People aged 18-33 suffer the most from stress


According to a study by the American Psychological Association, people aged 18-33 are prone to higher levels of stress than older people. About 50% of young people reported lost ability to sleep normally. The reason is constant worries and problems.

Most often, young people have to think about the need to comply with the strictest savings. Uncertainty about the stability of the workplace situation also causes stress. In 2010, a study found that nearly 50% of American graduates worked where a higher education diploma was not required.

What makes adjustments to the plans of the young man? Psychologist Katherine Nordal says there is a shortage of vacancies in the labor market. The situation is aggravated by the fact that many young people already have debts at the time of graduation. Over the past year, stress levels in 40% of people in this group jumped sharply.

Only 33% of people between 45 and 60 years old have a similar problem, and among people 67 years of age and older, 29% suffer from stress. Psychologists attribute the low stress resistance of young people to the lack of life experience, which is why they react so sharply to failures and stress that they are usually manifested by anger and irritation.


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