March 3: what are the holidays today. Events, birthdays and birthdays 3 March.


Holidays March 3

World Writer Day

The 48th Congress of the International PEN-Club, held in January 1986, was the initiator of the introduction to the calendar of writer's Day holidays. The club with the unusual name PEN (translated from English - pen, although in reality the name of the organization is an abbreviation formed by the first letters of the words: Poet - poet, Essayist - essayist, Novelist - novelist) was founded in London in the early 20th century, thanks to the brilliant the idea of ​​a freedom-loving writer - Katherine Scott.

What is the organization of the PEN club? In the early years of its existence, it united only eleven countries, today writers from 130 countries are members of similar centers that advocate for the freedom of speech and information within and between each state. PEN members are required to maintain all the rules created by the system, that is, to fight against the suppression of freedom of information in all its forms, including criticism of the actions of the authorities. In addition, the writers, joining the club, pledge to oppose false information, falsification and other aspects of distorting true facts.

International Children's Television Day

Children's Television Day (as well as radio broadcasting) is a very bright, informative and fun holiday, donated to the world by the UN Children's Fund, so that adults will not forget about another contingent of viewers - the smallest and caring. Traditionally, the day is celebrated on the first Sunday of March (in 2013, the holiday falls on the 3rd day of spring). Every year, thousands of television (and radio) presenters take part in events designed to leave to older children and kids an unforgettable imprint in their minds. The International Children's Day also has a social “side of the coin” - to attract the attention of the public to respect and protect all the rights of young people on the planet. On this day, hundreds of children and teenagers will also take a direct part in the creation of similar television (radio) events.

Mother's Day in Georgia

The holiday was legalized in 1991 by the Supreme Council of Georgia. Prior to its introduction, Mother's Day merged with International Women's Day and was traditionally celebrated on March 8. The purpose of the holiday is to maintain a careful and respectful attitude not only to the parent, but also to any woman, securing strong family ties and foundations. Mother's Day in any country is first and foremost a family celebration celebrated with the closest people and relatives.

March 3 in the national calendar

Yarylo with oatmeal, Yarylo with a harrow. Oatmeal

As is known, the ancient Slavs identified the mythological deity Yarilo with the sun, spring, birth and fertility. According to legend, on March 3, the "solar" god came to test the suitability of agricultural implements for field work. The workers themselves did the same thing - they “tested” the plow and the harrow. If the inventory failed, it was carried to the craftsmen for repair.

On this day, the peasants glorified the oatmeal bird. Caring housewives cooked delicious porridge, made soups from cereals and baked lush oatmeal cookies. It was believed that the arrival of the bunting birds on March 3 symbolized the imminent retreat of the cold and the arrival of real spring. There were also some signs of that day: for example, if it snows during the day, then the coming summer will bring a lot of harvest with it, and the thaw would indicate “attacking” extraneous vegetation. People said about this: "A lot of snow - a lot of bread" (or "The snow will make a blow - there will be bread"), "A lot of water - a lot of grass", "Water will pour - hay will be gathered", etc.

Historical events of March 3

March 3, 1598 - For the first time in Russia held democratic elections

Boris Godunov was elected a Zemsky Sobor. As many sources say, Godunov did not care at all about the “role” of the tsar, and only after persistent persuasion and supplication did he tearfully accept the will of the people. However, in other sources you can see a different truth: people were forced to make a choice in favor of Godunov, and under the influence of threats and fear of getting a huge fine, they were forced to take this step.

March 3, 1802 - Edition of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata

Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata is perhaps one of the most popular pieces of classical music. However, Ludwig van Beethoven himself called his creation quite simple - Sonata No. 14, and only after the composer's death did the critics rename the work. Such an unusual, mysterious name was suggested by the eminent poet and critic of that time Relshtab, thereby contributing to the growing popularity of the Moonlight Sonata and the glorification of its great creator.

March 3, 1858 - The first steel ship in the world was built in England

The vessel called "Ma Robert" was built specifically for the expedition of D. Livingstone on the Zambezi River. In the same year, the ship, disassembled in parts, transported to Africa and restored to carry out a difficult mission. Soon the name of the vessel was changed to "Asthmatic", because, having reached the tributaries of the tributary, the engine began to "groan and sniff" by increasing the speed. Durable steel eventually leaked, but thanks to experienced masters "Asthmatika" lasted on the water for more than two years, and then off the sandy shores completely out of order, ending its existence.

March 3, 1861 - The abolition of serfdom in Russia

An important step in the development of the state was made by Emperor Alexander II, by signing the manifesto "On the Most Gracious Tribute to the Serfs of the Rights of the State of Free Rural Philistines" and giving the peasants long-awaited independence. For such a cardinal and meaningful decision, the people called the Emperor the Liberator.

March 3, 1918 - Signing the "Brest Peace"

The Brest peace treaty was the conclusion of a separate treaty with Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Germany and Bulgaria, signed with the goal of Russia’s withdrawal from the First World War, which in fact did not bring any benefit to the state because of its senselessness and intolerance.

March 3 born

Alexey Favorsky (1860-1945) - Russian organic chemist, winner of the Stalin Prize, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Interesting Facts:
- The scientist chemist was born and brought up in the family of a priest Evgraf Favorsky;
- For all his scientific activities, Favorsky studied many isomeric transformations of hydrocarbons, and also published many works in this direction, for which he was awarded the Sokolov Prize;
- The chemist opened the school of organic chemistry, his work formed the basis for the implementation of the industrial synthesis of rubber.

Yuri Oleshka (1899-1960 gg.) - Soviet writer, poet, novelist, satirist and playwright. The creator of the children's novel "Three Fat Men".

Interesting Facts:
- Oleshka began to compose the first poems while still a schoolboy, his works were often published in the reputable newspaper Yuzhny Vestnik;
- The novel “Three Fat Men” was dedicated to big love - Valentina Grunzayd, but by the time of publication of the work she managed to jump out in marriage to writer Yevgeny Petrov.

Alejandro Alonso (born in 1982) - Argentine footballer-midfielder.

Alonso is famous in his homeland for performances for Atletico Huracan. In 2005 he moved to the club “Bordeaux”, and in the summer of 2008 he became a member of “Monaco”. Upon the expiration of the contract period in 2011, Alejandro enters the club "Saint-Etienne".

Tatyana Okunevskaya (1914-2002) - an actress of theater and cinema.

Interesting Facts:
- The first role of Okunevskaya was offered literally on the street. Embarrassed Tatiana refused a tempting offer, but still left the coordinates;
- In 1937, Tatiana's father was arrested and shot, and she was dismissed from the theater as the daughter of an enemy of the people. However, after three years, the actress resumes the work of her life;
- In 1948, Okunevskaya was arrested on a false charge. About five years she spent in the camps, after which her acting career gradually faded away.

Name Day March 3

Basil, Anna, Vladimir, Victor, Pavel, Kuzma, Leo, Catherine, Maria, Cosmas, Luke, Dorotheus, Flavian, Damas.


Watch the video: March 3 Famous BirthDays (July 2024).