Ham and mushroom salad is a great holiday appetizer. The best recipes for salads with ham and mushrooms: simple and puff


Salads with ham and mushrooms are not just a hearty appetizer that cooks quickly and easily, but also an amazingly tasty cold dish rich in vitamins and minerals. It may contain many additional ingredients. Culinary specialists from all over the world daily invent new mixes of tastes - and, whatever one may say, in any serving, in any variant - this salad turns out to be very tasty and aromatic.

Ham and mushroom salad - general cooking principles

To prepare the salad, you can use any edible mushrooms: it can be mushrooms, butter, chanterelles, champignons, oyster mushrooms and many others. You can choose the recipe you like and use not the mushrooms indicated in it, but your favorite. In any case, the salad will turn out to be tasty and, of course, very satisfying. Mushrooms are washed, then either boiled, then chopped, or, conversely, first cut, then boiled. Or simply fry whole or chopped, with or without onion. It all depends on your taste preferences and on the type of salad.

Ham is a meat product that is not only tasty, but also does not require heat treatment before cooking, it is enough to remove it from the shell and chop or grate.

These two ingredients not only perfectly combine with each other, but also perfectly harmonize with almost all products: cheeses, eggs, sausages, meat, potatoes, herbs, onions, tomatoes, nuts - this list goes on and on.

Salad ingredients can be mixed, layered or served with dressing in separate bowls so that guests can mix their favorite ingredients for themselves in the required amount of dressing.

Salads with ham and mushrooms are oriented both for the daily menu and for special occasions.

1. A simple salad with ham and mushrooms

The salad is prepared surprisingly quickly and easily. Rusks can be made by yourself, slicing the loaf in small cubes and dried in the oven, or purchased in a store. It is permissible to use crackers from a white or rye loaf. Some add finely chopped garlic when frying to add flavor to the salad.


• 230 grams of chicken ham;

• 180 grams of fresh champignons;

• 140 grams of cheese (parmesan);

• salt;

• olive oil;

• to taste crackers;

• mayonnaise;

• 50-70 grams of walnut kernels.

Cooking method:

1. Chop ham into small cubes.

2. Crush the nuts with your hands so that you get large pieces.

3. Cut large mushrooms and fry them until ready in olive oil, slightly salt.

4. Remove the mushrooms from the pan with a slotted spoon, put them on a paper towel so that the excess oil is glass.

5. Stir the ham with mushrooms and nuts in a deep salad bowl, season with mayonnaise.

6. Add crackers to the salad just before serving.

2. Salad with ham and mushrooms "Unusual combination"

Roasted mushrooms, tender ham, pickles - an amazing taste combination of seemingly incompatible products. Cucumbers, if desired, are replaced by gherkins.


• 300 grams of honey mushrooms;

• two onions;

• 220 grams of ham;

• oil (for frying);

• fresh parsley (leaflets only);

• two pickles;

• soy sauce and sour cream (for seasoning).

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop the onion, fry until golden.

2. Add washed and dried mushrooms, cook until mushrooms are cooked.

3. Cool mushrooms with onions, put in a salad bowl.

4. Add ham, cucumbers, sliced ​​into thin strips.

5. Mix sour cream with soy sauce and chopped parsley.

6. Season the salad with the resulting sauce, mix.

3. Puff salad with ham and mushrooms

A simple salad that can be prepared as a light meal for dinner or a wonderful addition to the dining table. Something reminds everyone of the famous "Olivier", but, without a doubt, differs from its "brother" not only in appearance, but also in taste and aroma.


• 250 grams of ham;

• two tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• carrot;

• two potatoes;

• salt;

• two eggs;

• vegetable oil;

• 380 grams of champignons.

Cooking method:

1. Boil vegetables and eggs, after cooling down - peel and chop on a grater.

2. Grate the ham.

3. Rinse the champignons and cut into strips, fry until tender, slightly salting during frying.

4. Put the salad in layers in any order, salting a layer of potatoes and carrots.

5. Each layer will need to be greased with mayonnaise.

4. Salad with piquant ham and mushrooms

A very satisfying salad will delight lovers of delicious food with its amazing taste. Each layer needs to be smeared with mayonnaise, but since the salad includes fried mushrooms, there should be a little mayonnaise so that the dish does not turn out too fat. Salting is not necessary.


• 200 grams of ham;

• 200 grams of smoked sausage;

• two or three pickled cucumbers;

• two potatoes;

• a tomato;

• 180 grams of pickled mushrooms;

• 80 grams of cheese;

• mayonnaise;

• dried dill or parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Boil potatoes in their skins, cool and grate.

2. Cut pickled cucumbers and tomato into small cubes.

3. Grate ham, cheese and smoked sausage on a large segment of the grater.

4. Pickled mushrooms cut into small slices.

5. Put the salad in layers, greasing each layer with the minimum amount of mayonnaise: potatoes, ham, tomatoes, smoked sausage, pickled cucumbers, honey mushrooms, cheese.

6. Sprinkle the salad with dried herbs.

5. Salad with ham and mushrooms "Bliss"

Fried chanterelles, tender chicken, ham with cheese and vegetables in an unusual dressing - this salad will become a frequent guest at your table. Soy sauce used for dressing must be of high quality.


• 250 grams of chicken fillet;

• 200 grams of fresh chanterelles;

• 140 grams of ham;

• onion;

• Bell pepper;

• lettuce;

• 120 grams of soft cheese;

• vegetable oil;

• soy sauce;

• 20 ml of table wine;

• three tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 10 grams of adjika or hot ketchup;

• ground red and black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the chicken fillet in salted water, then cut into small cubes and fry until a delicious golden crust.

2. Separately boil chanterelles for five minutes, then cut into the same cubes as the fillet, fry until golden, separately from the chicken.

3. Cut the pepper into strips, ham and cheese into cubes, chop the onion, pick the salad in small pieces with your hands.

4. In a bowl, mix adjika or ketchup with two tablespoons of soy sauce, wine, mayonnaise and ground peppers.

5. In a large salad bowl, mix the cooled fried fillet with ham, chanterelles, soft cheese, onions, lettuce, sweet pepper.

6. Pour all the ingredients with an unusual dressing, mix before serving.

6. Salad with ham and mushrooms with chicken liver

Chicken liver gives the salad an unusual taste and richness. The liver for this snack is best purchased chilled.


• 150 grams of chicken ham;

• 220 grams of chicken liver;

• 170 grams of fresh champignons;

• one onion;

• three eggs;

• 220 grams of mayonnaise;

• parsley leaves;

• 15 ml of vinegar;

• vegetable oil;

• salt, ground pepper;

• a spoonful of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the liver, clean and salt it, fry on both sides for 5-7 minutes in preheated vegetable oil. Then cool and cut into strips.

2. Boil hard-boiled eggs, also cool and cut into strips.

3. Cut the washed mushrooms into small slices and fry separately from the liver until tender, at the end of salting and a little pepper.

4. Peel the onion, cut into a quarter of the rings and marinate: put in a soup bowl, pour boiling water, add sugar, a little salt and vinegar. After ten minutes of pickling, remove the onion from the marinade and cool.

5. Cut the ham into strips.

6. Put the puff salad: first the liver, then the eggs, ham, mushrooms.

7. Lubricate each layer of salad with mayonnaise, decorate the top with parsley.

7. Salad with ham and mushrooms with dried fruits, nuts and smoked meats

Children like this salad especially, but adults are not averse to enjoying it, because the taste and aroma are so delicate and unusual that it is very difficult to break away from the dish. When serving the dish, do not forget to take into account the fact that children under seven years of age are forbidden to eat mushrooms, but champignons are an exception, but it is even better to give them under control and in a minimal amount.


• 270 grams of cheese;

• 180 grams of ham;

• 370 grams of smoked chicken breast;

• 225 grams of champignons;

• 100 grams of prunes;

• four eggs;

• four potatoes;

• two carrots;

• sunflower oil;

• 110 grams of walnuts.

Cooking method:

1. Boil carrots and potatoes in their skins. Peel them after they cool.

2. Hard-boiled eggs.

3. Rinse the champignons and boil them in slightly salted boiling water for 3-5 minutes, put them in a colander.

4. Dice mushrooms, ham, smoked meat, potatoes and prunes. Grate cheese, carrots, eggs.

5. Diced mushrooms quickly fry in very hot oil until golden.

6. Grind the nuts in a blender, but not to the crumbs.

7. Lay the salad in layers: 1/2 cheese, 1 2 eggs, 1/2 potatoes, mayonnaise, part nuts, prunes, chicken, ham, mushrooms, 1/2 nuts, the second part potatoes, mayonnaise, 1/2 eggs, the remaining cheese.

8. Lubricate the last layer with mayonnaise, garnish with herbs and nuts. Before serving, stand for soaking in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

8. Salad with ham and mushrooms with tomatoes

In general, ham and mushrooms go great with tomatoes. Therefore, this salad will definitely not go unnoticed at your gala event.


• 260 grams of mushrooms;

• 120 grams of ham;

• 280 grams of cherry;

• four small onions;

• 70 grams of green salad;

• 25 ml of wine vinegar;

• 30 grams of chili sauce;

• salt;

• 30 ml of olive oil;

• parsley (leaves).

Cooking method:

1. For marinade, mix vinegar, oil, salt and chopped parsley.

2. Rinse the mushrooms and cut into small slices, pour the marinade, set aside for 40 minutes.

3. Cut the ham into strips, cut the cherry into 6 slices, chop the onion into thin half rings.

4. In a large salad bowl, mix the ham with onions and tomatoes, add the pickled mushrooms along with the marinade, mix well.

5. Serve in portioned bowls.

Ham and Mushroom Salad - Tips and Tricks

• If the salad requires the presence of fried mushrooms, use not just olive or sunflower oil to fry them, but a mixture of vegetable and cream, so the mushrooms will be more juicy and the color will be much more pleasant.

• To prepare a salad with ham and mushrooms, you can use any mushrooms. Fresh champignons can be bought at any time of the year - this is their undoubted advantage, but other mushrooms can be adapted to the recipe. For example, use frozen mushrooms (they are still boiled or fried for a dish) or pickled mushrooms, which you can pickle in the autumn yourself or buy in a store.

• In general, all mushrooms love greasy dressing, so you can season a salad with mayonnaise, sour cream, or a mixture with the addition of these ingredients. Soy sauce is great for mushrooms and ham - so you can safely add it to the dressing, only in this case you need to put less salt or do without it at all.

• You can decorate the salad with all kinds of chopped nuts: walnuts, cedar, almonds; greens: parsley, dill.

• If there are tomatoes in the salad, it is better to use varieties with soft, thin peels and fleshy, not watery pulp.

• Quality ham - the key to a delicious salad. Do not neglect this moment and save on such an important ingredient.

• Lettuce leaves will be a wonderful decoration for any salad, for this they need to be rinsed and dried, then put on the bottom of a large dish or in salad bowls, and on top of them put the salad itself with ham and mushrooms.


Watch the video: Gordon Ramsay. 3 Christmas Dishes with a Twist (July 2024).