Hot Dogs and Fast Food Will Destroy Western Civilization


A classic Western diet, high in sugar and fat, prematurely brings people to the grave. Such a sad conclusion was made by a group of researchers at the French National Medical Institute. The most dangerous foods were sweets, white bread, cream, red meat, butter.

Scientists have entered into an agreement with 5,000 UK civil servants. The authors of the experiment carefully analyzed the health status of volunteers who underwent regular medical examinations. “Earlier testing focused on the role of diet in the occurrence of various diseases. However, no one was involved in specifics, in other words, in studying the effect of diet on the health of elderly people, ”said Dr. Tasnime Akbaral.

Among fans of the Western diet, only 4% retained exemplary health for their age. A third of the observed had minor deviations, allowing us to call their state of health normal. The remaining participants in the experiment suffered from various diseases, as a rule, these were cardiac pathologies. Researchers said Westerners may not experience the joys of “perfect aging,” at the risk of dying sooner from heart disease.

Earlier, scientists from England invented "healthy fast food", which is prepared very quickly and does not harm health. Start your lunch with a sandwich - cereal bread and smoked salmon. Next comes a vegetable salad with olive oil. The main dish is chicken stew with vegetables and lentils, which contains pantothenic acid, which relieves fatigue and proteins that help to increase muscle mass.


Watch the video: The West. ContraPoints (July 2024).