Our body can produce drugs for itself.


American scientists have invented an innovative technology that stimulates the human body to produce the necessary medicines on its own. Specialists from the University of Michigan (USA) used the Noninvasive Transcranial technology, which involves the exposure of neurons to specific parts of the brain with a weak electric current.

As a result, the brain “forces” the body to produce endogenous opiates - natural painkillers. The ability to develop this type of medicine was originally laid in the human body, and when a really critical moment arrives, for example, a shock condition or a serious injury that really threatens life, this ability is realized.

However, the use of Noninvasive Transcranial technology forces the synthesis of endogenous opiates in absolutely any unusual situation. Currently, scientists were able to achieve only a 36% increase in the pain threshold in volunteers who agreed to participate in the experiment. It should be said that for several types of chronic pain, this technology was ineffective. For example, migraine pain cannot be completely eliminated using this method.

Nonetheless, the Noninvasive Transcranial technology will become a real find for people who are constantly forced to take various opiate-based painkillers, which are known to cause persistent addiction and side effects.


Watch the video: Get your body to heal itself. Anthony Galea. TEDxIUM (June 2024).