Not a compote or jelly - a sweet soup for the joy of everyone! Cold and hot sweet soups - recipes for kids and adults


Sweet soups are not as common as dressing, or, say, mashed soups.

And if they are not on your menu, then perhaps you should try at least a couple.

Cold, sweet, perfect in hot weather and just as an afternoon snack.

Soups of frozen fruits and berries are requested on the table in late spring to fill the diet with vitamins.

Children, especially capricious, can cook such a soup, decorating it with whole berries, but "Hungarian" and "Latvian" are more suitable for adults.

Sweet Soups - General Cooking Principles

• Sweet soups are prepared not only from fresh ripe fruits - fruits and berries, dried fruits and even pumpkins are also used.

• Sweet soups include milk soups prepared in whole or diluted milk with the addition of sufficient sugar and flavored with vanilla or cinnamon.

• “Bouillon” in berry and fruit sweet soups can consist not only of compotes, cold sweet soups are prepared directly from the pulp of fruits and berries and diluted with fermented baked milk, which can be replaced with liquid, drinking yogurt, cream or kefir, if desired.

• Compote for dessert sweet soups can be prepared not only on water, but also on the basis of clarified juices and even wine diluted with water. During the cooking process, the alcohol evaporates, and the soup is saturated only with the taste of the wine. Of course, the amount of wine in soups is minimal and it is used solely for the purpose of giving peculiar, characteristic notes.

• In the broth, both fruits and berries are introduced into small slices, cubes or mashed. In this form, pumpkin is usually added.

• You can add separately boiled cereals to soups, most often it is rice. The recipe for Latvian sweet soup involves adding rye bread croutons, which are boiled together with berry juice.

• Fruit and berry sweet soups are often diluted with cream or a mixture of cream and sour cream.

• Served sweet soups of any kind, both chilled and hot. When serving, dessert (fruit and berry) are served with cream, which you can whip yourself or use whipped cream in a spray can. In the dairy put honey or butter.

Recipe for Latvian sweet soup made from dried fruits


• 400 gram loaf of rye bread;

• 100 grams of quality, sorted raisins;

• 100 ml of blackcurrant juice;

• 70 grams of dried apricots (dried apricots);

• 80 grams of pitted prunes;

• 50 grams of cranberries;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• a small pinch of ground cinnamon powder.

Cooking method:

1. From a loaf of bread, cut off the top crust, carefully cut the crumb and shape it into cubes. Dry the bread in the oven at minimum temperature.

2. Sort dried fruits, selecting unsuitable, rot-damaged berries, and be sure to remove the tails from the raisins. Wash well and pour boiling water over it, completely covering the berries.

3. Stir two tablespoons of sugar with a teaspoon of water, boil a thick syrup for candy, and immediately coat them with a loaf from the inside. In order not to burn yourself, use a culinary silicone brush.

4. Pour dried bread with currant juice and bring to a boil with moderate heating. Add cranberries with sugar, put cinnamon to your taste and, stirring well, set to cool.

5. Drain the dried fruit and dry a little, spreading the berries on a linen towel. If there are seeds in the prunes, take them out. It is advisable to cut dried fruits into small identical pieces, but can be used whole.

6. Beat the chilled soup with a blender until you get a smoothie, add dried fruits, stir and pour the soup into a bread loaf.

7. Serve with whipped cream.

Recipe for Sweet Rice Puree Soup with Apples and Plums


• 150 grams of round grain rice;

• 350 grams of apples of any non-sour variety;

• 200 grams of frozen or fresh plums;

• sugar, sand - 60-70 grams;

• 40 grams of "Peasant" oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse apples and plums well. Remove the peel from apples, cut each into two parts and remove the core with seeds, remove the seeds from the plums.

2. Put apples sliced ​​in small slices in a thick-walled deep frying pan or a small pot, pour one liter of cold water and quickly bring the compote to a boil.

3. Add plums and simmer, lid until apples are soft. It is not necessary to thaw frozen plums.

4. Dip the washed rice groats in boiling, slightly salted water (2.5-3 cups, depending on the desired density of the dish) and boil until cooked. Do not decant the broth.

5. Grind apples stewed with plums with rice broth and rice through a sieve. Mash the grated soup over low heat for no more than 5 minutes. and adjust the taste of the soup to your taste with sugar and salt. Add oil and serve.

Vanilla Rice Sweet Soup Recipe


• pasteurized milk, whole - 600 ml;

• half a glass of rice cereal;

• a pinch of vanillin;

• one tablespoon of sugar, sand;

• homemade heavy cream, or butter 72% - 1 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the rice several times, changing the water, or just under running water. Pour the cereal with 250 ml of purified water and put on moderate heat, cook until half cooked. To prevent rice grains from clumping and sticking to the bottom of the pan, stir occasionally.

2. Bring the milk to boil with the diluted sugar and vanilla in it. Instead of vanillin, vanilla sugar is suitable, which you need to put a little more.

3. Dip the undigested rice into the milk, without broth, and cook it until cooked. Put a spoonful of melted butter in the finished sweet soup.

Recipe for Sweet Pumpkin Soup in Milk


• pasteurized milk, 3.2% fat - 1 liter;

• a pound of fleshy pumpkin;

• semolina - 50 g. (2 tbsp. L.);

• 30 grams of butter "Traditional";

• sugar, cinnamon powder and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peel from the pumpkin in a thick layer to capture the hard part of the flesh beneath it, and cut the fleshy part into small cubes.

2. Lay the pieces of pumpkin on the bottom of a thick-walled dish, fill it with water so that it only covers them a little, and put it to stew. Be sure to add a small piece of oil, half the amount indicated.

3. When the pumpkin boils well, grind it in mashed potatoes using a sieve, or beat with a kitchen processor.

4. Dilute pumpkin puree in hot boiled milk and put on fire. Into boiling pumpkin-milk mixture, introduce semolina, gradually stirring boiling mass intensively. Try to make it so that no lumps form.

5. Sweeten to your taste, season the soup with cinnamon, add salt and be sure to put the remaining oil. Cook for 7 minutes. over low heat.

Recipe for Cherry Sweet Rice and Cream Soup


• 100 grams of rice, polished;

• 400 grams of pitted frozen cherries;

• 100 grams of white granulated sugar;

• starch (potato) - 1 tbsp. l with a small hill;

• fat cream.

Cooking method:

1. Boil rice separately until fully cooked, in slightly salted water. Do not boil too much, it should remain crumbly. Rinse thoroughly and drop it into a colander so that all excess moisture is gone.

2. From frozen cherries in one liter of filtered water, boil the compote with the addition of sugar.

3. Cool the boiled water and dilute the starch in it well so that there are no lumps, pour the mixture into a compote boiling over high heat. Pouring the starch mixture, quickly stir the boiling liquid.

4. In the prepared serving plate, put four tablespoons of boiled rice, pour the cherry soup on top and garnish with cream. Be sure to whip the cream. You can also put several thawed cherries in the soup.

Hungarian Cherry Sweet Soup Recipe


• one kilogram of cherries in own juice;

• 350 ml of red dry wine "Cabernet", dilute 550-650 ml of water;

• 250 ml of low-fat 11% cream;

• sour cream of moderate fat content - 200 ml;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• cinnamon - 2 small sticks;

• 1 tsp almond essence;

• whipped cream in a can for serving.

Cooking method:

1. Transfer the cherry wine from the jar with juice into the wine diluted with water, add sugar, put cinnamon sticks and bring to a boil. Reduce heat slightly and boil cherries in wine syrup for half an hour.

2. Remove from the stove and add almond essence to the hot soup.

3. Separately, mix sour cream with cream with a spoon or a whisk, without whipping.

4. Gently introduce the creamy cream mass into the hot soup, mix thoroughly until smooth and cool.

5. Serve the cooled soup in a transparent bowl with whipped cream from a can. You can put a small vanilla pod next to the cream.

Recipe for Sweet Pumpkin Soup with Cream and Cinnamon


• pumpkin, pulp - 600 grams;

• 80 ml cream 22%;

• granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;

• half a teaspoon of small table salt;

• 10 grams of butter, sweet cream;

• 20 grams (incomplete tablespoon) of white flour;

• 1 tsp cinnamon, ground.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pumpkin pulp cleaned from seeds and peel into cubes, one and a half, two centimeters. Pour in water so that the cubes are only slightly covered and boil the pulp until completely softened under the lid on a small fire.

2. Mix the flour in a pan with melted butter and fry, stirring constantly, for seven minutes. At the end of frying, the flour will become a delicate cream color.

3. Grind the finished pumpkin without broth or beat the processor in mashed potatoes. Enter a thin stream of cream, add sugar and salt, and mix well, put in a boil.

4. Add ground cinnamon, mix the soup well again and, not boiling, warm it on the stove for about three minutes.

Caramel Banana Cold Sweet Soup Soup Recipe


• petiole celery - 1 small;

• one juicy, honey pear;

• a small sour apple;

• 100 ml of medium fat ryazhenka;

• a tablespoon of liquid light honey;

• half a lemon;

• ripe, preferably even slightly overripe, banana;

• two tablespoons of pomegranate seeds.

Cooking method:

1. Cut a banana without a peel into small centimeter squares, as an option - thin half rings and gently stew in butter (1 tsp) with the addition of some water. It should be a little, just one tablespoon. After 3 minutes add honey to bananas, mix quickly and remove from heat to cool.

2. In the blender bowl, put the flesh of a pear, apple, and root celery, cut into small half-centimeter pieces. For a pear with an apple, be sure to remove the core with seeds. Pour in ryazhenka and beat.

3. Pour cold soup into a bowl, garnish with banana slices boiled in honey and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.

Sweet Soups - Tips and Tricks

• Soup prepared on a compote of frozen cherries will turn out to be more saturated in taste if you thaw the thawed berries first and only then cook the base for the soup.

• Raisins in sweet soups should be taken small light, it is these varieties that do not contain seeds. But it should be noted that light varieties are less sweet.

• Instead of sugar, in thick milk soups, put thick honey when serving, the dish will be much more healthy.

• If you could not find a prune without seeds, an ordinary one will do, but remove the seeds only after the berries have swollen, after soaking.


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