Scientists tell women how to avoid early wrinkles


Based on more than thirty different studies, American scientists have proposed a fairly universal guide, consisting of only a few simple tips on what to do to prevent the formation of wrinkles.

1. Daily use of sunscreen

The main cause of wrinkles is the sun. Sunscreen helps to avoid its destructive effect on our epidermis, which should be used every day in hot sunny weather and not only on the beach.

2. Full sleep

A remedy that should not be neglected. After all the bad things that have been accumulated in a day, the skin should be restored. And it happens at night and during sleep, so make sure that there is enough time for the recovery process.

3. Healthy and complete diet

Food should be natural. The most beneficial skin products are soybeans, fatty fish, fruits and vegetables. Fast food causes great harm to the skin.

4. Drink more water.

Some mistakenly believe that they drink enough liquid. But coffee, tea and other drinks are not considered. After all, the day you need to drink at least six glasses of clean water of good quality. Do you fulfill this norm?

5. Refusal of bad habits

According to the latest scientific research, the skin of a smoking person is aged 8 times faster. Alcohol also contributes, accelerating the formation of wrinkles 4 times.

6. Smile

Contrary to popular belief that laughter and smiles are the cause of nasolabial wrinkles, the skin does not suffer from this. Moreover, positive hormones - the most powerful tool in the fight against wrinkles. So do not be afraid to smile and laugh.


Watch the video: Anti-Aging Foods That Can Prevent Wrinkles and Help Ward Off the Effects of Aging (June 2024).