Tremor - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Tremor (trembling) - these are involuntary rhythmic vibrations of muscle groups of individual parts of the body, most often of the hands, head, eyelids, lower jaw, less often of the entire body. It is not usually a separate disease, but just a symptom of some kind of malfunction in the body.

Essential tremor is the most common of all types. Usually it is characteristic of several family members. In a person at rest, involuntary trembling of the hands occurs, with the active movement of tremor is not observed.

Tremor - causes

Benign tremor begins to bother mainly after stress or as a result of excitement, for example, about passing exams.

Postural tremor - inherent, as a rule, to people who are suspicious, anxious, suffering from autonomic dysfunction. This species may have hereditary roots, as well as be a consequence of hyperthyroidism, the intake of certain drugs and alcohol.

Intentional tremor occurs when the brain is damaged, in particular the cerebellum, which is responsible for the coordination of movements.

Malignant tremor occurs due to respiratory, renal or liver failure, cancer, stroke.

Another cause of trembling is Parkinson's disease, which develops in older people, but does not affect life expectancy.

Tremor - Symptoms

As noted above, the main symptom of a “disease” is the rapid oscillatory movements of any parts of the body that are visible to the naked eye. For example, it can be a constant trembling of the arms extended forward or periodic twitching of the eyelid. It happens that a person just starts to shake, and he can not simply bring a glass of water to his lips.

Tremor - diagnosis

In most cases, it is not difficult for a doctor to make a correct diagnosis. After listening to the patient’s complaints, the specialist will make a general picture, but in some difficult situations he can refer the patient to a number of procedures to confirm the diagnosis.

For diagnostics, video shooting is carried out according to the "rapid" method (high-frequency shooting with slowing down the projection of frames). Next, a check is carried out using a tremograph - an apparatus that fixes tremor in 3 planes. The quantitative characteristic of rhythmic hyperkinesis can be determined by a hardware-software complex - electromyography.

It is also necessary to identify the underlying disease or causes that cause trembling. In this case, helping the patient will be much easier.

Tremor - treatment and prevention

Mild and benign forms of tremor usually do not require treatment. It is enough to master some types of relaxation that allow you to relax, relieve tension and stress, for example, breathing exercises help well. You can undergo treatment with sedative herbs: motherwort, valerian, lemon balm, verbena. In the evening, it is advisable to take baths with lavender oil. This will be enough to reduce or eliminate nervous jitter.

If the tremor is so strong that it prevents you from living fully and affects your performance, then the help of modern medicines is simply necessary.

In such cases, the doctor prescribes beta-blockers in small doses, they reduce the amplitude of tremor and cause a significant improvement in the patient's condition. Low doses of clonazepam can also eliminate the clinical severity of the disease. They can be taken either separately or combined with beta-blockers (the doctor decides on the combination).

In some cases, surgical intervention is used - stimulation of the cerebellum with the help of electrical signals.

It is very difficult to completely cure an ailment. Modern medications and procedures are aimed only at relieving the symptoms of tremor and improving the quality of life of patients.

To prevent exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle, limit the use of coffee (or rather completely exclude it from the diet), do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol, and avoid stressful situations whenever possible.

Of great importance is physical activity. Enjoy light sport. Great swimming or light jogging in the morning.


Watch the video: Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation for Essential Tremor (July 2024).