convicted of particularly serious crimes were sent to such a distant link, mostly they were petty thieves, poachers, hooligans, fraudsters, etc. For more serious crimes in England then executed. The first convoy was formed from eleven ships, led by a fleet captain, Arthur Phillips. The prisoners were placed on six ships, in the rest they brought food, livestock and all sorts of useful things in the household. The conditions in which the convicts were kept were terrible. Separate bunks were relied on for each prisoner, there were several other bunks on the plank beds. In the hold it was dark and hot, and when passing through the cold seas, it was terribly cold. Most of the time the prisoners lay, in good weather they were sometimes let out for a walk on the deck. The distance from England to Australia was more than twenty thousand kilometers, the flotilla arrived at its destination nine months after sailing from England. The expedition ended on January 26, 1788, now in Australia it is a national holiday. For the first decade, Australia was not popular, the exiled continent, and only after the discovery of gold deposits here, migrants from all over the world rushed into the country, and they founded modern Australia.

January 26, 1500 Europeans discovered the land of Brazil

The discoverer of the territory of modern Brazil became Vicente Pinzónu, a Spanish traveler and navigator. At the end of the XV century, Vicente Pinzónu with his brother Alonso Pinson, participated in the expedition of H. Columbus in the so-called "New World". Then Vicente, commanded the caravel "Nina". In 1499, Pinzón decided to go on his own to the lands of South America, but his ship hit a violent storm on January 26, 1500, he was thrown onto the coast of modern Brazil. In the new land, the navigator hoisted the Spanish flag and the Catholic cross, and also announced new lands, the possession of the Spanish crown. For all the stay of the newcomers on the coast, they did not meet no single native. They also surveyed vast areas from the mouth of the Amazon River to the Orinoco River. However, the territories discovered by Vicente Pinson could not belong to Spain, since the Spanish kingdom was bound by the Treaty of Tordesillas. In 1505, Pinzón was appointed governor-general of the city, Puerto Rico. This was the first stage in the process of colonization of the island by the Spaniards. In 1508, Pinzón, took part in an expedition around South America. After 1523, there is no information about his future life. One of the islands of the Atlantic Ocean is named after him.

January 26, 1525 first printed map of Russia

Cartography appeared much earlier than writing, even primitive man applied to the rocks, drawings similar to the image of the area. The scholar of ancient Greece, Claudius Ptolemy, created a large reference book of geographic schemes, and also wrote a textbook on how to make these map maps. The works of Ptolemy, became the apogee of ancient Greek geographical knowledge. In Ancient Rus, maps began to be made even before Peter I, this was promoted by the tradition established in the Old Russian state, to designate on the map the limits of their possessions. The first maps in Russia were applied to birch bark. After the formation of a single Russian state, it took the creation of a scheme of all Russian possessions, the so-called "Drawing of Moscow lands". A similar cartographic work appeared in 1497. Later, a scribble map of Russia was compiled by Dmitry Gerasimov, a famous traveler and scholar. Almost 250 geographical maps were kept in the archives of Ivan the Terrible, the first works on geodesy were written in his board. The first printed version of the map of Russian lands is considered to be a map drawn up on January 25, 1525, at the order of voivode Godunov. In our time, cartography is a complex and time-consuming science, closely related to other scientific disciplines. Geodesy gives cartography data on the shapes and sizes of the earth's surface, aerophototopography, in general, one of the most important sciences, without which the compilation of modern maps is simply impossible. Cosmography is also an equally important assistant in the compilation of modern geographical and topographic maps.

Were born on January 26

Stefan Grappelli (1908 - 1997), French jazz violinist

Stefan was an outstanding jazz violinist, thanks to him the violins were recognized as a full jazz instrument. This genius was born in Paris. The guy was brought up in a shelter, because his mother died, and was sent to war. When the boy turned 12, he began playing the violin, and he began his musical career playing the violin on the streets of Montmartre. In the period from 1923 to 1927, he studied the theory of music at the Conservatory of Paris. During training, Stephen did not give up to play in Montmartre. At the same time, he learned to play the saxophone and the accordion. The first popularity Grappelli received, playing with Reinhardt in the music group "Quintette du Hot Club de France". This team existed only until the beginning of World War II. After the end of the war, Grappelli took part in recordings in various musical compositions. Together with the British guitarist, 13 music albums were recorded, as well as several albums recorded with an Indian violinist. Stefan played with D. Ellington. Stefan received a real celebrity, speaking at the Festival of Folk Music, which was held in Cambridge in 1974. In the 1980s, he held several concerts with the young British cellist, his name was Julian Lloyd Webber. It is known that in 1996 Grappelli was awarded the Grammy Award for his achievements in life. Stefan was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor from the hands of French President Jacques Chirac. Stefan Grappelli left the human world in 1997 in Paris, he was buried in the Pere Lachaise cemetery.

Nicolae Ceausescu (1918-1989) Romanian dictator

Ceausescu was born on 01/26/1918 in the village of Scornichesti, in a peasant family. In 1933, Ceausescu became a member of the communist youth movement, and in 1936, a member of the Communist Party. During the Second World War was in custody. After the liberation of Romania by Soviet troops, he was released from prison. The Soviet leadership made Ceausescu a protege and he was elected to the post of First Secretary of the Central Committee of the communist youth movement. After that, he rapidly moved into a party career. In 1952 he was elected a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Romania. In 1954, Ceausescu became secretary of the Central Committee of the party, and in 1955 as part of the Politburo. In 1961, in Romania, the policy of building its own particular variant of communism took over, but it went against the policies of the USSR. In 1965, Ceausescu became the "master" of Romania, or rather, he was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Romania. Since 1974, the post of Secretary General has been transformed into a presidential one. After the establishment of the post of president, Ceausescu became the absolute master of the country, with unlimited power. He declared Romanians the highest race to have direct roots from the Roman nation, and Romanian was recognized as the most beautiful and ancient, coming from Latin itself. Ceausescu pursued his own interstate policy, without regard to the opinion of the USSR, he maintained excellent relations with the countries of the capitalist camp. To maintain the country's visibility of communism, Ceausescu uncontrolledly took foreign loans and loans, which then fell on the shoulders of the working people. At the end of his reign in the country began a severe economic crisis, Romania was on the verge of social and economic collapse. All this led to popular unrest, but the dictator tried to stifle popular demonstrations by force, which ultimately led to a popular anti-communist uprising. Ceausescu was captured by the forces of the people's army, tried and executed along with his wife Elena.

Anna Mons (1672-1714), favorite of Peter I

According to eyewitnesses, Anna Mons, had a great influence on the young Tsar Peter. Anya was born on January 26, 1972 in a family of German immigrants living in a German settlement. Tsar Peter loved spending his free time in the German settlement, where he met young and beautiful Anna. Mons, becomes the king's mistress, and most likely, she was Peter's first and brightest love. Their love affair continued even after Peter married Lopukhina. And after her divorce from Queen Evdokia Lapukhina and her exile, Anna remained the king's mistress. Peter even thought of marrying Anna, but this was prevented by Anna’s infidelity. Through his secret services, Peter learned that Anna was having an affair with the Saxon ambassador, the king came into wild rage and ordered that Anna be put under house arrest. Only one and a half years later she was allowed to attend church. But in spite of this, Anna's heart was occupied by another man, her chosen one, the Saxon diplomat sought her hand from Peter. Peter hesitated for a long time, but in the end, he let Anna go to another man. Anna and Keyserling lived together for a very short time, on the way to Germany, her lover died unexpectedly, and after three years Anna herself died, as is supposed from Tuberculosis.

Andrey Rudensky (1959 ...), Russian actor

Born an actor in Sverdlovsk, January 26, 1959, in a military family. After school, he entered the metallurgical technical school, which he graduated with a red diploma. After technical school he studied at the Institute of Architecture, but left the training, deciding to become an actor, he entered the Schepkin Theater School. Until 2001, the actor worked in the new drama theater, where he mostly played the role of a romantic plan. He starred in the film for the first time in the film "The Life of Klim Samgin", in which he played a major role. This role was accepted with a bang by spectators and critics. He began to be perceived as a serious, eminent actor. Now he had to correspond to his new status as a serious actor. Rudensky played a leading role in the mystically soaked movie "Sea Wolf", based on the work of the English writer Jack London. He starred in a number of films with the Polish director Krzysztof Zanussi. Filmed in the cult films of F. Bondarchuk. Nowadays, it is actively filmed in modern television series: “Maroseyka, 12”, “Kamenskaya-2”, etc. On television, it can often be seen in various shows and concert projects. In modern cinema is considered one of the most sought-after and interesting actors.

Angela Davis (1944 ...), American human rights activist

Angela Davis is known worldwide as an active member of the US Communist Party, as a sociologist and talented writer, as well as a defender of prisoners' rights. Angela was born January 26, 1944 in Alabama. In 1970, Angela went to prison for a year and a half, because of an incident in a court where armed teenagers tried to release three convicts from the courtroom. Angela, under slanderous accusation, was taken into custody. The investigation was specially delayed and lasted for 18 months, but at the court hearing, the prosecution could not prove the guilt of Angela Davis. The court issued an acquittal, Angela was released right in the courtroom. A wave of discontent and protests swept around the world, as a sign of support, Angela Davis. After her release, Angela became a member of the Central Committee of the United States Communist Party. Davis, twice run for Vice President of the United States. In the 1980s, Davis visited the USSR and was accepted by Secretary General Leonid Brezhnev. During the period of the collapse of the USSR, Davis took the side of the reform ideas of MS. Gorbachev, and did not support the coup of the Emergency Committee. After the collapse of the USSR, Davis withdrew from the American Communist Party and engaged in advocacy and literary activities. She is an active advocate for the rights of women and prisoners.

Name Day January 26

Athanasius, Peter, Jacob, Larisa, Maria


Watch the video: Today in History for January 3rd (July 2024).