Juicy pork ham baked in the oven. Belly festival: ways to cook oven-baked pork ham


Traditional Slavic cuisine has always been characterized by the preparation of any meat in the form of large pieces. They were cooked and baked in pots, cast iron and over an open fire.

This method was considered simple and reasonable.

In the last century, open ovens have been replaced by ovens, where large pieces are evenly fried from all sides without compromising on appearance and taste.

Ham (back) - meaty hip or shoulder part of pork carcass, which is most often subjected to heat treatment by baking.

The ham meat is consumed hot, as well as cold snacks (ham, prosciutto, boiled pork, jamon). For baking, you can choose the meat fillet of the femoral part of the ham, or ham with fat on the bone. Some prefer lean flesh, while others do not represent ham without a layer of fat. All types of pork ham have their own cooking methods.

Oven-baked pork ham - general cooking principles

To be processed in any way, the ham is taken from the upper thigh of the pig. The ham from the anterior scapular region is fibrous and less oily; it is suitable for roasting, cooking rolls and diet recipes. The back meat or bacon part of the piglet has more juicy and fatty meat with layers of fat of different thicknesses. For this meat, the most successful cooking option is baking.

Baking is usually preceded by the preparation of ham for heat treatment.

The meat is necessarily rinsed under a stream of cold water, thus, possible small fragments of seeds, bristle hairs and the remnants of clotted blood are washed off.

Most often, before baking, the ham is aged in brine or marinade, this procedure significantly reduces its cooking time in the oven.

Recipe 1. Pork ham baked in the oven in foil (with oranges)


• 1-2 kg. oily ham;

• 4 oranges;

• Spices to taste;

• Salad greens (for decoration).


Scrape the ham skin with a knife to clean and open the pores. Make cross-shaped incisions around the entire perimeter of the ham. Season with salt and pepper.

Cut oranges with peel into circles.

Line the baking sheet with foil so that the edges hang over the edge of the sheet.

Put citrus circles on the foil, place the meat on them. It, in turn, is covered with a layer of oranges and covered with foil is not very tight.

The ham is baked in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 80 minutes.

Finished meat is freed from the foil and cut into portions, they are laid out on a dish covered with salad leaves. Oranges are placed on top.

Oranges in the recipe can be replaced with pineapple or papaya.

Recipe 2. Pork ham baked in the oven in foil (with apple sauce)


• A piece of ham - 2 - 2.5 kg .;

• Carrot - 2 pcs.;

• head of garlic;

• Spices, bay leaf;

• Lean oil (any) - 40 ml .;

• Apples (unsweetened grade) - 5 pcs.;

• Dessert wine (red) - a glass;

• Lemon zest;

• Spices and salt.


The meat is washed, dried and stuffed with garlic, bay leaf and carrots.

Stuffed meat should be salted, grated with red hot pepper and coated with olive or other oil. A piece processed with spices is covered with a lid and cleaned in the refrigerator for a day.

After 24 hours, the meat is taken out of the refrigerator, dipped in a paper towel from excess juice and wrapped in foil.

Pork ham is baked in an oven over medium heat (180-190 degrees) for about 2 hours.

Sauce preparation: peel apples, cut into segments, pour water and boil until soft. After boiling, apples are mashed, bred with wine and grated lemon peel.

The finished ham is cut into pieces, which are laid out in a greased refractory dish and poured with apple sauce. Before serving, you need to warm up in the oven (not having time to cool down) for 5-7 minutes.

Recipe 3. Pork ham baked in the oven (in the test)


• Ham - 1.5-2 kg .;

• Lemon;

• 1 egg;

• 100 g of cheese;

• According to 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream and mayonnaise sauce;

• Salt, spices;

• ½ cup flour;

• 1 teaspoon of aromatic herbs seasoning.


Cut the skin and fat from the ham. Boil the meat with salt and spices in water for about 1.5 hours and put in a colander to drain the broth.

Combine sour cream, mayonnaise, chicken eggs, grated cheese and flour. Add dried seasoning herbs and knead the dough. Coat the slightly cooled boiled ham with this mixture and place it in a baking pan. You can add a spoonful of mustard to the dough to enhance the spicy aroma and taste.

So cooking ham in the oven is much faster than in other versions, since the meat was previously cooked. It is baked until the crust of the dough is browned at 170-180 degrees.

Recipe 4. Pork ham baked in the oven in portioned slices


• The thigh of pork (pulp with fat) - 2.5 kg .;

• Lean oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;

• Onion;

• Flour or starch - 1 tbsp. spoon;

• 1 glass of water;

• 1 teaspoon of paprika;

• Cream (10%) - ½ cup;

• Honey mushrooms (canned) - 200 g;

• a glass of broth;

• Pepper, salt.


The meat is cut into large pieces with half a palm and lightly fried. After browning, place the pork chunks on paper and dry.

Chop the onion and fry with paprika. Pour flour and salt into the pan and continue frying for another 1 minute. Next, pour in the broth and wine. Stuff the mixture over low heat until it begins to thicken. 2 minutes before turning off the stove, add cream to the sauce.

Put the browned pieces of ham in a mold with mushrooms. Pour the sauce over the meat and place in the oven for 35 minutes. Set the temperature - 160-170 degrees.

It is better to serve rice with pork ham, baked in portions with mushrooms, served with a side dish; it compensates for the excessive fat content of the meat.

Recipe 5. Pork ham baked in the oven (with kvass)


• Pork meat (thigh) - 3 kg .;

• Onion - 10 pcs.;

• Allspice - 10 peas;

• Carnation - 3-4 umbrellas;

• Garlic - 2 heads;

• Kvass - 1 liter.


Kvass is poured into a bowl or bowl, spices, onion and salt are added. The meat is put in a liquid marinated for 2 days. The dishes with the marinade are cleaned in a cold place.

After 2 days, the ham is removed from the marinade, dried with napkins and stuffed with garlic.

The stuffed piece of pork is placed in a baking sheet with sides and roasted in the oven for 80 minutes.

After this time, the liquid remaining from the pickling is poured into the baking sheet, the meat continues to be baked for another 1 hour. From time to time, pork should be watered with juice from a baking sheet.

The recommended temperature for roasting ham is 180 degrees.

You can add peeled tubers to the baked ham. Then, along with the meat, a side dish is prepared.

Kvass in the recipe can be replaced with beer.

Recipe 6. Pork ham baked in the oven in the sleeve (with juniper berries)


• 1 kg. pork flesh (shoulder or femur);

• 300 g. Boneless prunes;

• 100 l. dry wine (white);

• 50 g of cow's butter;

• A handful of juniper berries;

• 150 ml. broth;

• A spoonful of ground crackers.

• Spices, salt.


Juniper berries and bay leaf crushed in a mortar. Grate pork with spices, salt and crushed mixture. After half an hour, grease the meat with melted butter and pour wine.

Place a piece of ham in a baking bag and send to the oven for 2 hours. The temperature of the furnace is 200-210 degrees. From time to time you need to turn the sleeve to evenly bake meat.

While the meat is fried, you should prepare the sauce. Prunes are soaked in hot water, and then passed through a meat grinder.

Rusks are fried in oil, prune mass and broth are added to them. The sauce is salted and languished for several minutes over medium heat.

Half an hour before the end of baking, the sleeve is cut, then for the remaining 30 minutes the juice will evaporate, and the ham will brown.

Finished ham is cut into pieces and sprinkled with sauce.

Recipe 7. Pork ham baked in the oven (with liquid smoke)


• A piece of ham (without bone) - 1.5 kg.;

• Red hot pepper - 1/3 teaspoon;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• Salt - 40 g;

• 7 tbsp. tablespoons of liquid smoke;

• 1 liter water.


First, the meat must be kept in a brine for about 6 hours. The brine is prepared as follows: 1.5 tablespoons of salt and liquid smoke dissolve in a liter of water.

After 6 hours, the meat can be baked, first it should be grated with pepper and garlic gruel mixed with a small amount of oil. The baking temperature is 150 degrees. And the required time is 3 hours.

Recipe 8. Pork ham baked in the oven (in soya mustard marinade)


• A piece of ham on the bone - cut about 10 cm wide;

• Mustard paste - 1 tbsp. spoon;

• Soy sauce (classic) - 1 tbsp. spoon;

• Sugar - ½ teaspoon;

• Balsamic or wine vinegar - 15 ml .;

• Dried dill greens - 10 g.


On a pork skin, make cuts every 2 cm and sprinkle the meat with vinegar. Soak pork at room temperature for 2 hours.

Mix soy sauce with mustard, sugar and dill. Spread the ham, trying to get into the incisions. Thus, hold the pork for another hour.

The ham is baked first for 15 minutes at 200 degrees, after the heat is reduced to 180 degrees and the meat is cooked for another 40 minutes.

Recipe 9. Pork ham baked in the oven (economical way)

This recipe is called economical because its implementation requires a minimum grocery set.


• Meat from the hip part (with layers of fat) - 2 kg .;

• Coarse salt -1.5 kg.


The ham must be prepared for baking. For this, a saline (hypertonic) solution is prepared. The ratio of water to salt in the solution is 1 to 4. It is not advisable to add more salt to the water, because the meat will take the missing salt from the substrate. At its discretion, ground pepper powder or other spices can be diluted in a solution. With the help of a large medical syringe, a piece should be nourished with this brine.

Salt is poured into the bottom of the pan, a ham is placed on it and sent to the oven for 3 hours. The temperature is -160 degrees.

If the meat surface begins to burn, the ham in the baking process must be covered with foil. 20 minutes before the end of the roasting, the foil is removed.

The ham prepared on a pillow made of salt has a juicy and natural taste. Many, having tried this option, give it preference.

Recipe 10. Oven-baked pork ham (Welsh recipe)


• Ham (scapular part) - 1.2-1.5 kg;

• Onion - 2 pcs.;

• Potato (young) - 1 kg .;

• Lean oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;

• Flour - 1 tbsp. spoons;

• Apples (green) - 1 pc.;

• Bouillon - 1 glass;

• salt;

• Greens and olives - for decoration.


Small potatoes are washed and scrubbed (you can not peel the peel from young potatoes). Tubers are placed at the bottom of a cauldron or latki and watered with oil. A ham pre-grated with salt is placed on top.

A roasting pan with contents is put in a hot oven (230-250 degrees) and aged in it until the meat is browned.

The peeled and sliced ​​apple fruits are fried to a golden hue. After that, onion and flour are passaged in this oil.

Put the pan with the broth on the stove, add the roast, apples and boil the liquid 1/3.

Pour the broth into the roasting pan, cover and continue cooking ham with potatoes for another 25 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs and garnish with olives.

Recipe 11. Pork ham baked in the oven in the sleeve (with lingonberry mixture)


• Pork ham (without bone) - 1 kg .;

• Orange juice - 100 ml .;

• Lingonberry berries (200 g);

• Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;

• Salt.


Lingonberries, honey and orange juice are whipped in a blender.

Peeled meat is cut into 4-5 parts and salted.

Pieces of pork are placed in the sleeve, the cowberry mixture is poured there. The baking bag is tied and shaken to evenly distribute the liquid.

The meat in the sleeve goes to roast in the oven for 50 minutes. The temperature is 200 degrees.

Recipe 12. Pork ham baked in the oven (breaded)


• Pork ham - 1-2 kg .;

• Basil greens (bunch);

• Nuts of pine nuts - a handful;

• Loaf (white);

• A spoonful of butter;

• 50 g of cheese (hard);

• 80 ml. vegetable oil;

• Garlic - a few cloves;

• Spices, salt.


It is better to take a white bun not the first freshness. The crust is cut off from it, and the bread pulp is ground in a blender.

The crumbs are quickly fried in butter and cooled.

The next step in a blender is chopped nuts (part), cheese, garlic and herbs.

Spices, salt are added to the mass and oil is poured. Everything is thoroughly whipped, and then mixed with fried breadcrumbs.

A deep cut is made in the ham along the entire length of the piece. The deepening is slightly extended and part of the oil-nut liquid is poured into it, the remaining nuts are poured.

To close the hole, a piece of pork is wrapped with thread.

Before sending the ham into the oven, it is coated with a breading mixture.

It takes 2 hours to bake and a temperature of 200 degrees.

To avoid burning, the pork is covered first with foil, and after 60 minutes it is removed to form a fragrant and fried crust on the ham.

Oven-baked pork ham - tricks and tips

  • Dishes made from fresh meat are distinguished by their best taste and benefits. However, it is not always possible to purchase freshly pork, so if you buy frozen ham, the piece should be thawed in a natural way, and not in water: valuable juice containing protein is washed off with it.
  • The cuts on the piece before baking are made so that the prepared meat is juicy and not stiff. For more thorough impregnation of ham in these incisions, you can pour the marinade with a spoon or with a medical syringe.
  • Tough meat from a middle-aged pig will become soft if, in the process of preliminary boiling of ham, add 1 tbsp. tablespoon of alcohol or ½ tablespoon of vinegar (9%).
  • Milk can serve as a good alternative to brine, which gives the meat piece a spicy taste and softness. The ham is kept in it for several hours before baking. Mustard, which is often found in recipes for preparing pork ham, has the same properties.
  • Since ham in itself is a fairly nutritious and high-calorie product, it is better to choose vegetable side dishes as additives to it. This combination will be the most successful and healthy.


Watch the video: SUPER Easy CRISPY Pork Knuckle SECRET Recipe Revealed! Oven Baked (June 2024).