Phalaenopsis: home care. The amazing world of growing phalaenopsis at home: rules for care


Phalaenopsis ("Orchid Moth" or "Night Butterfly") is one of the most common types of orchids, due to the ease of care and the possibility of flowering almost all year round.

It is easy to grow at home, and it can stay in bloom for a very long time.

Phalaenopsis: home care - breeding

Phalaenopsis has from 3 to 6 very wide flexible leaves that alternate with each other. Peduncle occurs between these leaves. Flowers can be any color from white to black, including striped and with spots.

Reproduction of phalaenopsis at home is available and not very experienced grower.

Transplantation is recommended after the flowers have bloomed. This is due to the fact that after flowering, the plant can focus on the development of new roots and leaves. It is also better to carry out this procedure better from late autumn to summer. Carry it out once every three years.

General photo of phalaenopsis, reproduction methods, babies

In addition to your desire, sometimes there are objective reasons for which a transplant is required:

• the previous pot is small for the plant;

• on the surface there are many roots that are interwoven, there are dead. In itself, the fact that the roots grow above the pot is a sign of a healthy plant. But if they completely filled the pot, displacing the substrate, then intervention is necessary here;

• a complete replacement of the substrate is required;

• to initiate plant growth.

Phalaenopsis has a monopodial form of growth. And its main difference from orchids is that the stem grows from the apical outlet and does not have pseudobulbs.

Based on this, for such a plant there are several methods of reproduction.

1. Cuttings. The technology consists in cutting off a stem (on which there were flowers) or a side shoot from an orchid that has already faded. Cuttings from 10 to 15 cm long are prepared from these branches. The edges of the sections are sprinkled with charcoal powder or activated carbon tablets. The resulting cuttings are laid out on moist soil (sphagnum or sand) and covered with a film or a transparent cover, creating the effect of a greenhouse. The temperature should be +26 - + 28 ° С. Each handle should have at least two nodes with axillary sleeping kidneys. The lowest are the strongest. It will be even easier if you put the peduncle in water with minerals diluted in it and put in sunlight.

2. Reproduction by children. Kids are lateral shoots, i.e. small new plants. They are formed either on faded peduncles, or at the base of the roots. Their appearance can also be triggered by feeding the plant fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. But completely simple methods will also help: wait until the plant fades, put it in a room with a high temperature or where there is most of the light and provide high humidity. Do not stop spraying the plant when children appear, this will help her to release the roots. The period from appearance to transplantation into the soil is approximately three months. During this time, the children will additionally have 3-4 leaves, and the roots will grow 5-7 cm in length. Next, you need to separate the baby from the main mother plant and transplant into a permanent pot. You can cut it off from the peduncle using a pruner, blade or sharp knife. All of these items must be treated with alcohol. Sections are recommended to be sprinkled with charcoal powder or activated carbon. Next, put the young plant in a pre-poured substrate, fill up at the edges until the pot is completely filled. The first few months are kept in high humidity.

3. There is another method breeding phalaenopsis, which is not used very often - this outlet division. In this case, we need a completely healthy plant with large rosettes and enough leaves. A sharp tool, necessarily treated with alcohol (this is necessary so as not to bring in the fungus), cut off the top of the flower. A few leaves and aerial roots must remain on it. Sections are disinfected by the above methods. The resulting shoot is planted in a new pot, which already contains the required amount of substrate. Take care of the plant carefully, observing all the necessary conditions. After a few months, lateral buds at the base will appear on the maternal phalaenopsis, from which young shoots will develop. The period of its transformation into a beautiful plant is 2-3 years.

Before you start breeding, you need to know that phalaenopsis does not tolerate transplantation and destruction of soil coma. This is due to the fact that during this process, root hairs are broken, which are conductors of water and substrate. Try to still use the method of transshipment from a smaller container to a larger one. Fill free space with additional substrate. This is the most painless method.

Tip: use transparent pots for phalaenopsis. This is due to the fact that the roots of this plant are photophilous, additional light will enhance the process of photosynthesis. You will be able to carry out watering in sufficient quantities and timely see the problems of your plant.

Phalaenopsis home care - soil, lighting, flowering conditions

The soil unusual for phalaenopsis is the bark of a pine (the bark of another tree is not recommended). It can be prepared by yourself, collecting in the forest from fallen trees. Before use, the bark is cut into pieces, boiled and dried, so that mold and fungus do not develop. There is such a composition of the substrate: pine bark, large expanded clay and charcoal in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. In such a mixture, each component will fulfill its role: expanded clay and coal will accumulate water, and then gradually give it to the bark. Charcoal, in addition, will also fight the decay of the bark and the appearance of fungi and mold on it.

The best thing, of course, is to buy a finished substrate. There are different opinions about adding moss or sphagnum. It is believed that these substances can contribute to moisture stagnation and decay.

Shine. Phalaenopsis grows beautifully on the east window. If the window is located in the south or west, then it must be protected with a curtain. Leaves should be olive green. If they are darker, this means that the plant does not receive enough light; red shade of leaves means that there is too much light. After the phalaenopsis fades, you can place it anywhere in your home away from direct sunlight. If the plant does not bloom repeatedly, then it is necessary to increase the amount of light that it receives.

Phalaenopsis growing place

Temperature. Phalaenopsis is easy to grow because it uses the same temperatures as we do. But keep in mind that closer to the window it will be colder or warmer on the windowsill than in your house. Temperature changes can cause buds to fall off plants.

Flowering conditions. After the last flowering, it is necessary to cut the stem (which should dry), leaving two nodes (these small brown lines on the trunk below where the flowers were) and then the plant will bloom with larger flowers and a strong stem for 8 to 12 weeks. Accelerate flowering and allows lighting. If the plant has not bloomed for 6 months, then rearrange it in a more lighted place.

The shock method for flowering can be a temperature difference method. When it is characteristic, for example, low temperature at night (not lower than +10 degrees º C) and normal during the day. So it is necessary to contain phalaenopsis for 2-3 weeks and completely eliminate watering.

The general growth season begins in late spring. Also pay attention to the time of year when you bought your plant. If it then bloomed, then it should bloom at the same time.

Phalaenopsis home care - top dressing and watering

Top dressing. You can use any balanced care for orchids. It should be remembered that this plant needs fertilizer many times less than other plants. The point is that if you start too often using fertilizing, they will begin to grow rapidly, and will refuse to bloom. Choose your option - from once a week to once every 3 months. Everything is very individual. Avoid feeding with urea and nitrogen, as this can burn the tips of the roots. Excessive fertilizing and the accumulation of salts can lead to the development of fungal infections, and also cause severe root burns. If you want the flower to bloom, then use fertilizers containing phosphorus. Fertilize only a moistened substrate! Also, once a month, use clean water to rinse the accumulated salts from the potted mixture.

Watering. Its frequency depends on the potted environment and living conditions, the amount of light and heat. In the summer months more frequent watering is required, in winter less will be needed. On average, it is recommended to water once a week. And in sunny weather, watering can even be done in 2-3 days. The color of the roots, which should be silver-green, can also indicate the need for watering. You can see it through a transparent plastic pot. It is better to water in the morning. Be sure to let it drain completely to avoid root rot.

Rule: insufficient watering of the phalaenopsis can lead to some wilting of the leaves, and excessive watering will lead to the death of the roots and plants.

Humidity. Provide the plant with the necessary moisture. Use a shallow pebble tray filled with water to increase the moisture around the plants.

Continue watering and fertilizing while waiting for the flowering cycle.

Phalaenopsis at home: why does he die?

The causes of death:

Orchid with damaged leaves

1. Mechanical damage. If the flower pot has fallen, then try to return it to its original state as soon as possible and watch it closely for several days. If you don’t like something, then use the methods of reproduction to save the plant.

2. Decay of the root system. If you observe that the leaves of your plant are drooping, then check the condition of the roots. Take the plant out of the pot, cut off all the rotten roots. Sprinkle the cut points with powder or activated carbon. Then place the plant over the substrate (so that the base does not come into contact with it) and cover with a film so that it only consumes moisture in the leaves. Do not water! If you find the roots appear, it means you saved the plant.

3. Diseases and pests. They can be affected by a spider mite, a mealybug, which can be controlled with colloidal sulfur or acaricides. A scabbard may start, but it does not live long and does not breed much.

Areas with black wet spots on the leaves are removed a few centimeters more from the border of the lesion, and the slice is treated.

The pale green dents on each leaf indicate the presence of a viral disease. It is incurable and the plant should be destroyed.

4. Sunburn. From them large black spots may appear on the leaves. Place the pot on a windowsill with dim light and avoid direct sunlight.

5. Watering. Excessive watering, high humidity and low air temperature can lead to the formation of mold and fungal infection on the roots of the plant. In this case, reduce watering and dry the plant. If the plant is weakened or blooms, then try to water it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In the future, it is advisable to replace the substrate and the pot, while treating the roots of the plant with fungicides.

6. Incorrect transplantation or reproduction can also lead to the death of a plant..

7. In this species of orchid, the lower leaves may turn yellow and die over the course of their life.. This is a normal process. The fact that the plant has little light or lacks additional minerals is evidenced by the general yellowness of the leaves of the entire plant.

If you are lucky enough to have phalaenopsis, then you are in the amazing world of orchid cultivation! This is one of the easiest orchid species to care for, which can grow at home. If you follow all the basic requirements, this plant will reward you with the blooming of beautiful flowers for several months.


Watch the video: How to Grow and Care for Orchids. Ask This Old House (July 2024).