Diet number 4 - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews about diet No. 4 and examples of recipes.


Diet number 4 - description and general principles

Diet No. 4 (fourth table) is prescribed for acute bowel disease or chronic, which are in the stage of sharp exacerbation, accompanied by severe diarrhea. The aim of dietary nutrition is to reduce putrefactive, inflammatory and fermentation processes occurring in the intestine, to help normalize the digestive tract and ensure the necessary intake of nutrients in the digestive system. Therefore, products that provoke putrefactive and fermentation processes that enhance intestinal motility (contraction of the walls) and contribute to increased secretion of gastric juice are excluded from the diet.

Due to the reduced content of carbohydrates and fats, diet No. 4 is considered low-calorie, with reduced energy value, which is about 2000 kcal per day. The protein content in the diet corresponds to physiological standards, but the amount of carbohydrates and fats is at the lower boundary. The diet is not complete in the content of useful elements, so it is not prescribed for a long time. The optimal period during which it should be adhered to is limited to five to seven days. More often than not, six days are enough to bring the digestive tract back to normal. In order to avoid increasing the load on the intestine due to the one-time consumption of a large amount of food, it is recommended to distribute the daily volume of food in small portions by 5-6 times. Food is served in a warm form - in a liquid, grated or mashed state.

Diet number 4 - what foods can be consumed

1. Bread, flour products: not toasted crackers from thinly sliced ​​premium wheat bread.
2. Soups: on weak meat, fish broth (nonfat), with the addition of rice or semolina mucous broths, egg flakes, steamed meatballs and dumplings, boiled, grated meat.
3. Meat and poultry: non-lean and lean varieties of veal and beef, meat of chickens, rabbits, turkeys. Fat is completely cut off from the pulp, tendons, films, and skin are removed. Souffle (from boiled meat), steamed or boiled meatballs, dumplings, meatballs. Instead of soaked bread, boiled rice is added to the chopped meat, previously scrolling it twice or thrice in a meat grinder or grinding it with a blender.
4. Fish: fresh fish of low-fat breeds in a piece or in the form of chopped products - meatballs, meatballs, dumplings, boiled in water or steamed.
5. Dairy products: steam souffle, freshly prepared mashed curd.
6. Fats: exclusively fresh butter, at the rate of 5 g per serving (only in ready meals).
7. Eggs: steam omelet, soft-boiled, for cooking. A total of one or two all day.
8. Vegetables: exclusively in the form of decoctions for making soup.
9. Cereals: only mashed cereals cooked on low-fat broth or water from cereals such as rice, oatmeal, buckwheat and cereal flour.
10. Snacks: completely excluded.
11. Sweets, fruits, sweet dishes: jelly and jelly from quince, bird cherry, pears, dogwood, blueberries. Rubbed raw apples. Limited sugar intake.
12. Drinks: cocoa, black coffee, tea (especially green), decoctions of quince, blackcurrant, rosehip, bird cherry, dried blueberries. When tolerated - freshly prepared juices from fruits and berries diluted with water, except for plums, apricots, grapes.
13. Spices and sauces: only non-fat broth and butter added to dishes.

Diet number 4 - what foods can not be consumed

1. Bread, flour products: other flour and bakery products other than those indicated above.
2. Soups: fatty, strong broths, milk soups, as well as vegetables, cereals, pasta.
3. Meat and poultry: fatty meat, whole pieces, sausages, sausages and other meat products.
4. Fish: canned fish, caviar, salted fish and fatty breeds.
5. Dairy products: whole milk and other dairy products.
6. Fats: other fats and oils.
7. Eggs: raw, hard-boiled and fried.
8. Vegetables: all vegetables are fresh, boiled and other.
9. Cereals: barley groats, pearl barley, millet, legumes, pasta.
10. Snacks: completely excluded.
11. Sweets, fruits, sweet dishes: all dried fruits, in kind - other fruits and berries, fruit drinks, preserves, honey and other sweets.
12. Drinks: with milk - cocoa and coffee, cold, all carbonated drinks, kvass.
13. Spices and sauces: other sauces, all spices.

Diet number 4 - examples of the menu


Breakfast (first): oatmeal porridge, cooked on water, seasoned with butter, soft-boiled egg, green tea.
Breakfast (second): fresh apple (mashed).
Lunch: rice soup with meat broth with meatballs, steam chicken meatballs, buckwheat porridge, quince broth.
Snack: jelly, cracker.
Dinner: boiled fish, mashed rice porridge, green tea.
At night: jelly.


Breakfast (first): semolina porridge, boiled in water with the addition of butter and sugar, broth of wild rose, cracker.
Breakfast (second): mashed cottage cheese.
Lunch: meat broth with the addition of semolina, steam chicken dumplings, mashed rice porridge cooked on water, jelly.
Snack: dogwood jelly.
Dinner: mashed buckwheat porridge, boiled on the water, poached eggs, green tea.
At night: jelly.


Breakfast (first): boiled water and mashed oatmeal with the addition of butter, mashed boiled meat, cracker, black coffee (without milk).
Breakfast (second): fresh apple (mashed).
Lunch: chicken broth with rice and egg flakes, boiled rabbit meatballs, mashed buckwheat porridge, blackcurrant broth.
Snack: jelly, cracker.
Dinner: fish steak dumplings, liquid rice porridge (mashed), sweet black tea.
At night: jelly.


Breakfast (first): buckwheat porridge, cooked on water, with the addition of butter, freshly prepared cottage cheese, soft-boiled egg, cherry broth.
Breakfast (second): quince jelly.
Lunch: vegetable broth with the addition of semolina and meatballs, steamed fish cutlets, grated buckwheat porridge, cooked on water, fruit jelly.
Snack: a rosehip broth with sugar, crackers.
Dinner: soufflé from boiled beef (veal), buckwheat pudding with cottage cheese, cooked in a water bath, black tea with sugar.
At night: jelly.


Breakfast (first): rice pudding with egg and butter, with sugar (in a water bath), mashed cottage cheese, black coffee (without milk).
Breakfast (second): a decoction of dried blueberries.
Lunch: fish broth with fish meatballs and rice, steam rabbit cutlets, boiled buckwheat porridge, boiled on water, cherry sauce.
Snack: broth of dogrose without sugar, cracker.
Dinner: steam omelette, liquid semolina porridge with sugar, boiled in water, green tea.
At night: jelly


Breakfast (first): buckwheat pudding with cottage cheese, steamed or in a water bath, freshly wiped apple, green tea.
Breakfast (second): pear broth.
Lunch: meat broth with egg flakes and the addition of semolina, boiled meatballs from turkey meat, porridge made from rice flour, cooked on the water, kissel.
Snack: berry broth, cracker.
Dinner: poached egg, buckwheat porridge, cooked on the water, with the addition of butter, mashed, black tea.
At night: jelly.


Breakfast (first): meat steam cutlets, porridge made from rice flour, boiled on water, black coffee (without milk).
Breakfast (second): mashed cottage cheese (freshly prepared).
Lunch: vegetable broth with the addition of semolina and beef dumplings, steam chicken meatballs, buckwheat porridge on the water (grated), fruit jelly.
Snack: Black tea with sugar, cracker.
Dinner: poached egg, rice porridge, cooked on the water, with the addition of butter and sugar, green tea.
At night: jelly.

Diet number 4 - useful tips and reviews

During a stay on a diet No. 4, patients lose several kilograms in weight. Therefore, many people who want to lose weight often prescribe it for themselves to get rid of excess weight. This cannot be done, because this diet, although low-calorie, but therapeutic, so this specific and unbalanced diet can bring down the normal cycle of the digestive tract in healthy people. Even patients, before being treated with a diet, need to consult a doctor. At the end of the diet, it is forbidden to immediately start normal nutrition, consuming hard to digest and hard to digest foods.


Luntik844 03/23/2016
We are going to Turkey in May with a girlfriend, we want to light it to the fullest, we need to lose a couple of kg. Prepare for the buffet :) Sweet and smoked, I do not like, so such a diet for me. My stomach is naughty, the diet is right for me.

mamaSveta 03/23/2016
I recovered by 10 kg after the baby’s birth. I didn’t lose weight even when I finished breastfeeding. It was this diet that helped me, so I recommend it. But the plus to her, I went to the simulator and every week in the bath.

Zhenya 03/23/2016
Perhaps I will take this diet note. Only here we are sweet to the dump and immediately proceed. We'll have to cook the jelly and dry the crackers, but by the summer season it is just necessary to lose a few kg.

Lana 03/23/2016
With such a super diet you can live. Meat and fish dishes are provided, however, steamed. The only thing I did not understand is what such nutrition can harm a healthy person? Everything seems to be quite balanced.

Smorodina 03/23/2016
I think that any diet is in principle contraindicated in the acute period of the disease. Thus, it is possible to exacerbate an already difficult situation and get unpleasant complications.


Watch the video: Keto-Friendly Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner (July 2024).