How to get rid of snoring at home: causes and risks. We get rid of snoring with medicines and folk remedies


Snoring is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, especially for a person who sleeps nearby.

Yes, and the snoring himself feels discomfort from the fact that he snores, because it interferes with a person sleeping next to him, in addition, he periodically wakes up from his own snoring.

Also, do not forget that snoring indicates some health problems, which we will mention below.

Get rid of snoring at home: is it possible?

How does snoring occur?

Snoring itself begins to appear during trembling in the oral cavity and larynx of the soft organs. Snoring occurs in both men and women, and absolutely equally. Often the most prone to snoring are the elderly. There is a simple explanation for this: at this age, the muscles of the upper respiratory tract lose their elasticity, and during sleep it partially overlaps, hence this unpleasant sound appears.

The reasons

In fact, there are several reasons why snoring may appear. Let's look at the most common ones.

1. Soft palate muscle weaknessthat we mentioned above is the most common reason. The weakened muscles of the pharynx literally hit each other under the pressure of air currents during inspiration and exhalation.

2. Excess weight. As it turned out, excess body fat is collected not only in the stomach and hips, but also in the throat, which leads to its narrowing. Thus, airflows passing through the respiratory tract are accelerated, which leads to an increase in tongue oscillations in the throat and increased snoring. And if you remember that hypoxia entails disturbances in the metabolism of the body and an even greater accumulation of fat, then a vicious circle emerges from which it is difficult to get out, but it is possible.

3. Diseases and pathologies of the respiratory organs. Very often, the cause of snoring can be sinusitis, adenoids, rhinitis, polyps, or various pathologies of the structure of the nasal septum and pharynx.

4. Neurological and endocrinological diseases. This item is not so common, but it is also worth mentioning. Particular attention should be paid to problems with the thyroid gland as a result of hypothyroidism or a stroke.

5. Smoking It can also cause irritation of the throat mucosa, which leads to swelling and narrowing of the walls of the trachea. Taking alcohol directly can affect the airways: relax your muscles and provoke snoring.

Ronchopathies (snoring) can also appear in children, but at this age they are treated much easier. The issue of snoring over the years can only worsen, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to cure it. The most effective way to deal with this problem is to visit an ENT or a somnologist.

Possible unpleasant consequences of ronchopathy

The occurrence of snoring may indicate the presence of certain problems in the body, so in this case, you need to pay special attention to your health. There are cases when this disease causes temporary heart failure, and this is a direct sign of SAS syndrome. Often it manifests itself due to regular overwork and occurs in the form of drowsiness at any time of the day.

Holding or holding your breath may be the result of much more serious problems, such as:

  • the occurrence of a headache after waking up;

  • too high pressure;

  • increased urination, which occurs due to accelerated kidney function due to a lack of incoming oxygen;

  • nightmares or other unpleasant dreams;

  • regular lack of sleep, regardless of the duration of sleep;

  • even small problems in the breathing process can adversely affect potency and other organs.

Getting rid of snoring at home: causes of failure

To solve the problem of snoring, you first need to determine the cause of its occurrence.

One of the causes of snoring may be certain behavioral characteristics of a person. For example, if you sleep lying on your back, soft tissues will partially block the air space through the throat, which translates into more difficult breathing with a characteristic noisy sound. If the reason is this, then it is better to fall asleep lying on your side. If in a dream you still roll over onto your back, you can resort to a little trick. On the clothes in which you sleep, there should be some kind of embroidery, then the body will not be too comfortable sleeping on its back, and it will itself turn over in a dream. Unlearning to sleep on your back is a long and difficult process, have patience, it can take from a week to a month.

It is much easier to remove the factor that provokes ronchopathy than to use one technique after another. If the cause of snoring is overweight, the best solution is to consult a doctor. They can make the necessary recommendations, attribute appropriate exercises and diet. If adenoids are the cause of snoring, then here you can not do without ENT.

You can get rid of snoring through the following options:

  • surgical intervention, which does not always give the desired result and can cause serious complications (50% success in getting rid of snoring, in other cases, a loud sound remains after the operation);

  • special exercises;

  • the use of certain drugs;

  • ethnoscience;

  • strips for the nose, which help to expand the cavity of the wings of the nose;

  • special devices for the nose, which are similar in appearance to the protective inserts of boxers. They work like this: the lower jaw extends forward, thereby increasing the path for breathing. Such devices are very effective, but at the same time, not everyone can afford it. They are made individually for each person with the right size.

To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to use all the techniques in combination.

How to get rid of snoring at home: methods

In order to cure ronchopathy at home, you can resort to special exercises that need to be done 2-3 times a day 15 times. So, the process itself:

1) first you need to grab your fingers around the lower jaw and drag it down. The mouth must be kept closed;

2) take a hard rubber tube tightly clamped with his teeth;

3) then slightly open the mouth and make several circular movements with the jaw, alternately clockwise and against it;

4) after that you need to close your mouth while breathing through your nose, strain the back of the tongue and pull the tongue to the throat. This exercise is the opposite of what you do at the ENT reception when you show your throat;

5) tighten the muscles of the pharynx, neck and soft palate and say the sound "and";

6) before going to bed, clean the nasopharynx with special drops that help with a runny nose, or with a normal solution of sea salt. You can also gargle with salt.

Do not use a large pillow for sleep, do not sleep on your back, do not take sleeping pills and alcohol, do not smoke - these are the main preventive measures both during the treatment and after it.

Next, consider another treatment option for ronchopathy, namely the use of drugs.

Treatment of ronopathy with drugs

There is a huge amount of medication with which you can get rid of the problem of snoring once and for all. They will help remove inflammation from the larynx and strengthen the tone of the muscles of the soft palate.

This list includes:

  • pills;

  • aerosols;

  • Sprays

  • drops;

  • conditioners;

  • inhalation.

Some of these remedies also help with a cold.

If the body does not have any complex pathologies, you can use special anti-snoring pills. They contain different herbs that have their contraindications, so before taking them, you must first consult a specialist. The doctor will help determine the true cause of ronchopathy, and if necessary, determine several additional procedures for treatment. Self-treatment can adversely affect the process and lead to complications.

Folk methods

Now you know with what medications ronchopathy can be cured. Next, we will focus on folk recipes. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the main ones.

1. Crumble 3 leaves of cabbage and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. You can also use cabbage juice. To get rid of snoring, you need to drink 250 ml of this juice for a month before bedtime. The juice must be freshly squeezed, with a spoonful of honey.

2. To prepare the herb gathering you need: 1 tbsp. l elderberries, 2 tbsp. l burdock, 1 tsp horsetail and the same amount of saber root. Then grind all components in a coffee grinder and pour boiling water. For treatment, you need to take 2 tsp. Every day. decoction 5 times a day.

3. Drink distilled water every day. After a while, mucus will come out through the nose. To increase the effect, you need to do fasting days in the diet at least once a week. Leaving excess mucus from the body will help get rid of snoring faster.

4. Dip the sea buckthorn oil into your nose like drops. For treatment before bedtime, you need to drip one drop of this oil into each nostril 4-5 hours before bedtime for a month.

5. Eat two medium carrots an hour before meals.

Despite the abundance of folk recipes, we still recommend that you consult a specialist before starting treatment, because your snoring can be the cause of a very serious pathology in the body, which you probably did not know about.


Watch the video: How To Cure Snoring Home Remedies for Snoring @ ekunji (June 2024).