Plot - a prayer from a face on his foot


Big red spots like hematomas, fever, chills and broken skin are what make up the erysipelas. This inflammation is a fairly common disease and appears unexpectedly in the most uncomfortable places: on the face, arms, legs. It is very contagious, even if you get rid of it, the erysipelas will appear again, torturing a person.

What makes rye on the body?

Appear erysipelas can on various pretexts, but most often there is a pathogen, because of which it develops.

Among the main causes of inflammation are:

  1. Infection from the carrier of erysipelas by airborne droplets or through direct contact.
  2. In consequence of non-compliance with the elementary rules of hygiene.
  3. Because of the individual location of the body.
  4. In the presence of other chronic diseases.
  5. From strong stresses and experiences.
  6. Excessive overheating or vice versa overcooling.
  7. Injuries, abrasions and scratches, which have penetrated the infection.

Erysipelas may be a symptom of the defiled damage or the evil eye, in this case it is necessary to remove the curse, and the disease will go away. Of course, it is best to contact a doctor with this problem, but leprosy can also be cured on its own.

How to clean yourself with the help of a conspiracy?

Many infections do not continue to develop, even after a course of medication. The fact is that bacteria get used to this environment and no longer react to it. Therefore, medication treatment does not always help. To get rid of erysipelas without drugs, so that it does not return again, really. You can read the plot from the face itself, having prepared everything you need in advance.

For conspiracy against erysipelas, you can use linen fabric, preferably suitable in color to the inflammation itself. First you need to speak the fabric, saying magic words over it:

"Erysipelas, leave on the ashes, with (part of the body on which the disease spreads) my disappear, away all illnesses. You do not torture me, dare you let go. Go away to the forest and die there"

You need to repeat the spell three times, and then wrap the affected part of the body with a cloth and not remove it for a week. In addition to conspiracies from the faces will help prayers. Read them should be directly above the sore spot, the specified number of times. For example, a prayer that is to be read 9 times in a row is quite effective:

"Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit, take out the leprosy of the disgusting flesh of the Slave of God (name), pluck out of his body, tear out of his bones and spirit. Free from suffering and give health. Amen."

Prayer to the Virgin Mary will help to forget about the face forever. It is necessary to read it for 5 days, three times a day directly above the sick person, sprinkling it with holy water.

"Holy Mother of God, I pray you for help. Remove the face from the body of the Slave of God (name), may his pain and torment pass. Condemn, Mother of God, cause the illness, let her redness and ache never come back. Amen"

It is better to read prayers during church holidays, these days have a special energy. It is recommended to carry out conspiracies on the waning moon, since its healing power takes along with itself the whole illness.

A faceplate plot

It is considered a very strong rite against faces with a red cloth. It is not recommended to read the conspiracy from erysipelas itself, it is better to entrust this to an experienced healer. However, if you fulfill all the conditions for the ritual, you can even enhance its effect by communicating with the patient.

First of all, you need to get a red cloth made of cotton or flax and roll a long, sharp knife or dagger into it, and in the room light a mixture of incense and anise. These fragrances scare away the ungodly and purify. Then you need to close your eyes and, holding a wrapped knife over the patient's leg, repeat the conspiracy 12 times:

“I cut off the acute disease with a knife, pick it up with my face, clean up pain, eliminate pus and water. I wipe red blood with a handkerchief, collect the infection and help my foot to recover”

After each time you need to pull out the knife and shake it to the side. It is advisable to do this on holy water in order to protect the rest of the household from the negative aura. At the end of the ritual, the water should be poured out, and the knife in the cloth should be buried away from the house and people, preferably somewhere in the forest.

Prayer with chalk

Chalk is often used in ceremonies. For example, it is recommended to read the plot for erysipelas yourself with chalk for 3 days: in the morning and in the evening. To facilitate the whole process, you need to crush the chalk in a separate vessel in advance, after which you can begin to speak the affected patient's place:

"A nasty erysipelas, watery erysipelas, red and dangerous, stinging, painful. I'll rob you, get rid of you, wipe you with chalk and cope with you"

After these words, having scooped up chalk, it should be sprinkled on a sore point. Another version of this conspiracy involves the use of blue paper and it is carried out only once. Repeating the above plot, with chalk on paper draw crosses and dashes. The paper should immediately be tied to inflammation and pronounced:

"May this leprosy go to darkness, to the place where the crosses are one and the graves, and the living will be left alone in the whiteness and purity!"

How to remove rye on the face?

The most common conspiracy of erysipelas on the face is a ritual with fumigation. For this night, you need to collect a number of special herbs: wormwood, St. John's wort, thyme, oregano and sage. The entire collection must be dried and bundled in a tight bundle. After waiting for the full moon, lay the patient on a white sheet and set fire to the grass. Immediately extinguish, leave them to smoke and drive over the sick, saying:

"Let the smoke healing all the filth out of the body (name) will leave. Take it far away and destroy it there"

Repeat the plot words need at least seven times. After that, throw the grass in the open fire and leave to burn out, and fold the sheet into a knot and hide in the farthest part of the house.

Conspiracy on the faces on hand

The plot of erysipelas on the arm should be read by yourself for at least 3 days at dawn and dusk. In order for the plot to take effect, it is necessary to stroke a sore spot on the arm clockwise 3 times, and then cross it. It is important not to forget to repeat alternating "Our Father" and the conspiracy. It is important to remember that the conspiracy words are repeated 9 times, and the prayer is not more than three. The magic of this rite is that the combination of divine light forces has a double effect on the disease, completely curing it. Looking at the rising or setting sun it is necessary to repeat:

"Holy Fathers, Heavenly forces, come and take me away from your face. Help your servant (name), remove the sickness and heal. Let the mug from your hand go off and the bone will be removed, the rot will disappear and the blood will clear. Talk and remove it to the body [Name] has not returned. As this sun rises (sets), so the mug leaves me. Amen! "

Conspiracies will bring the best effect if several ordinances are used alternately. It is not recommended to hold them at the same time, there is a risk that the ritual will not work. Complete one rite and only then proceed to another. So you will protect yourself and the person you want to heal.

And most importantly - sincerely believe in the magic of the conspiracy!


Watch the video: Prayer To Cancel Evil Plan Of The Enemy - Prayers Against Evil Plans (July 2024).