Onion Husk: harmful, useful or useless thing? How zealous mistresses use onion peel for the benefit of themselves


The benefits of onion peel for health lies in the huge amount of essential vitamins and trace elements present in this raw material.

Little is known about the benefits of onion peel, meanwhile its decoction able to bring practical benefits not only in home medicine, but also in everyday life.

The outer dry yellowish-brown scales of onion are called onion peel. The beneficial properties of onion peels are wide used in traditional medicine. Despite the fact that the onion peel has practically no contraindications, with self-treatment, the harm of onion peel is negligible for colds. In all other cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The benefits of onion peel: a unique composition

The composition of the onion peel is unique. The main biologically active substances carotene and crevcetin are strong immunostimulants. The latter is considered to be the strongest antioxidants that effectively slow down the aging process. In onion skins, the benefits are expressed in excess of the mineral salts of calcium, potassium and iron, phytoncides and flavonoids. Rich cleaning onions with vitamins E, C, B, PP. Oblong skin cells contain a minimum of cell sap, the cell membrane is a strong plant cellulose. The onion peel owes its beneficial properties to cell sap, which, when boiled, goes into the water, forming a healing broth.

In folk medicine, onion peeling is not used in its raw form. For the preparation of medicinal broth it is boiled over low heat. The spirit tincture of onion peel has healing power. For the treatment of boils and boils make medicinal ointments and oils on the basis of onion peel.

The beneficial properties of onion peel allow it to be used in many areas of human existence. She treats infectious diseases, eliminate cosmetic defects. A unique storehouse of vitamins and minerals, the rind is used in agriculture. Excellent fertilizer for plants proves one hundred percent benefit of onion peel.

The benefits of onion peel for the body

The multifunctional qualities of onion peel have been known since ancient times. The health benefits of onion peel are obvious, its decoction will help not only to get rid of colds and sore throats, but also to cure dandruff on the scalp.

Onion cleansing is used for healing the body for the following diseases:

• cold and sore throat

• skin and hair diseases

• oral problems

• allergic reactions

• weakened immunity

• treatment of open wounds and ulcers

• heart disease prevention

• gastrointestinal diseases

Broth onion peel has a tonic effect on the body. The active components of the broth are quickly absorbed into the blood, the drug begins to act immediately. Home remedy based on the peel of an onion will help to quickly improve the health of a person weakened by a prolonged illness. Proved the benefits of onion peel for headaches and insomnia. Bulb decoction prescribed as a stimulant for depression and irritability.

What harm from onion peel?

The onion peel retains a valuable source of biologically active substances, even during long-term storage. Unlike other products, it does not lose its healing properties under adverse conditions. Like any useful product, onion peel has some contraindicationsThe main ones are as follows:

• exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

• individual intolerance of onions

• high blood clotting

• allergic reaction

Onion Husk contains a large amount of quercetin, an active substance capable of thickening blood. Therefore, the treatment of onion peel is contraindicated for persons with intensive blood clotting. If you do not follow the recommendations, the harm of onion peel in this case is obvious.

With care recommended treatment cleaning onions pregnant and lactating women. This is due the possibility of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to onion ingredients. To avoid harm from onion peel, you need to consult with your doctor.

As an auxiliary treatment, the golden rind can significantly alleviate the condition of the patient, if the recommendations of the doctor are followed. The harm of onion peel to the body is insignificant, even if you take the medicine in large quantities. Before starting self-treatment, a medical consultation is necessary.

Natural dye

On the dyeing properties of onion peeling has been known since ancient times. People have learned how to benefit from onion peel. Linen and woolen things were painted with fresh decoction, giving the products a resistant brown tint. Dark red liquid was added to soups and broths, painted Easter eggs. Dark hair was painted over with gray hair. Absolutely Natural Dye on the basis of onion peel did not cause harm to the scalp.

The golden shade of onion peel gives the yellow-orange pigment beta-carotene, which is part of many fruits and vegetables. This pigment is found in the leaves of plants, carrot roots and rosehips. In the process of boiling under the influence of high temperature carotene leaves the softened husk and completely turns into a decoction, dyeing it brown.

Onion Husk in Home Cosmetics

From ancient times, broths and infusions were cooked from the peel of an onion, used to prepare healing rinses and shampoos for the beauty of hair. Fresh broth from onion peel benefit for the body brought as a means of external use. The liquid perfectly strengthened the hair, they became lush and shiny. Rinse from the husk treats dry and weakened hair, preventing their loss. On the basis of onion peel, with a health benefit, healing masks were prepared in which oil was added.

In addition to medicinal qualities, golden peel is a natural dye, indispensable in home cosmetics. When boiling cleanings it turns out dark brown transparent liquid, perfectly covering gray hair.

With the help of bulbous broth, not only painted over gray hair. Rinsing brown infusion hair, received a rich chestnut shade of dark hair. Light brown hair acquired a beautiful golden hue. Onion skins dyed hair, added it to the water to rinse the face and body. After washing with an infusion of husk, the skin acquired a beautiful shade of tan.

Onion painted easter eggs, added onion decoction in soups and broths for the fortress. Linen was soaked in onion peel to stain brown.

The benefits of onion peel in everyday life

Besides the fact that the onion peel benefits the body, its widespread use in everyday life is common. Onion peeling has found practical application in the following areas of human life:

• cooking food

• home farm

• floriculture

• storage of vegetables and fruits

Prepare a useful infusion is not difficult. To do this, collect fresh, not rotten peeling onions and rinse them thoroughly with cool water. Purification pour cold water, which must be brought to a boil. The broth thus obtained should be cooled to the desired temperature, after which it can be used.

Cooking food

A decoction of onion peelings can not only improve the taste of dishes, but also give them a golden appetizing hue. Useful broth is added to soups and broths, in a brine from a onion peel soak fat. According to the recipe of onion peelings, you can make a delicious tea, which is served at the table with honey and lemon. The health benefits of onion peel are obvious., because nutrients and vitamins pass into the broth.

Coloring pigment in the composition of the broth of onion peel helps to color the eggs for Easter. For this, raw eggs are boiled with onion peels for a few minutes. The color saturation of colored eggs depends on the amount of husk in the broth.


Chilled onion decoction is an excellent fertilizer, so it is used for feeding plants in home gardens. Useful liquid will not only help to enrich the soil with essential minerals, but also simultaneously relieve contaminated land from fungus.

In the spring, gardeners begin to actively deal with vegetable and fruit pests. Chemicals that get into the soil and then absorbed by plants help to destroy insects effectively. An effective and perfectly safe means of pest control is a decoction of onion peeling. To get rid of insects, prostrate plants are sprayed with a decoction of onion peels and soap.


Onion Peel Decoction Excellent eliminates indoor flowers from insect pests. Squill onions will help to destroy pests, for this onion need to spray the flowers. Leaves affected by tick should be wiped with a cloth moistened with onion solution. For the destruction of pests should be used only freshly prepared decoction.

Onion liquid helps plants replenish their nutrient supply. We should not forget that this is also an excellent fertilizer. For feeding plants once a month is enough to water the flowers with a decoction of onion peel.

Storage of fruits and vegetables

The crop grown in summer is very quickly covered with rot if the storage conditions are not followed. The bactericidal properties of the onion peel will help to keep the roots in excellent condition for a long time. An ordinary cardboard box is suitable for storage, which is filled to about a quarter with peeled onions. Pure vegetables are placed in a box, sprinkled with husks. In a dark and cool place, bactericidal evaporation of onion peeling does not allow pathogenic bacteria to multiply. Thus, the onion peel benefits health, helping to preserve the nutritional properties of the roots.


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