Zac Efron - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news


A talented actor and singer, a young handsome man, at the sight of which many ladies are lost, Zac Efron Born on October 18 in 1987 in the town of San Luis (California) in the family of engineer David Efron and Starla Basket. Zach has a younger brother, Dylan. Parents of Zac Efron at a young age noted his talent for singing and when he was 11 years old they offered to take vocal lessons. It was singing classes that helped Zack successfully pass his first audition for a role in the production of Gypsies in a local theater. Then Zack realized that his mission was acting. Zac Efron quickly enough from the theatrical stages migrated to television screens.

Zac Efron - the beginning of a stellar career

Young, talented with a beautiful voice, Zac Efron successfully passed auditions and occasionally played in series such as Ambulance, C.S.I Miami, and Firefly. The charazmatic brunette with blue eyes perfectly fulfilling his roles quickly attracted the attention of producers and already in 2004 he was accepted for permanent work in the very popular at that time series “Eternal Summer”. Work in this project was the first success of the young actor Zac Efron. In parallel with the work in the series, Zach graduates from high school and goes to the University of Southern California.

Zac Efron - gaining popularity

A real breakthrough on star Olympus for Zac Efron was the work in 2006 in the film “Cool Musical”, where Zach brilliantly played the main character - Troy Bolton. When this musical was released, Zac Efron fully felt that he was now famous. He immediately had an army of fans who were enchanted by his game. It was this picture that became for Efron an excellent springboard for the rapid take-off of his acting career. He was immediately invited to a role in the film “Hairspray”, in which he starred with such movie stars as Michelle Pfeiffer and John Travolta.

Zac Efron continued to work in the popular series “Cool Musical” in its second and third parts. Also in 2008, Zach received an offer to star in the film "Papa 17 Again", in which he showed himself as not only a talented, but also a multifaceted actor.

Zac Efron for his work in the film “Cool Musical 3: Graduation” was awarded two MTV channel awards in the categories “Best Actor” and “Best Kiss”. And for the game in the film “Hairspray” he became the winner in the category “Breakthrough of the Year”.

Zac Efron is a young, sought-after actor who receives many interesting offers from producers. Every year, from the moment of his “acting take-off”, it is a rich acting career.

Zac Efron - The Most Important Roles

Zac Efron takes his every movie job very seriously and gives himself to her completely. Among the most significant film projects for his career, one can note work in such films as
- "Eternal Summer" (2004-2005), where he played Cameron Bale
- “Cool musical” (2006-2012) - the role of Troy Bolton
- “All tip-top, or Life of Zach and Cody” (2006) - the role of Trevor
- “Doubles” (2006) - the role of Davy Hannerhoff
- “Hairspray” (2007) - the role of Link Larkin
- “Papa is 17 again” (2008) - the role of the young Mike O Donnel
- “Old New Year” (2011) - Paul
Among the new projects of Zac Efron paintings: "The Newspaper" and "Lucky", which go on screens in 2012

Zac Efron - personal life

The personal life of the handsome Zac Efron is the most urgent topic, both among paparazzi and girls around the world. Zak fell in love, fall in love and will fall in love not only his fans, but also many star ladies. His long-lasting affair with Vanessa Hudgens, a partner in the movie Cool Musical, haunted Zack fans. But their beautiful love story, which lasted about 5 years and almost led to the wedding, ended in 2010. Today in the press there are constantly reports about the adventures of Zac Efron, as well as versions that he really wants to return Vanessa. But recently, the beautiful Zak is credited with an affair with the charming Teresa Taller, with whom he quite often appears in public. According to the friends of Zach, his heart is free and he is in search of his soulmate.

Zac Efron - interesting facts

  • Zac Efron has established himself not only as a talented actor, but also as an excellent singer. His soundtrack to the film “Cool Musical” was in the TOP singles.
  • Despite the fact that Zach has Jewish roots, he is a supporter of agnosticism.
  • In addition to acting and musical activity, sports also occupy a significant place in the life of Zac Efron. In addition to skiing and golfing, Zak is seriously surfing. The main hobby of the actor is collecting autographed baseballs.
  • Zac Efron has already taken place as a movie star and was able to earn for his own luxurious apartment, in which his favorites live: the Siamese cat Simon and two shepherd dogs - Pappi and Dremer.

Zac Efron - what is busy today

Zac Efron surprisingly all changed his image of "youth" to an elegant man. He just finished work on such new projects as The Newspaper and Lucky, and also voiced the main character in the cartoon Lorons. All of these projects will be released in 2012.


Dima Alekseev 09.09.2016
cool actors

Maria 06/09/2016
Zac Efron is just an amazing person! I'm waiting for new films with his participation

Sasha 01/22/2016
But what about the cool musical 4, he will not be in it


Watch the video: Zac Efron Biography: Life and Career of the Actor and Singer (June 2024).