Scientists have found a simple way to protect their eyes from the computer


The good news is for those who constantly work at the computer and fear for their eyesight. Scientists have finally found an effective way to reduce eye fatigue.

Employees of an American university located in Texas have proposed the "20-20-20-20" strategy, which is striking in its simplicity and at the same time effectiveness. The bottom line is this: while working at a computer, a person should take a break every 20 minutes and direct his eyes to objects located at a distance of 20 feet (about 6 meters), which must be examined over the next 20 minutes. And do not forget to blink 20 times.

The effectiveness of this approach is explained very simply. Blinking, we moisturize the surface of the eyes and at the same time relieve tension from the eye muscles. Not only regular computer users can do such exercises. They are useful to everyone who wants to maintain their vision for many years.

With the new exercise, not only dryness and eye fatigue are prevented, but also other unpleasant moments associated with over-exertion: headaches, neck discomfort, joint pain. Those who spend three hours a day or more at the computer are especially at risk.

To some, such exercises may seem strange, but American scientists have no doubt that their strategy works and can be especially useful for office employees who spend almost all their working time at computers, and in rooms with air-dry from the air conditioner.

The only caveat - scientists do not explain how often you need to blink. So in this matter, apparently, you will have to follow your intuition.


Watch the video: How to Protect the Eyes from Blue Light - 5 Tips (July 2024).