Indonesia - recreation, sights, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


Indonesia is the largest archipelago on the planet, which consists of 5 large islands and 30 groups much smaller. In total, it consists of 13,677 islands and of which 6,000 are inhabited. The equatorial archipelago separates the Indian and Pacific Oceans, stretching for 5120 km between Asia and the Australian continent.

The largest islands are Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Irian and Sulawesi. The third part of Fr. Kalimantan belongs to Malaysia, the rest of its territory is Indonesia. Irian Island Indonesia shares with Papua New Guinea.

According to a census conducted in 2010, the population of Indonesia was 237 556 363 people. In total, about 300 peoples are represented in this country, and most of them are related to the Austronesian group. In particular, it includes the most numerous ethnic groups of Indonesia - Javanese (40% of the total population), Sudanese (15%), Minangkabau, Madurians and Bugis are less represented. Some eastern regions of Indonesia (New Guinea and adjacent islands) are inhabited by representatives of the peoples belonging to the Melanesian group, the largest of which is the Papuans.

Bahasa is the official language, but about 250 other languages ​​are used besides it. A part of the population communicates in Chinese, and the majority of young people speak English.

The country's monetary turnover is the Indonesian rupee. Many restaurants and shopping centers accept plastic cards. It is most profitable to change currency in banks.

Approximately 90% of the population professes Sunni Islam. A special way exists on about. Bali, where Hindu Dharma is supported, that is, a symbiosis of Buddhism, Hinduism and ancient beliefs.

Indonesia - the capital and major cities

The modern capital of Indonesia - Jakarta, has 9.580 million people. This is a major cultural, political and economic, the most densely populated center of the country. Almost all of Indonesia's artisanal industries are concentrated in it.

In the capital is "Gadzha Mada" - the largest university in the country. The city is famous for making batik, weaving, wood carving, silver art, masks and dolls for the shadow theater.

In Indonesia, there are still such large cities as Surabaya, Tangerang-Selatan, Bandung, Makasar, Bekasi, Palembang, Medan, Semarang, Tangerang and Depok.

Indonesia - holidays and tours

Very popular beach holidays in the resorts of Nusa Dua, Sanur and Kuta, which are located in Bali. For a more relaxing holiday, Fr. Sumatra (all beaches are of volcanic dark sand), as well as the islands of Lombok, Maluku and Gili.

In Indonesia, divers, surfers and rafting enthusiasts can relax. Ecotourism is also very widespread. Many Indonesia parks are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Indonesia Attractions

Particularly noteworthy are the reserves of Fr. Bali For locals, monkeys are sacred, so in no case should they be offended, let alone feed, since at first glance peaceful animals can become aggressive, demanding food. A real paradise for bird watchers is Bird Park. On this island (officially forbidden) cockfights are very popular, which no Balinese can pass indifferently. The island has an active volcano Agung, local residents consider it sacred. Half a century ago, his eruption occurred just on the day of a great holiday. Climbing the sacred mountains is allowed: Batur, Agung, Karu and Batu.

One of the largest Buddhist temple complexes on the planet Borobudur is located on about. Java. From a bird's eye view, its enormous resemblance to the symbol of the incomprehensibility of the universe "Mandala". In order to get a little closer to the solution to the creation of the world, you need to overcome nine tiers and touch the heel of the five-hundredth Buddha.

The reserve of traditions is considered to be about. Sulawesi. Many different tribes live on it. Thousands of tourists come here to admire the stunning coral reefs and lakes, visit museums, cave burials and folk ceremonies.

In the city of Prambanan is Lara Jongrang - a temple complex that includes 5 sanctuaries, 3 temples (the most beautiful temple of Shiva) and several chapels. Here are the statues of the gods Agasht, Durg and Genes.

On about. Flores, in the crater of the volcano Keli Mutu, three quiet lakes are located. Two of them have a greenish tint of water, while the third is red-black. The lakes are not far from each other, but they are completely different. This is due to the fact that the lava erupting at different times from the volcano has a different chemical composition.

Indonesia - weather (climate)

Most of the country is located in an area with an equatorial climate. It is hot and very humid throughout the year. On the plains, the average temperature is + 26 ° C. The amount of precipitation increases and the level of humidity rises from the beginning of November to the end of May, the rest of the time dry air prevails here, which is brought by winds from Australia.

Weather in Indonesia now:

Indonesia - cuisine

Delicious meat roasted on a spit, which is served with fried rice, noodles with toppings and spicy nut sauce.

Indonesian cuisine is similar to Chinese, it is also fragrant and seasoned with all kinds of spices.

The Dutch at one time instilled in the local population a beer culture, so beer is excellent here. You can also try Balinese rice vodka.

Indonesia - interesting facts

Drinking water in Indonesia is completely unsuitable, so drinking bottled water is highly recommended. You also need to monitor the quality of the ice that is served as food, as it is often prepared not from water suitable for this.

The local population has many religious and cultural taboos, the violation of which is taken as a personal insult. So, it is considered a humiliation to touch someone else's head (even a child). The left hand is “unclean”, it is impossible to convey anything to it, let alone touch the interlocutor. Do not point at someone with your finger and place one foot on the other.

Indonesia - visa application

A visa is usually issued immediately after arrival, right at the airport. Its cost is $ 25. You can also arrange it in advance. The validity of the passport must be at least six months, counting from the last day of the trip.

It should be borne in mind that when you leave the country you need to pay an airport tax, which is 100-150 thousand rupees.

Indonesia - Embassy

119121 Moscow, Novokuznetskaya street, 12
tel. (+ 7-495) 951-9550, 951-9549, 951-9551, 953-8776

Map of indonesia


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