How to strengthen nails at home? Methods and recipes for strengthening nails at home: effective


Some people have strong, smooth, shiny nails, while others suffer from their brittleness, subtlety and generally unhealthy appearance.

Why? There are many reasons.

Here, and genetics, and nutritional errors, and living conditions, and health problems.

Be that as it may, there are many options for strengthening your nails at home, without going to the salon.

Anyway, try to do it.

Strengthen nails at home: is it possible?

If you do not take into account the diagnosis or concealment of the disease, then the following factors have a negative effect on the condition of the nails:

• constant wearing of extended marigolds;

• use of household chemicals without hand protection (protective creams, gloves);

• deficiency of vitamins (primarily vitamin E, A, D, C) and minerals (iron, magnesium, calcium, silicon);

• permanent mechanical injury to the nail plate, improper care, the use of low-quality manicure varnish;

• bad habits;

• constant exposure to bad weather, environmental conditions at work or at home (high or low temperature, humidity or dry air).

Obviously, the problem of brittleness and delamination has internal, physiological, and external causes. For example, in the spring, during the period of vitamin deficiencies and after winter colds, nails deteriorate in many people. If the nails begin to peel off after an independent manicure, it is quite possible that you just incorrectly hold the nail file or use too rough a nail file.

How to strengthen nails at home: methods

Is it possible to rectify the situation? Not only possible, but also necessary, especially if brittleness and delamination is a sign of nutrient deficiency. How to strengthen nails at home? To get a guaranteed result, you will have to act in several directions, from the inside and out.

• Permanently protect the nail plate. When doing housework, household rubber gloves should be used. From the water, the nail plate swells and delaminates, and aggressive chemicals exacerbate the situation.

• The nail should be filed from the edge to the center, moving the nail file in one direction only. This will prevent delamination. For home use, a glass nail file with an abrasiveness of 220 grit is suitable. It must be kept strictly perpendicular to the treated surface of the marigold.

• In addition to care products, restorative masks and bathtubs are necessarily used. There are a lot of recipes, you need to choose a course that will work effectively and will not cause inconvenience.

• On the eve of the summer season, it is imperative to drink a course of vitamins specially selected for strengthening nails and hair.

One of the reliable methods for strengthening weak, brittle nails is to cover the nail plate with biogel. Usually the procedure is done in salons. However, many girls today prefer regular gel manicure, a permanent gel polish done at home on their own, and acquire household UV lamps. The device can also be used to strengthen the nails with bio-gel. It is very profitable and convenient.

How to strengthen nails at home with a bio-gel? Not only a gel will be required, but also a primer, a degreasing liquid, and a topcoat. Usually these products are sold in lamp kits.

What should be done:

• put the nails in order (make a regular manicure);

• degrease the nail plate;

• apply a primer, dry in a lamp (the exposure time is indicated in the instructions for the device, usually two to three minutes);

• apply bio-gel, dry;

• if you want, apply a second layer of gel, dry;

• wipe the nails with nail polish remover without acentone;

• apply the finish coat, dry.

After that, you only need to rub a drop of olive oil or any means for nails nutrition into the cuticle. Under a layer of bio-gel, which includes a lot of proteins, a fingernail will feel comfortable and warm. After a few months of such treatment, he will strengthen, rest, acquire a healthy appearance.

A good, proven method to strengthen nails - the use of pharmacy cosmetic preparationsat. This can be an oil solution of tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A), a sealing wax, as well as numerous therapeutic agents that are applied to the nail plate like a regular varnish.

Nevertheless, the main method of strengthening nails at home is special bathtubs and masks. Depending on the intensity of exposure, they can be used either several times a week, or no more than once a month.

How to strengthen nails at home: recipes

The most common components for restoring the strength and beauty of the nail plate are sea salt, lemon, honey, natural vegetable oils, gelatin, glycerin, herbs and even iodine.

Sea salt

The simplest remedy is a bath of sea salt. A spoon of the product must be dissolved in half a liter of very hot water and immersed in her fingers. The exposure time is about fifteen minutes. Then get wet skin, grease hands with nourishing cream. Quickly strengthen your nails allows a course of ten daily procedures.

Sea salt and oils

The procedure of "sealing" a marigold using sea salt is one of the most effective for exfoliating, weak nails. In a teaspoon of coarse sea salt, drip a little warm, not necessarily boiled water. Grains should not dissolve, but turn into a scrub. Apply the salt mass on the nail plate and rub it with a cotton pad or a piece of soft tissue for several seconds. Remove the remaining salt and apply to the nail a mixture of the following composition: a piece of natural wax (half a teaspoon) melted in a water bath, three drops of evening primrose oil and the same amount of grape seed oil. Rub the mixture into the nail, soak the residue. Regularity - twice a month.

Sea salt and lemon

The mask and bath of sea salt and lemon have a strengthening effect. Lemon is one of the most indispensable products for the health of nails. It perfectly strengthens and whitens the nail plate. The first version of the mask: mix in a glass cup two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice and two pinches of sea salt. Apply to the nail plate for ten minutes.

Honey and lemon

Another version of a wonderful nutritious home remedy based on lemon and honey. Mix both components in equal proportions, apply the composition on the nails and cuticle for fifteen minutes. Healing agent, thanks to which the nails will cease to exfoliate, will acquire a natural shine, strength and health.

Nail care products with lemon should be used no more than once a week, since the yellow fruit has a high activity. You can use the fruit either alone or in a mixture with vegetable or cosmetic oils, heated in a water bath.

Vegetable oils and tomato

To accelerate growth, strengthen the nail plate, you can prepare a mask of olive oil and almonds (one teaspoon each), four drops of rosemary (ether) oil and one finely grated tomato. With such a strange composition, you need to lubricate your fingertips, hold the mask for seven to eight minutes. After washing, massage your fingers and hands with a nourishing cream.

Gelatin and Oils

Gelatin masks for nails are also very useful. You can use the product on your own, or mix the solution with pharmacy vitamins E, A in the form of oils or any cosmetic oils. To prepare the base bath, you need to dissolve a half of a large spoonful of gelatin in one cup of hot boiled water, cool slightly and immerse your fingertips for about fifteen minutes.

Medicinal herbs

To prepare a firming bath, you need to mix in equal parts chamomile, burdock root and St. John's wort. Two tablespoons of the herbal mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour, strain and lower the fingers for about twenty minutes. Then get wet skin, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.


There are many options for using iodine to strengthen nails at home. Such a method may seem too radical, but it works! The first option is to simply cover the nail with one layer of iodine solution using a cotton swab. You can do it at night. Repeating the procedure is often not recommended, at most once a month.

A bath of sea salt and iodine is a very effective way to quickly tidy up brittle, thin nails. You need to dissolve a spoonful of salt in a glass of boiling water, add five drops of iodine and hold your fingertips in such a solution for twenty to thirty minutes.

A very effective mask from one tablespoon of olive oil, heated in a water bath, half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and four drops of iodine. Soak the composition with nails, pads, cuticles, hold for fifteen minutes, then remove the residue with a dry cloth.

How to strengthen nails at home: causes of failure

What to do if baths, pharmacy products and even bio-gel do not give a result? How to strengthen nails at home in a situation where the effectiveness of traditional methods is close to zero? First of all, review the diet. In addition to vitamins, foods rich in vitamins and minerals should be included in the diet: sea fish, butter, milk, spinach, broccoli, cereals, nuts, seeds, apples.

Now it's time to analyze your habits and way to care for your nails.

• If the nails break and deteriorate due to smoking, you do not have to wait for them to strengthen. Nicotine adversely affects the state of the nail plate, so you have to choose: either a cigarette or beautiful hands.

• You can temporarily refuse to cover the nails with varnishes and use acetone-based removers. Try to replace the decorative coating with a medical one within one or two months, and use acetone-free products to remove the old layer.

• Nail brittleness may be caused by a lack of calcium. You can make up for it with the grandmother's method, that is, with egg shells ground into dust. Three times a day before meals, you need to eat a small amount of powder (a third of a teaspoon). If you do not want to bother with the shell, buy a pharmacy drug of calcium.

If you take care of the condition of the nails, then the dream of a beautiful manicure will become a reality. Even the weakest, brittle, dried nails can be strengthened at home.


Watch the video: How to Strengthen Your Nails Naturally in Just Two Weeks Home Treatment! (July 2024).