Is it realistic to get rid of warts at home? Unique methods to get rid of warts at home: tested!


Almost all of us in childhood suffered from the appearance of nasty warts on the arms, legs and other parts of the body.

No one knew the reason for their appearance, they appeared on their own and just as often disappeared.

However, there are cases when an unpleasant neoplasm has been "sitting" for years, not only is it not aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time it causes a lot of trouble, interferes with work, and becomes inflamed.

Only specialists know that warts appear from the spread of the virus, and their appearance is most often explained in children by dirty hands syndrome. You can become infected with warts through a handshake or contact with an infected surface in a transport, pool, school, store, even with small wounds.

How to get rid of warts and not have them anymore!

Methods for getting rid of warts will be effective only if the nature of the virus is correctly determined. The appearance of a neoplasm should be taken with all seriousness, because a benign wart can develop into a huge evil.

  • Ordinary warts are dense nodules with a size of 0.2 cm - 0.5 cm. A specialist can determine in this case a maternal wart, after the destruction of which, all others disappear automatically. This type of beard can appear at any age.

  • The nature of the appearance of youthful warts (vulgar) has not been fully studied, they can spontaneously appear, stay for 1 - 2 months and also disappear in one day. If it’s a virus, then it’s not particularly corrosive.

  • The most painful and sometimes requiring compulsory treatment is the plantar wart, which sometimes reaches 10 mm in diameter. When scraping its upper part, the black papillae are exposed, the roots that should be removed. Only with the complete elimination of the focus of infection, the plantar wart will not multiply and disappear forever.

  • Older people, although now young, literally suffer from papillomas, which are the same warts, they only grow on legs. You can get rid of this skin lesion only by complex treatment, including cleaning the entire body and deep removal of each neoplasm.

Preferably, without consultation with specialists do not self-medicate. An experienced cosmetologist will always tell you whether it is possible to get rid of warts at home in any given case.

Venereologists, urologists, gynecologists determine methods of getting rid of various warts that appeared on the genitals.

Medicine offers the destruction of warts in several ways: using liquid nitrogen, a laser, electric current, or surgery. More gentle is the way to get rid of warts at home.

There is only one way to get rid of warts forever - to strengthen the immune system, determine the nature of all viruses and treat them.

Is it difficult to get rid of warts at home?

Before you start getting rid of warts at home, you should be sure that the neoplasm that appears is a wart, and not a mole, callus or cancerous tumor.

There are several ways to get rid of warts at home.

Doctors, as a rule, recommend affecting the warts locally, applying them with a brush or a special stick of an aggressive environment, these can be acids:

• carbolic;

• nitrogen;

• salicylic;

• trichloroacetic and others.

Effective as a burning medium pure celandine juice.

The acid is applied both once and for several days in a row. The easiest way is to apply the solutions to your own hands, but to remove warts in the folds of the skin you need help, especially when it comes to papillomas. Most importantly, apply a corrosive compound to the root or leg to burn this place.

The disadvantage of this method thing is a burn occurs, while the blood vessels are affected, which means that the virus can spread throughout the body, and then new warts will appear in a completely new place.

When deciding to get rid of warts at home in this way, you should remember that this procedure is effective, but painful if you use acids. A much more gentle, but longer way will be the destruction of warts by folk methods.

How to get rid of warts at home: herbs, lotions, infusions

After making sure that we are faced with a wart, and not another neoplasm, we can proceed with the removal of warts. In each case, you should be extremely careful.

Our task will be to destroy the wart, but at the same time not to damage the skin around it. In this case, a piece of patch will help, inside which a hole the size of a wart is cut out. The healthy skin around the wart can be pre-lubricated with a protective cream.

1. The most effective in the fight against warts "proved" garlic tinctures. Since these compounds are very aggressive, they should be protected away from children and be sure to sign so as not to be confused with something else.

  • In apple cider vinegar, ¼ cup, add 2 to 3 cloves of garlic, chopped into slurry, infuse for 2 weeks and use it by carefully lubricating the affected area twice a day.

  • Garlic ointment is prepared from 1 tsp. garlic gruel, 1 tsp melted pork fat, and 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar. An adhesive patch with a hole is applied to the wart, protecting healthy skin. Apply ointment to the open part of the wart, cover with a piece of bandage, but do not use cellophane, and fix it with a bandage for the night.

  • Do not want to cook tincture or ointment, then just cut a clove of garlic into plates and attach to the wart with a band-aid overnight, changing the slices daily.

2. Scarlet used to grow in every house, but now it’s not difficult to find it. That method is good because it does not threaten a burn, but it will take longer to apply.

On the steamed area of ​​the wart, and this can be done with a cotton swab, applying a warm soda solution to the affected area and holding for several seconds, attach a piece of cut aloe, fleshy part to the wart and fix it with a bandage or band-aid for the night. So do a few nights in a row until the wart disappears.

3. The easiest way to get rid of warts at home will bet iodinewith which we lubricate the neoplasm up to 5-6 times a day, while burning and drying its location.

4. In the warm season, "young" warts can be entered fresh dandelion or celandine juicelubricating the neoplasm several times a day.

5. Bow available in every home. We prepare onion ointment from ½ tsp. freshly squeezed onion juice and ½ tsp honey You do not need to insist this mixture, it can be used immediately after preparation, applying to warts and fixing with a bandage.

6. Has the ability to destroy warts and potatoes. We take the potato, thoroughly wash it and three only peel on a grater. This mixture is laid on a piece of cellophane and bandaged to a wart overnight. In the morning we scrape off the softened part, and at night we make a new compress. That method is good because it is completely painless, although you need to be patient to see the result.

7. In late summer and early autumn, people will come to the rescue rowan berries, which should be thoroughly kneaded in the hands to a pulp state and attached to the wart with a band-aid. The berries should be changed every day until the wart disappears. For greater effectiveness, the softened top layer of the wart should be cut off every day with nail scissors.

How to get rid of warts at home: other ways

Those who believe in the magic of rituals can try their strength on themselves.

  • Old people in villages use a method that is completely inexplicable from a scientific point of view. They advise finding a bone on the road, gently take it with a napkin or a piece of cloth and circle around the wart, without touching the skin of the body, 3 times counterclockwise. Then the bone is put in place, and a piece of paper or tissue is burned. It is noticed that after some time all the warts on the body disappear.

  • Some people practice flossing warts. It is difficult to do it yourself. A loop should be made of the thread, and, holding the wart slightly stretched from the skin of the body, throw a thread on it, tie it tightly at the root. Stopping the access of blood to this place, over time, the wart disappears. This method is quite painful, often there is an inflammatory process, edema, so you should think carefully before deciding on it, because there are several alternative solutions.

  • Dog owners do not even suspect that rescue from warts can give their four-legged friend. Let the dog lick the place where the tumor is located as often as possible, because canine saliva has the unique ability to break down wart cells.

  • At the bazaar you can always agree with the sellers of fresh chickens on the acquisition of chicken bile, which must be applied several times a day. This recipe was also used by our grandfathers, great-grandfathers.

  • In the store we get dry ice, artificial, and we rub the wart with it, do this carefully so that the product does not get into the eyes.

  • It looks like magic and treatment with an apple or potato. We cut the vegetable or fruit with a strong thread, rub the cut part of the wart for 3 to 5 minutes, after which we connect both halves of the apple or potato with this thread, bury it in the ground when they rot, the warts disappear.

Whatever method of getting rid of warts at home you choose, the main thing is to bring the matter to the complete destruction of this neoplasm.


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