Paraproctitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Paraproctitis It is a process of inflammation during which infection passes into the tissue of pararectal fiber.

Causes of Paraproctitis

The causes of this disease can be very diverse. First of all, this is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Also, the causes of paraproctitis include the presence of various diseases of the anus. Through special glands, which are concentrated in the anus, an infection penetrates from the lumen of the rectum into the surrounding tissue. As a result of such actions, inflammation begins to develop and an abscess forms. It is worth noting that the abscess can be located in various places - it all depends directly on the human immunity. It can be deep enough between the muscles of the perineum and buttocks, as well as under the skin of the perineum.

Symptoms of paraproctitis

There are several varieties of paraproctitis, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms. For example, a subcutaneous abscess is located near the anus. With this type of disease, sharp pains, swelling, and redness of the skin can be observed.

With submucous abscesses during a digital examination, pain and swelling in the area of ​​the posterior opening are determined. Compared to a subcutaneous abscess, the pain here is less intense.

Acute paraproctitis as symptoms may include increased body temperature, pain in the anus, the presence of a sharp painful formation on palpation. At the initial stage of the disease, symptoms of intoxication are mainly observed (weakness of the body, fever and more).

Chronic paraproctitis, which occurs due to its acute form, can also occur. The chronic form of the disease is characterized by the formation of a fistula of the rectum. In most cases, the fistula opens outward in the perineum. In more rare cases, it opens in the gluteal region.

Diagnosis of paraproctitis

Diagnosis of paraproctitis is carried out, thanks to examination, as well as a digital examination of the rectum. To exclude an acute form of the disease in women, you need to consult an gynecologist in addition. Men need to consult a urologist.

The diagnosis of superficial forms of acute paraproctitis is made by examining the perineum and the anus. A rectal examination may also be performed. As for the deep forms, they are already diagnosed with the help of a digital examination of the rectum.

Treatment and prevention of paraproctitis

The treatment of acute paraproctitis is carried out only by surgical intervention. The operation itself is carried out immediately after the diagnosis. During surgery, anesthesia is done. During the operation, an abscess is opened and all pus is removed. After the operation, the doctor prescribes special antibiotics, vitamins, as well as drugs that increase immunity.

It is worth noting that opening the abscess is not considered a radical operation. Usually after it repeated suppurations can be observed. The reason for this phenomenon is that the inflammatory channel between the surrounding tissues and the rectum is preserved. To fully recover, you will need another operation, which will be performed in a specialized proctological hospital. During the second operation, the connection between the abscess and the intestinal cavity is completely destroyed. The operation is called radical because it provides a complete cure for paraproctitis.

As a prophylaxis of acute paraproctitis, careful hygiene of the perianal region is required. The proper implementation of enemas, the prevention of constipation. It is necessary to conduct early diagnosis, as well as the timely cure of any purulent diseases of the pelvic organs.


Watch the video: IBD Surgery: Perianal abscess and fistula (June 2024).