Conspiracy to win


Conspiracies to win a case in court are not without reason considered to be among the most difficult in magical practice. In particular, the preparation for a single trial includes a collection of several different conspiracies. About what spells you need to read to win a court hearing, what is needed for this, what day of the week is better suited for prayers and rites, read the article.

Plot-prayer to the court to win the case

Those who have never before tried, do not suspect how litigating is energy-intensive and complex. Prudent people know that court cases can be eased with conspiracies and spells.

The main rites to win the court include:

  • conspiracy to protect against liars;
  • from enemies and slander;
  • charm spell;
  • on the successful completion of the trial;
  • to speed up the trial.

The above plots are carried out with the help of additional attributes: threads, needles, dice, candles, books and symbolic figurines. The phases of the moon do not have a significant effect on the effect of the rites performed, because conspiracies against the court are notable for their special concentrated power.

Legal proceedings are far from the most pleasant periods of life. Sometimes they last for years, require a lot of costs, moral strength and energy. When you are tired of waiting or there is fear of an unfavorable outcome, you can turn to the higher forces for help. Unfortunately, magical rituals of success in court are complex, but they ensure victory and bring confidence in the future.

Protection against liars and slander

In order to avoid perjury in court, it is recommended to use a strong conspiracy to protect against liars. It is carried out using threads and needles. On the night before the trial, you need to take a needle in your right hand and thread a white or light gray thread into it. The color of the thread is chosen for a reason - white symbolizes virtue and integrity. Associated with it is the idea of ​​the generally accepted, explicit, legitimate and true.

Putting the thread in the eye of the needle, take a handkerchief and sew a few stitches to arc, saying:

“With white thread I sew, sew, the mouths of the liars I close. They will not dare to lie again, will not be able to defame me, they will only speak the truth at the trial and will not dare to curse! ”

Then turn the scarf over and repeat the stitches in the same arc, repeating the spell. A double row will have a pinning effect. Take a handkerchief with you to the court. The same rite can protect not only from false testimony, but also from slander.

Conspiracy prayer from enemies

Conspiracy-prayer on an ordinary candle will help protect oneself from enemies in the judicial process. Ideally, the candle should be round, without sharp corners, wide and light. It is undesirable to use bright colors, suitable: white, light yellow, light gray. On the eve of the forthcoming proceedings, the candle must be placed on a round table, if it is not available, you can cut a circle out of paper and install a candle on it.

Looking at the flame, join your hands in a gesture of prayer and bow your head slightly. Kneeling is not worth it. Start reading the plea:

“I entrust myself to the Almighty, I turn to him for help and protection. The Lord knows that it is not my fault that the accusations are false and unjust. I ask for salvation and shelter from the word of evil, the gaze of a stranger, from the punishment of dishonest and slander, and from the enemy, zealous and false. I pray yes to prayer, slave / servant of God (your name), so that in court no one could harm me. God help me! Amen!"

Do not extinguish the candle, leave to burn to the end. The remaining candle end is best hidden until the end of the trial.

Charm for court

In order to attract luck and success in the trial, you can use the charm. Pins, red threads and other objects are usually used as a talisman, but dice are best for the court. Modern bones have a direct connection with luck and are closely intertwined with ancient fortune-telling tools. Thus, choosing them as a talisman, you can enhance the magical effect on several aspects at once:

  • disclosure of secrets;
  • luck in business;
  • influence on other people's decisions.

In order to speak dice for seven days - since seven is the number of luck - a special rite is necessary. Clamp two dice in the palm of your hand, bring it to your lips and whisper a magic spell into your fist:

“Sacred cube, predicting the future, predicting success, revealing the truth, implore you! To the truth, to faith, to luck and to the good, so that the outcome of a favorable waiting for me in the case (you can call the whole problem and state the essence of the upcoming trial). Power over the secret now I have until the very end so be it! ”

You can repeat the conspiracy in court immediately before the process itself, enhancing the effect. Cubes must be carried with them daily until the end of the case.

Conspiracy on successful completion of the trial

Win in court will help a simple but effective spell on the statuette. And you need a statue of the goddess of justice - Themis. In ancient Greek mythology, she personified justice. Blindfolds say that the goddess is impartial, the scales in her hands are the cup on which good and evil are weighed, and the cornucopia is a symbol of retribution. Find the statuette is now easy, it can be purchased at any souvenir shop.

On the night before the meeting, place Themis on the window sill so that moonlight illuminates her, and start praying to the goddess with the words:

“Kohl the Greeks believed in your truth and righteousness, the infallible Themis, and I will believe in justice. I ask the divine and honest spirit to help me in this difficult task. On your scales: their lies and evil against my virtue. With your sword, pierce deceitful tongues, and as a gift for your sincerity, present me success in ending the trial. For good luck I speak, on the truth. The power is on my side - so be it! ”

Wrap the figurine in white fabric and hide it in a bag that you take with you to court.

Conspiracy to accelerate the trial

It happens that the court proceedings are delayed. It is no secret that sometimes it can last for years, and this has a negative impact on life, work and family. Speeding up a lawsuit with a conspiracy is also possible. This will require a book, but not simple, but related to the case itself.

Depending on the problem, you can take the Civil Code, Criminal, Family, Tax or Labor. You can buy them in any bookstore and preferably take a new one with all the recent changes and amendments. Proceed to the commission of the rite should be immediately on the day of purchase and it must continue every night throughout the process.

It is necessary to open the code, and on the article relating to your case, put the left hand on the page, and press the right hand to the chest in the heart area and recite the spell:

“It torments me a hard, long, vein pulls and drinks juice. There is neither sleep for me nor peace until it is completed and success will not be turned. I implore the great forces, just to help timely. Let the process (name) end quickly and in order to please me and joy. Words - downwind, wind - to God, so that the wish will come true and suffering end. ”

How to read correctly?

There are no special rules for reading conspiracies. Nevertheless, any of the rites performed, regardless of the purpose, is subject to immutable norms:

  1. There must be a magic text.
  2. It is recommended to use symbols and attributes that enhance the effect of the spell.
  3. It requires unshakable faith in the power of words and confidence in their effect.
  4. Strict adherence to the specified instructions.
  5. The sacrament of the ritual.

Equally important is the method of reading the conspiracy. A quiet voice, the texts said in a hurry will not help in solving the problem. For a real and effective result, spells should be pronounced in silence, complete loneliness and secretly from others, in a clear, even voice, without fear that someone would catch this occupation.

Conspiracy on court: text

Universal conspiracy to court does not require the use of additional items. It can be read even at a break in court, if you think you are in need of magical assistance or the case took an unexpected turn. In this case, the text is pronounced in a low voice at the door to the courtroom:

“Lies - get away, evil - turn around, failure - away, enemies - down! Come justice and truth, but not to enemies, but to me sailed. Help and save from the hard times, protect from unrighteousness, bring only good and success. As the door opens, so everything will come true! ”


An important and exciting question: will there be consequences from conspiracies on the court? Of course they will! But extremely positive. If the spell was pronounced correctly and without errors, then there is no need to fear the negative. The only condition is the complete and absolute innocence of a person who has problems with the law. Remember that the one who seeks profit by dishonest means or is wrong in the current situation will be punished, for in his hands even the good conspiracies of white magic change their essence.

In which cases we should expect trouble:

  1. The plot is pronounced to help the guilty.
  2. A person who reads a spell has unwarranted mercenary ends.
  3. The side that resorted to magic is wrong.

In other cases, do not be afraid of the consequences. Be honest and you will be rewarded!


Watch the video: Conspiracy Theories with Shane Dawson (July 2024).