How to cook potatoes? We are looking for readiness! How to cook potatoes in their skins, in water, in milk, in the oven, in the microwave


Typically, in recipes for various dishes they write "cook potatoes until cooked."

But where is that willingness?

Not every housewife knows how to determine her.

And as a result, it often turns out that the potato is digested or crunches on the teeth.

This is especially unpleasant when the dish was prepared not only for themselves, but also for dear guests.

How much and how to cook potatoes in their skins, peeled, sliced?

How to cook potatoes - general principles of cooking

It would seem that it’s difficult to cook potatoes? He threw it into the pan, poured water and sent to the stove. But not so simple. At one mistress, potatoes are incomparable. And tasty on their own. And with the other mistress, even no meat or fish can disguise an unsuccessful potato side dish. Why it happens?

Subtleties to know:

• Poorly washed tubers will give the finished potato an earthy flavor. And if the peel crack during cooking, then the dish will be spoiled.

• For cooking, you need to pick up tubers of the same size. Otherwise, you will have to stand at the stove and check the readiness of each potato one by one.

• The more starch in a potato, the faster it cooks and the more crumbly it turns out. If varieties with a low starch content are used, then the potato is dense, does not boil, and lends itself well to cutting even into small slices and plates.

• You always need to salt the potatoes. Even if she is preparing in her uniform. But salt is not put at the very beginning of preparation, but in the middle of the process or near the end.

You also need to remember that the taste and preservation of vitamins in the product directly depend on the cooking time. No need to put the potatoes on a slow fire, if there is still time before dinner. It is better to leave the tubers in cold water, and then quickly bring to a boil or immediately add boiling water.

How to cook potatoes in their skins on the stove

The simplest and most common variant of cooking potatoes in their skins. Such a product is used for salads, okroshka, casseroles, zraz or just eaten.


• potatoes;

• water;

• salt.


1. We wash tubers with running water. If they have dried up dirt, then you need to use a brush. Also, immediately remove the sprouts, if any, and carefully clean the eyes, they must be clean.

2. Put the potatoes in a pan and fill with water so that it slightly covers the tubers. You can use boiling water immediately to save time, as well as reduce the yield of nutrients from tubers to broth.

3. Cook the potatoes for 10 minutes, then salt.

4. So how much do you cook potatoes in their skins? After 20 minutes, take a fork or knife, pierce the tuber. If the item comes in easily, then done! If it is pierced with difficulty, then we cook further.

How to cook mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are a popular dish. It is introduced to humans in the diet in the first year of life. And every housewife should know how and how much to cook mashed potatoes.


• potatoes;

• water;

• milk;

• salt;

• butter.


1. Peel the washed potatoes.

2. We cut. But how? In fact, there is no exact rule. The smaller the pieces, the faster the dish will cook. But it is believed that mashed potatoes are tastier and healthier from chopped large pieces of potato. We do it at our discretion.

3. Pour potatoes with boiling water, you can just water.

4. Set to cook. After 10 minutes, salt.

5. Evaluate the softness of the slices after 15-20 minutes. They should not only be easily punctured, but even disintegrate when exposed to a tableware.

6. Once the pieces are ready, drain the water.

7. In a separate container we heat milk with butter.

8. We shove the potatoes or interrupt the harvester, gradually introduce the heated milk with butter. Pour to the desired consistency. Someone likes liquid mashed potatoes, someone likes thick mashed potatoes.

How to cook potatoes in milk

Potatoes in milk are the most delicate dish that is delicious even without a side dish. Especially if you add a little dill, garlic. But it also goes well with a piece of meat!


• potatoes;

• salt;

• milk;

• dill, garlic, spices.


1. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices and put in a pan.

2. Pour milk so that it only slightly covers the slices.

3. Set to cook. When boiling, reduce the fire.

4. After 15-18 minutes, salt and remove the lid. The milk should evaporate a little.

5. How much to cook potatoes? Pieces should be a little boiled.

6. At the end add dill, chopped garlic. You can throw other spices. Done!

How to steam potatoes in their skins

Steaming is ideal for tubers that go to salads, okroshka. The potato does not boil, it is dense, and the slices have a wonderful shape. Well, talk about the safety of vitamins is unnecessary.




1. We wash the potatoes, as always, choose the same sized tubers.

2. We take the capacity of a double boiler, a pan for a pressure cooker or a double boiler for a multicooker. In general, what is at home and is at hand.

3. We lay the prepared tubers and send to prepare.

4. How much to cook jacket potatoes in this way? On average, the process takes about 30 minutes. But it all depends on the device used. But once cooked, you already accurately determine the time.

How to cook potatoes in their skins in the microwave

A microwave will help out if there is no way to cook potatoes on the stove. Or there’s very little time, but you want to eat. But how and how much to cook potatoes in their skins in this way?


• potato;

• butter.


1. In the package. We wash the medium-sized tubers, put them in a bag, spray them with oil, and you can add a little salt. We tie and make two or three small punctures. Sent in the microwave for 10 minutes. Cooking at maximum power.

2. With water. We place the washed tubers in a container suitable for a microwave. Usually it is glass. Pour water, enough 7 tablespoons per 0.5 kg of tubers. Cover and cook for about 10 minutes.

3. You can also cook peeled potatoes, cut into cubes, slices, with butter and spices. The prepared product is laid in a suitable dish, sprinkled with spices, water is added, the container is covered and you can cook! We select the time individually, but set the maximum power.

How and how much to cook potatoes in a slow cooker

Potatoes can be downloaded to the slow cooker, set a timer and forget about it! By the right time there will be a wonderful side dish, hot and fragrant. But how to cook delicious potatoes in a slow cooker?


• 1 kg of potatoes;

• salt;

• water;

• butter;

• bay leaf;

• pepper.


1. We clean the tubers. Cut into pieces. Not small. If the size of the potatoes is average, then you can just four parts.

2. Put the pieces in the capacity of the multicooker.

3. Add water so much that it barely reaches the pieces.

4. Add salt, pepper and bay leaf. You can immediately mix the spices in the water so that they are distributed evenly, and then pour it into the slow cooker.

5. We put on the cooking mode and cook for 30 minutes.

6. Sprinkle the boiled potatoes with herbs, pour oil and serve as a side dish.

Cooking Potatoes - Useful Tips and Tricks

• Potato sprouts are poisonous! They should by no means get into the pot when cooking tubers in their uniforms. Carefully follow this and break off.

• Potatoes with green barrels are also not good for food. Not only that, it will turn out tasteless and will be bitter. Even if you cut a damaged barrel. As a result, saving potatoes, you can spoil the whole dish.

• To quickly peel a young potato, you can dip it in hot water for a couple of minutes, and then in cold water. The skin will easily part with the tuber. But you can just hold the potatoes in salt water for an hour.

• Boiled potatoes will be tastier if you add a piece of oil to the pan. We do this at the very beginning of cooking. The same technique is used to reduce cooking time.

• Do you need to cook dense potatoes for slicing? Just add 2-3 tablespoons of cabbage, cucumber or tomato pickle to the pan. You can also pour a little vinegar or pour a bit of citric acid.

• Rosemary is an ideal spice for potatoes, no matter how it is cooked. A couple of pinches of this wonderful herb will make the taste of the dish extraordinary.


Watch the video: Loaded Baked Potatoes 4 Ways (June 2024).