Fish classics: pink salmon with carrots. For all lovers of red fish - the best recipes for pink salmon with carrots


General principles for making pink salmon with carrots

Pink salmon with carrots is a dish suitable for both family dinner and dinner party.

But, of course, for a solemn occasion, a fish cooked whole is better, although the pieces can be decorated very nicely.

To decorate pink salmon with onions and carrots, it is traditionally used to use lemon in the form of slices or slices, butter flowers, parsley or salad leaves, olives or olives, fresh cucumber, and onions.

Pink salmon should be cut by making an incision along the abdomen, gutted thoroughly and washed with cool water. Before starting to cook pink salmon with onions and carrots, the fish must be cleaned from scales, washed once more and wiped with a towel. If you want to cook a whole fish with your head, it is very important to remove the gills, and it would be nice to also eyes, and scrape the head itself with a knife.

You can lightly marinate the fish before baking pink salmon with onions and carrots. To do this, you can hold it for half an hour in water, where to add a few tablespoons of lemon juice or spread with natural yogurt.

When preparing pink salmon with carrots, you can put various herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, parsley. However, it is more important not to forget the lemon, cucumbers, tomatoes or potatoes - something that will help to tone out the taste of the fish.

Recipe 1. Pink salmon with onions and carrots in the oven

Probably, it is impossible to find a simpler recipe for pink salmon with onions and carrots. If you think the taste is fresh, you should add chopped tomato.


Steaks of fish - about 1.5 kg

Carrot - 3 pieces

Large onion


Sunflower, corn, olive oil

Tomatoes - 1-2, optional

Cooking method

To clean and washed fish, cut each steak on a fillet and carefully free from bones, cutting them off with a knife.

Cut carrots and onions with a thin straw (it is permissible to rub them, but do not grind in a blender), salt. Place in a skillet or in a pan with well-heated vegetable oil and in it, stirring, sauté for about 5 minutes, trying to avoid frying.

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, spread into small portioned portions of the fillet. Lightly salt, sprinkle with pepper, put carrot and onion on top of the fillet. Grease with mayonnaise.

Cook in the oven for approximately 20 minutes. Serve on the table, garnished with vegetables and fried potatoes.

Recipe 2. Baked pink salmon with onions and carrots

The pink salmon cooked according to this recipe with onions and carrots looks very decorative: it will also decorate the holiday table.


Pink salmon fillet - about a kilogram

Bulb - One Medium

Carrot - one large

Fat sour cream (20-30% fat content) - half a glass or more

Dutch cheese - 150 g

Curry - a quarter teaspoon

Dough flour


Vegetable oil

Parsley, thyme, black pepper - to taste

Cooking method

Wash, cut, cut the fish. Divide the fillet into portions, roll in flour mixed with salt and quickly lightly fry in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil.

Put the fried fish on a baking sheet.

Grate the carrots, cut the onions into small cubes and fry all this in a frying pan with the addition of oil (you can in the same one in the oil that remains after the fish). When the vegetables are soft, pour sour cream into which to pre-curry, black pepper and a little salt (you can also finely chopped parsley, rosemary, thyme, etc.).

Stir, cook for 2-3 minutes, then remove from heat and let cool slightly.

Rub the cheese very finely and mix in the cooled vegetables with sour cream. Put the resulting sauce on fish and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

When serving, you can garnish with lettuce leaves and black olives.

Recipe 3. Braised pink salmon with onions and carrots

For stewed pink salmon with onions and carrots, you can take not the best pieces of fish, say, lounging or from the tail. In a dish it will not be very noticeable.


Pink salmon - 1 kg

Carrot - 2 things

Onion - 1-2, depending on size

Sweet pepper - 1-2 pods

Tomato - 1 large

String Beans - A Handful

Caper - 1 tablespoon

Vegetable oil

Salt, black pepper, herbs - to taste

Cooking method

Wash the pieces of pink salmon and separate from the bones and skin, being careful not to damage the fish, then cut into small pieces.

Put the bones and skin in a small amount of cold water and cook for about 15 minutes, after which strain the broth, and discard the bones and skin.

Pieces of fish put in a saucepan with warmed vegetable oil and quickly fry, then put on a plate.

Grate the carrots, chop the onion and pepper with a thin straw, put everything in the same stewpan, add oil if necessary, and sauté for 2-3 minutes. Put the green beans and capers in the same place and hold for another two minutes, then put in the stewpan slices of pink salmon, capers, herbs, salt and pepper, pour the broth and simmer for 10 minutes.

Remove the peel from the tomato (why scald it with boiling water and immediately immerse in ice), finely chop it and put in a saucepan. Stew for another 5 minutes.

Recipe 4. Stuffed pink salmon with onions and carrots

The most delicious pink salmon recipe with onions and carrots is prepared, however, is not difficult. Suitable for a festive table. But you need to cook it from a whole fish.


Whole salmon weighing about 1.5 kg

Rice - about a third of a glass

Carrots - one

Onion - one medium

The egg is one

Butter - 50-70 g

Vegetable oil

Crushed ice - 1 spoon

Salt, black pepper, spicy dried herbs

Lemon, parsley, serving olives

Cooking method

Wash the fish, clean it, make an incision along the abdomen from head to tail and remove the insides.

Remove by cutting at the base of the gills, thoroughly rinse the fish inside.

Cut the spinal bone at the head and tail and remove it, helping to separate the costal bones with a knife.

Remove the meat from the skin without peeling it (what is left is left), cut it into medium-sized pieces.

Cook loose rice. Grind carrots and onions and lightly fry in vegetable oil. Mix with rice and fish.

Cool the filling, add salt, pepper, spices, a spoonful of crushed ice and a grated frozen piece of butter.

Mix everything, put in fish skin and, giving the appearance of a whole fish, sew in the abdomen with a white thread. If desired, rub the skin with dry spicy herbs.

Grease a sheet of foil with vegetable oil and wrap fish in it, leaving a little free space inside. Bake for about 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Allow to cool for 10 minutes, unfold the foil and remove the fish. Serve cold, garnished with lemon slices, olives, parsley.

Recipe 5. Pink salmon with onions and carrots, baked in sauce


Pink salmon fillet - about 1 kg

Sour cream - half a glass

Mayonnaise - half a cup

Grated semi-hard cheese - ½ - 1 cup

Onion - 1 small head

Leek - the white part from one plant

Carrot - 1

Tomatoes - 2-3 pieces

Egg - 1 piece

Pickled cucumbers - pieces 5 small or 3 large

Saffron or Curry - a quarter teaspoon

Vegetable oil

Salt, seasonings to taste

Black olives and pomegranate seeds - for serving

Cooking method

Peel, wash, remove the bones and cut the fillet into pieces about 2 cm wide. Grate the carrots, cut the onions into strips, leek in thin slices and stew a little with vegetable oil so that the vegetables only soften a little.

Place the fish slices tightly in a deep, oiled form. Put carrots and onions on top of the fish.

Finely chop the pickled cucumbers. Combine sour cream, mayonnaise, grated cheese, cucumbers, salt, seasonings and saffron or curry (for color). Beat the egg in the sauce and mix well.

Peel the tomatoes and cut them into thick semicircles. Arrange the tomatoes on the fish and generously grease everything with the sauce.

Bake for about half an hour at a temperature of 180-190 degrees.

When serving the dish, it is good to sprinkle with olives or pomegranate seeds, but you can do without it.

Recipe 6. Pink salmon with onions and carrots for a snack


Pink salmon fillet - 1 kg

Carrots - 2 pieces

Onion - 1 large onion

Apple - 1 with a firm flesh

Garlic - 5-6 cloves

Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons

Vinegar 6% - 2 tablespoons

Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons

Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon

Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon

Ketchup - 1 tablespoon

Salt - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method

Grate carrot and apple, chop onion into thin semicircles, chop garlic.

Pour sugar and salt into vinegar, add ketchup, stir, warm.

Heat 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, add vegetables and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly, pour vinegar with salt, ketchup and sugar, warm and remove from the stove, covered with a lid. Insist about 4 hours, can be left overnight.

Cut the fillet of pink salmon into small pieces of arbitrary shape, put in a saucepan, pour mayonnaise mixed with tomato paste and diluted in a small amount of water (pour water depending on the depth and diameter of the saucepan, it is necessary that it only covers the fish). Put out the fish for about 15 minutes. If there is too much liquid, open the lid and evaporate the excess.

Put carrots with onions, apple and garlic on the fish, cover, warm and turn off the gas. Cool at room temperature, put in a salad bowl and let stand in a cool place for about 2 hours.

Recipe 7. Pickled pink salmon with onions and carrots


Pink salmon (fillet or steaks) - 1 kg

Apple cider vinegar 6% - 3 tablespoons

Water - 1.5 L

Garlic - Half Head

Onion - 1 small

Carrot - 1 small

Black peppercorns - 3-4 peas

Allspice - 3-4 peas

Bay leaf - a pair of leaflets

Salt - 2 + 4 tablespoons

Sugar - 4 tablespoons

Vegetable oil

Cooking method

Cut pink salmon (fillet) into medium-sized pieces (3-4 centimeters thick). If you have steaks, divide them into two half-steaks by removing the bone. Now you need to grate with salt (2 tablespoons), cover with a clean cloth, a plate and put under oppression in a cold place for 10 hours.

Chop the onion and garlic, grate the carrots. Sauté vegetables with vegetable oil for about 5 minutes. Get salted fish and put vegetables on top.

Dip peas of black and allspice, bay leaf into the water, pour salt (4 tablespoons) and sugar and put to boil. Boil for about five minutes, then pour vinegar, put the garlic on and off.

Pour the marinade over the fish and vegetables, making sure they are completely covered. Put a plate on top and put in the cold for another 10 hours.

Pink salmon with carrots - subtleties and useful tips

  • To make the salmon more juicy, do not fully thaw the fish before cooking. You can put ice cubes or pieces of butter on the chilled fish fillet.

  • Carrots and onions should be sautéed, but in no case fry.

  • Fish for any dish must be taken fresh. Fresh fish has a dense carcass, eyes are light, the smell is fishy. It is better to buy chilled rather than frozen fish. Firstly, then you pay for fish, and not for ice, the weight of which, if properly frozen, can be half the total weight of the fish. Secondly, the freshness of a frozen monolith cannot be determined. Overpayment in this case can result in significant savings.

  • If desired, fish can be sprinkled with lemon before cooking.

  • Dishes to discourage the smell of fish should be washed with household or toilet soap, and then rinsed with cool water.


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