How to cook pilaf in a pan is no worse than in a cauldron. Pilaf recipes in a pan with meat, chicken, vegetables and dried fruits


Pilaf is an oriental dish made from pieces of meat and boiled rice.

It was fond of it in our kitchen, and in a wide variety of variations.

Modern housewives have adapted to cook this delicious hearty, aromatic dish, even in a pan.

Pilaf in a pan - general cooking principles

The Uzbek name of pilaf “palov osh” is deciphered by the letters of the seven main components:

• Piez - onion. Used onions.

• Aez - carrots.

• Lahm - meat. In the classic recipe, pilaf is prepared from lamb, but at will you can take pork, beef, chicken or rabbit. This does not spoil the taste of the dish.

• Olio - fat. In the home kitchen, we most often use refined sunflower oil. Do not use smelling oil.

• Vet - salt.

• About - water.

• Shaly - rice. Proponents of the preparation of this pilaf will insist on the use of special varieties of rice, for example, devzira, akmarzhan, white alanga and others. But we hasten to reassure you that ordinary rice, the variety of which is very large on the market now, can also be safely used.

For gourmets, it is recommended to use the following spices:

• Cumin (zira) - seasoning for pilaf, which is considered a relative of parsley. Seeds are somewhat reminiscent of caraway seeds.

• Turmeric (saffron) - like carrots, gives the dish a pleasant golden color.

• Barberry will give pilaf berry acidity and relieve the feeling of greasy.

Also, the constant component of pilaf is black pepper and garlic, which will give your dish the necessary pungency and piquancy. The heads of garlic are not separated, but only peeled from the outside.

Recipe 1. Quick pilaf in a pan


• meat (pork, beef, chicken) - 300 grams;

• rice - 250 grams;

• onion - 1 pc.;

• carrots - 1 pc.;

• dill - fresh or frozen;

• spices for pilaf (if possible and desired);

• salt pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the meat into small pieces of about 1.5 - 2 cm.

2. Pour sunflower oil into a large pan and let it warm up.

3. Fry the meat in a pan until half cooked.

4. Cut the onion into small pieces.

5. On a coarse grater, three carrots.

6. Add carrots, onions to the fried meat and mix well.

7. Add 250 grams of rice to the fried meat and vegetables, mix everything and fill with water until completely covered.

8. Leave to stew and make sure that the water does not completely evaporate.

9. After rice is cooked, continue to simmer so that the water boils completely.

10. At this point, the rice must be salt, pepper and add seasoning for pilaf.

Recipe 2. Pilaf based on Sirvak gravy


• lamb (upper part of the back leg) - 1 kg;

• carrots - 1 kg;

• onion - 1 kg;

• steamed long-grain rice in this recipe will give an excellent result;

• sunflower oil - 300-350 ml;

• zira - 0.5 tsp;

• salt - 1 tbsp;

• garlic - two large heads;

• red pepper - 1 pod.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the carrots into long sticks. Onion cut into half rings.

2. Cut the lamb into medium-sized pieces. Pieces with pits can be put on the shurpa.

3. Put the pan on the fire and pour the sunflower oil.

4. Fry the meat in a pan for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Add onions and carrots for frying, stirring occasionally.

6. After 10 minutes, add the zira and hold for another 5 minutes.

7. After that, turn on the gas at full capacity and pour boiling water about 1.5 cm above the contents. After a few minutes, we put two whole heads of garlic and one pod of red pepper. Neither split into slices, nor cut anything. Add about 0.5 tbsp.

8. The gas is reduced and ready for fuel for about 30 minutes. This is sirvak.

9. After the time has passed, pour prepared rice over the speed, distribute it throughout the pan and pour out boiling water so that the rice completely covers the water. We put gas at maximum.

10. Top with salt of 0.5 tbsp.

11. We do not mix the contents of the pan; it should be layered. We reduce gas and continue to cook.

12. When the water completely leaves the surface, we check the rice for readiness. It must be semi-solid.

13. We increase the rate of water evaporation by drilling holes using the back of the spoon. If on the contrary there is no water at all, and rice needs to be added, then add 50 grams of boiling water and steam for another 5 minutes.

14. Sprinkle pilaf with half the required amount of zira and keep it on low heat for about half an hour.

Recipe 3. Fast pilaf in a pan with pork


• pork (boneless flesh) - 700 grams;

• rice - 250 grams;

• carrots - 2 pieces, cut into thin cubes;

• tomatoes -2 pieces. They are added to give the finished dish color;

• garlic - 2 large heads or one small;

• onions - 2 pieces;

• seasoning for pilaf and seasoning for meat.

• vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the meat into small pieces.

2. Pour the oil into the pan and heat it well in the pan.

3. Fry the meat in a pan until golden brown.

4. Onions and tomatoes cut in half rings. Cut the carrots into small cubes.

5. First, add onion to the meat, then carrots. It is necessary to achieve that the carrots become soft and then add the tomatoes. Fry well again.

6. Then we begin to add seasoning: salt, black pepper, seasoning for pilaf, seasoning for meat. Mix everything and leave to extinguish a little.

7. Put the washed and soaked rice in a pan and mix together with seasonings, meat and vegetables. All fry less than one minute. Then add water. With a sufficient amount, it should cover the rice half a finger. No more mixing. Level everything, reduce gas and cover. After 5 minutes, add the garlic, which we place with a full head in the center of the pan.

8. Cooking time - 30 minutes.

Recipe 4. Uzbek pilaf in a pan

Real Uzbek pilaf is cooked only in a cauldron and other dishes are not suitable for it. But at home, the recipe for such pilaf will turn out no worse.


• meat (traditionally use mutton, but beef is also possible) - 1-1.5 kg;

• any kind of rice - 1 kg;

• vegetable oil - 300 ml;

• onions - 3-5 pieces;

• carrots - 1 kg;

• zira, turmeric, barberry, prunes - for lovers;

• salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. We cut the meat in medium-sized pieces, onions in half rings, carrots in small cubes.

2. Pour sunflower oil into a hot pan. Reduce the heat to medium.

3. Fry in vegetable oil in the following sequence: meat (salted and pepper) + onions + carrots. You can add other spices at your discretion. Put garlic, barberry or other spices on top. Fill everything with a small amount of water and leave to simmer for about 30 minutes. Depending on the meat, more is possible.

4. As the meat is ready, pour rice, fill its surface with water to a thickness of two fingers, add salt to taste and leave to simmer until water boils.

5. After the water has boiled away, reduce the heat to a minimum and cover the pan tightly with a lid. If it does not work tight, then spin the towel.

6. Leave the rice to simmer for another 45 minutes.

Recipe 5. Vegetarian pilaf in a pan with mushrooms


• rice - 1.5 cups;

• mushrooms - 300 - 400 grams;

• onion - 2 pcs.;

• carrots - 2 pcs.;

• vegetable oil - 0.5st .;

• seasoning and herbs at your discretion.

Cooking method:

1. Onion sliced ​​in half rings is fried in a pan until golden brown.

2. Add carrots grated on a coarse grater. All mixed and fried for 10 minutes.

3. At the end of frying, add chopped mushrooms and well-washed rice. Cover and fry for 10 minutes. Rice should absorb oil and become a clear, golden color.

4. After the time has passed, salt, pepper, sprinkle with seasoning for pilaf and pour boiling water so that the water covers the rice. Mix well and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Recipe 6. Grandma's sweet pilaf in a pan


• rice - 2 tbsp .;

• raisins - 0.5 tbsp .;

• prunes - 300 grams;

• dried apricots - 300 grams;

• butter -100 grams;

• salt, sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Soak rice and dried fruits in water for about one hour before cooking.

2. In a frying pan in butter, simmer all your favorite dried fruits until cooked. In the end, add sugar to taste.

3. Boil the rice until half cooked, while not adding a bit.

4. Mix rice with dried fruits and simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes.

Recipe 7. Ukrainian pilaf


• pork - 0.5 kg;

• onions - 0.5 kg;

• carrots - 0.5 kg;

• rice - 0.5 kg;

• sunflower oil;

• tomatoes - 300 grams;

• garlic - 1 head;

• salt, black pepper, red pepper;

• zira, barberry, paprika;

• raisins - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

1. Pour vegetable oil into a pan and heat it.

2. Fry in a frying pan meat cut in medium pieces, onion in half rings and carrots cut in bars.

3. When the meat is ready, add spices.

4. After this, pour the washed and soaked rice into the pan and fill it with water. Bring everything to a boil and let it simmer over low heat under a lid until the water evaporates completely.

5. Collect the rice with a slide, insert a head of garlic and other spices in the middle, as well as raisins and close the lid.

6. After 15 minutes, remove the garlic, cover the pan with a large dish and turn over sharply.

Tricks and secrets of cooking real pilaf in a pan

1. Pilaf loves fat. Thanks to him, the dish languishes well and does not burn. If you want to ease the fat content of pilaf, then reduce the amount of vegetable oil.

2. The meat for roasting must be placed on a hot pan. You can understand that the pan is sufficiently warmed up because there is a slight smoke and it clicks if you throw a pinch of salt.

3. Be sure to rinse the rice before cooking in several waters. At the end, let the water drain through a colander.

4. Soak the rice before cooking in warm water for 1 hour.

5. Carrots are best cut with cubes. Since grated and grater, it can boil.

6. After the last layer of rice is flooded with water, stirring pilaf is not recommended. It is stewed on low heat for about 20 -25 minutes exclusively on low heat.


Watch the video: УЗБЕКСКИЙ ПЛОВ. Как правильно приготовить настоящий узбекский плов в домашних условиях! (July 2024).