June 16: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 16th.


Holidays June 16

On June 16, 1963, the first female astronaut flew into space

In the early morning of June 16, 1963 the Vostok-6 spacecraft soared from Baikonur Cosmodrome, taking Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman-cosmonaut in the world, to the vast expanses of the sky. She stayed in space for three days, making 48 turns around the Earth on a ship. Tereshkova completed the task "excellently", proving that women can cope with space overload, weightlessness, without losing performance. Despite the successful flight, female space exploration in the USSR was not developed. After Tereshkova, Svetlana Savitskaya (in 1982 and 1984) and Elena Kondakova (in 1994 and 1997) only visited space women from Soviet and Russian cosmonauts.

Father's Day (date for 2013)

This holiday does not have a fixed date; it is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. Initially, it began to be celebrated in America, then it was picked up by other countries - France, Japan, Great Britain, China, and the Netherlands. It all began back in 1910, when a service was held in the church dedicated to the celebration of Mother’s Day. And one woman, her name was Sonora Smart (Dodd), thought, why, in fact, there is no such holiday for the fathers. After all, there are men who independently raise children. So her father, after the death of his mother, himself raised six children to his feet. Sonora wanted her father William to know how much she appreciates him, loves him and thanks him for his kindness, sacrifice, and for fulfilling his parental duty with honor. Sonora asked the local authorities to officially designate one day of the year when children can express their love and gratitude to their father. Her proposal was received with understanding and approved, and a new holiday appeared in America - "Father's Day." It was planned to be celebrated on June 5, the birthday of Sonora's father. But there was not enough time to organize and prepare the celebration. Therefore, they noted the 19th day, which happened in 1910. on the third Sunday of June. It has already become a tradition on this day to present their fathers with flowers, most often roses. Red flowers are worn by living parents, and white by the grave.

June 16 in the folk calendar

Lukyan Windmill. To determine the weather for the coming summer, as well as to find out what kind of crop to expect, the peasants on this day monitored every breeze. And it was necessary to do this late in the evening, so they did not go to bed early that day. From which side the wind would blow, they could predict whether illnesses or epidemics would soon be expected. Therefore, the determination of the direction of the wind was treated very carefully, it was important not to make a mistake. If the wind was from the south - this boded the rapid growth of spring crops and their rich harvest, from the east - to diseases, pestilence and weather, the north-west wind promised damp summers, and the north-east heavy and prolonged rains that could ruin the rye crop.
If the storm thunders on Luka Vetryany, this is another name for this day, then the haymaking this year will be unsuccessful, and the hay rotten. But if it was raining, then they were happy - summer and autumn will be especially mushroom.

Historical events of June 16

June 16, 1633 Galileo Galilei held trial of the Inquisition, accusing him of heresy

Galileo was the first astronomer to observe the starry sky with improvised telescopes. This prototype of a modern telescope gave a 32-fold increase, which by that standards was fantastic. With the help of a magnifying design, Galileo managed to make many discoveries. He discovered the moons of Jupiter, the hollows and elevations on the moon, and most importantly, he considered that the Milky Way consists of individual stars. This confirmed the early assumption of Giordano Bruno that the universe is limitless. His discoveries aroused the anger and indignation of the representatives of the church, because they dealt a blow to religious fiction. The Inquisition arranged a trial over the astronomer and forced him to renounce the doctrine. The last years of his life, Galileo lived under house arrest, died in 1642.

June 16, 1925 Artek camp opened for the first time

Health resort "Artek" was conceived for children infected with tuberculosis, where they could improve their health and strengthen their body. Initially, the camp consisted of several canvas tents, set right on the seashore. On June 16, 1925, the sanatorium received the first visitors in the amount of eighty people. These were Soviet pioneers who arrived on a ticket from the Crimea, Moscow and Ivano-Voznesensk. The camp gradually expanded, the tarpaulin tents were changed to plywood houses, and then to brick buildings. The camp began to accept students not only from the USSR, but also from foreign countries. There were many who wanted to, but the number of places was limited, not more than 27,000 people a year. Therefore, getting to Artek was not easy, only the most worthy pioneers were awarded with vouchers. After the collapse of the USSR, Artek together with Crimea retreated to Ukraine.

June 16, 1959 first opened the doors of VDNH

VDNH - Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy - was conceived as a demonstration of the highest achievements of the Soviet republics in the fields of science, culture, and the national economy. On the territory of the complex, larger than 200 hectares, there were numerous pavilions with exhibits. At thematic exhibitions and seminars that were held annually on the territory of VDNH, not only record achievements were demonstrated, but also training on new production methods was held, seminars, courses, scientific and technical conferences were held where innovators, rationalizers, scientists, specialists shared best practices. Later, not only all-Union, but also international inserts were held on the territory of the exhibition complex, on which samples of the best achievements of the national economy of Bulgaria, Hungary, the CMEA member countries, and others were exhibited.

Born on June 16

Anatoly Chubais (born 1955), Russian politician

Anatoly Chubais was born in Borisov, in a military family. But he did not continue the military dynasty, but entered the Engineering and Economics Institute in Leningrad, which in 1977 successfully graduated. He was always drawn to trade and economics. He even sold tulips at one time. As he joked, he became acquainted with the basics of a market economy. In 1983 He became a candidate of economic sciences, defending a dissertation. In the 90s. He was an adviser to the mayor of Leningrad on economic issues. Chubais is one of the most unpopular Russian statesmen who cannot be forgotten by privatization when state property was not quite rightfully transferred to a certain group of people.

Maxim Pokrovsky (born 1968), Russian musician

Maxim Pokrovsky is the permanent leader of the “Keep the Foot Down” group, which he and his friend founded in 1988. The team quickly became popular at first in narrow circles, and then among listeners throughout the country. Maxim writes almost all the songs for the group himself. He writes music for many films, and his song "Let's Go East" became the official soundtrack to the famous film "Turkish Gambit". Maxim Pokrovsky can be seen not only on the music scene. He acts in films, plays in the theater, takes part in reality and television shows. In addition to music, Max Pokrovsky has two other main hobbies - car racing and horseback riding, to which he devotes his free time.

Name day June 16

Denis, Athanasius, Lavrenty, Dmitry, Pavel, Semyon, Julian, Lukyan, Sophia, Polina, Ulyana


Watch the video: JOJO SIWA'S EPIC 16TH BIRTHDAY PARTY!! (July 2024).